
10 Benefits Of Being Raised In Suburbia & 10 Ways Being A City Kid Is Better

10 Benefits Of Being Raised In Suburbia & 10 Ways Being A City Kid Is Better

Would You Rather Be A City Slicker Or A Burbite?

It's not uncommon for parents to move to a large house in the suburbs when they're expecting, opting for greater space, safety, and vast backyards. Despite the greater stress some parents may feel about letting their kids roam free in the city, there are merits to being raised in an urban center. Early exposure to the sometimes chaotic craziness of city life can give children a richer, more well-rounded upbringing. Here are 10 benefits of being raised in Suburbia and 10 ways being a city kid is better.

boy on wooden porch near railingChris Benson on Unsplash

1. Space To Roam & Play

Perhaps the biggest pull for parents when they choose to raise their kids in Suburbia is the greater amount of space for them to play. In the suburbs, you have large lawns and spacious houses where your kids can spread out and move.

four boy playing ball on green grassRobert Collins on Unsplash

2. Life Is Generally Less Expensive

The cost of living in suburbs is notably less than in cities. Having less of your income going towards things like groceries and mortgages allows you to spend more on activities for your child. 

white and brown concrete house near green trees under blue sky during daytimeZac Gudakov on Unsplash

3. It's Safer

As the crime rates in the suburbs are much lower than those in cities, parents can feel more relaxed about their kids playing outside. There's also less traffic meaning less risk of children being hit by cars. 

white and brown house near green grass field during daytimeJohnson Johnson on Unsplash


4. It's Cleaner

With millions of people living in close quarters, greater industry, and traffic, cities are notably dirtier than suburbs. Kids in the suburbs are exposed to less pollution and grime.

aerial photography housesBlake Wheeler on Unsplash

5. Better Schools

Schools in the suburbs generally have higher education scores than those in cities. They're also smaller and often have better amenities. 

boy in green sweater writing on white paperCDC on Unsplash

6. Stronger Community

The sense of community in a suburban neighborhood is generally much stronger than in the downtown core. In Suburbia, it's common for parents and kids to foster close friendships with other families in the neighborhood, easily relating to each other because they're all in similar life stages. 

people sitting on ground while forming round during daytimeKylie Lugo on Unsplash

7. Less Noise Pollution

The constant activity in cities makes for a noisy environment whereas the quiet suburban streets offer peace and serenity. A lot of noise pollution can be annoying, cause sleep disturbances, and even cognitive impairment in children.

cars parked on side of the road during daytimeNikola Knezevic on Unsplash

8. Stronger Family Bonds

With fewer things to do and fewer distractions than in cities, you end up spending more time in your family unit, creating a stronger bond. 

man in white shirt carrying girl in gray shirtNathan Dumlao on Unsplash

9. Better Access To Green Spaces

Although most cities have urban parks, there is still much less greenery than in the suburbs. Suburban neighborhoods have lawns, trees, and many more parks for kids to enjoy. 

green trees on green grass field during daytimeBeth Macdonald on Unsplash


10. Less Traffic

Streets in the suburbs are much quieter than in the cities with way fewer cars. This makes for more peaceful, safe, and less polluted streets. 

white-and-red housesAvi Waxman on Unsplash

Now that we've covered the advantages of being raised in the suburbs, let's go over the benefits of growing up in a city. 

1. You Develop Street Smarts

Being street smart is having the knowledge and experience to deal with potential dangers and challenges of urban life. If you grow up in a city, you develop this at a young age which helps you more seamlessly transition into adult life. 

high rise buildings city scape photographyben o'bro on Unsplash

2. Greater Cultural Exposure

Inner-city kids get exposed to a plethora of cultures that suburban kids generally don't. This exposure makes your kids more tolerant and open-minded with better social adaptability. 

child looking at Empire State building through tower viewerMaarten van den Heuvel on Unsplash

3. You Have A More Rounded Education

Suburban kids may have access to slightly better schools, but education goes far beyond what happens in the classroom. The cultural exposure kids get from being raised in the city makes them arguably more educated and better set up for life.

boy standing while reading mapJESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

4. Greater Independence

City kids are generally more independent, self-assured, and confident than suburban ones. From an early age, they're even navigating their way around the city, encountering new people and challenges while suburban kids are confined to their neighborhood block, only going where their parents can drive them. 

three boys walking between buildings at daytimeCharu Chaturvedi on Unsplash

5. More Career Opportunities

Living in a city exposes kids to greater career opportunities when they reach working age. They also get exposed to different walks of life that may inspire them when the time comes to choose a path.

kaboompicskaboompics on Pixabay


6. There Are More Ways To Spend A Day

Cities have way more cool things to offer not just to adults but to kids too. On any given weekend there are events for kids and museums and places like the zoo are readily accessible.

man in yellow shirt riding motorcycle with woman in yellow shirtTron Le on Unsplash

7. Less Driving

In the city, you don't have to drive to get to most places. Many destinations are easily walkable and where your feet can't take you, public transportation can, making life much more convenient. 

people crossing road during daytimePatrick Tomasso on Unsplash

8. Parents Have More Time

If you live and work in the city, you can get to work by bike, public transit, or by foot if you're lucky to live close enough. With less time devoted to commuting, parents have more time to spend with their children. 

woman holding kid at the streetSai De Silva on Unsplash

9. You Develop A Thick Skin

City kids have the reputation of being more resilient than sheltered suburbanites. While they may be exposed to some shocking scenes every now and then, it sets them up well for life which inevitably entails stressors. 

grayscale photography of crowd of peopleKE ATLAS on Unsplash

10. You Get Exposed To Multiple Languages

If you want your kids to learn another language, raise them in a city. Cities are multicultural hubs where your child will get much more exposure to foreign languages with opportunities to practice. 

two men riding bicycle during daytimeJosip Ivankovic on Unsplash