Where Do You Fit in Your Family Tree?
No matter where you are in the birth order, each child comes with their own set of traits—sometimes stereotypical and other times right on the money. Let’s explore some telltale signs you’re the oldest in your family and which ones point to the youngest.
1. You Feel Like the “Practice Kid”
Parents learn a lot along the way, and while they want what’s best for their children, it’s easy to feel like they made some mistakes with you. Older siblings often feel like they were dealt harsher punishments or had more restrictions in place than their younger siblings.
2. You’re Very Responsible
Older siblings were often the more responsible ones in the bunch. Whether you were left to take care of your younger siblings or set an example for them, the burden fell on your shoulders—especially once you were old enough to babysit.
3. You Were Definitely a Babysitter
Speaking of which, older siblings were always tasked with babysitting. It may have been fun at first—being “in charge” of your younger siblings—but the novelty quickly faded. Soon you were dealing with school and the challenges of young adulthood while also watching over others.
4. You Were Like a Third Parent
The oldest in the family is often a third parent. You were likely tasked with chores and responsibilities well past your years and believed mature enough to handle them. You probably had to tutor your younger siblings too!
5. You Were Held to Higher Standards
While it’s nice to get acknowledged for accomplishments, it’s a whole other ball game to be the perfect shining star. You had to get the best grades. You had to set the best example. After all, you were the ones everyone was watching.
6. You Watched Your Siblings Make the Same Mistakes
One of the most interesting things about growing up is watching your siblings make all the same mistakes. Regardless of how your parents handled it, there’s something very human about watching your younger brother sneak out of the house—just like you did.
7. You Were Blamed More Often
Older siblings never had the freedom for mistakes. When the younger ones came around, it was time for you to set an example. It makes sense in theory, but it also very easily led to feelings of resentment. You might have even become a perfectionist in adulthood.
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8. You’re an Overachiever
With so much pressure looming over you, older siblings often grow into overachievers. They may strive for perfection at work, take on more responsibilities, or never feel satisfied with their accomplishments.
9. You’re Expected to be Strong
Older siblings aren’t always given the grace to express their emotions. Parents and even younger siblings may expect them to remain strong, even in the face of serious obstacles.
10. You May Resent Your Family
It’s easy for any child to resent their parents, but older siblings can hold particular grudges. It’s not always easy growing up in a strict environment, especially if you feel like you were forced to grow up faster than you wanted.
Leighann Blackwood on Unsplash
On the other hand, younger siblings come with their fair share of traits too! Let’s dive into common signs you’re the baby of the family.
1. You’re Probably a Little Spoiled
While it obviously doesn’t happen in every family, younger siblings are often spoiled. From getting more freedom to scoring the best presents, they’re often considered the pampered child. That said, this is also a common stereotype without much evidence to support it, so while it’s true in some cases, it’s the total opposite in others!
2. You Can Entertain Yourself
Many younger siblings were left to their own devices as kids. With their big brothers and sisters out living their lives, they were pretty much forced to entertain themselves. It may have been a little lonely during childhood, but you’re likely more comfortable with your company in adulthood.
3. You Weren't Taken Seriously
It seems no matter what you say or how you feel, some people fluff you off as “being the baby.” It’s disheartening to share aspirations only to get met with such a stereotypical response, and those feelings seep into adulthood.
4. You’re in Someone Else’s Shadow
As difficult as it is for older siblings to have their set of standards, younger siblings see the same expectations. There’s a straight-A student right in front of you—so now you’re expected to achieve the same heights.
5. You Got a Bunch of Hand-Me-Downs
You had older siblings and you know what that means: hand-me-downs! We all love a good trip to the thrift store, but most younger siblings wondered why their closets were filled with things they'd definitely seen before.
6. You Get More…and Lose More
It’s hard to pinpoint whether younger siblings had it easier or worse. In some cases, they had more freedom or fewer rules to follow. In other cases, they didn’t have the same access to what their older siblings did. For example, you may have gotten a cellphone earlier but weren’t given money for textbooks when you went off to school.
Juliane Liebermann on Unsplash
7. You Feel Ignored
Some younger siblings feel a little left in the lurch. After their older sibling already graduated or scored a good job, the same excitement wasn't always there when they did it years later.
8. You’re Protected the Most
Many younger siblings are treated like the baby—even into adulthood—and that means constant protection. Whether it’s confronting bullies in the schoolyard or sticking up for you against a parent, you’ll always have someone in your corner.
9. You Have Several Role Models
From parents and teachers to older siblings and cousins, the youngest child always has someone to look up to. It’s comforting to know that you have people for guidance whereas older siblings may have felt the need to take on the role themselves.
10. You Feel Dismissed
Younger siblings aren’t always given the same attention as their older siblings. Growing up, it may have felt like you were dismissed because of your age or inexperience, which might cause you to be reserved in adulthood. Craig Adderley on Pexels