
20 Common Habits That Break Up Relationships

20 Common Habits That Break Up Relationships

Will Your Bad Habits Tear Your Relationship Apart?

It's healthy to argue with your significant other sometimes, but there's a limit. If you don't work on changing certain habits, it can put a lot of stress on your relationship. From too much screen time to avoiding confrontation, here are 20 bad habits that often lead to breakups:

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1. Prioritizing Work

When work gets more attention than you, we have a problem. If your partner doesn't have their priorities in order, putting work at the top often becomes a habit. If someone feels less important than a job, they'll feel unwanted and seek another partner who puts them first. 

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2. Texting While Talking

Too much screen time is a bad habit that can drive a partner crazy. When you're having a conversation with them and they pick up their phone, you feel unimportant, and you might as well be talking to the wall. Some people can't let their text messages sit for two minutes, or they live on their device instead of in reality, pushing their partner out of the picture. 

man in black crew-neck top using smartphoneJonas Leupe on Unsplash

3. Treating A Partner Like A Parent

You're definitely not their mother, but sometimes you feel like you are. When you're constantly picking up your partner's clothes off the floor or catering to their every need, you start to feel like they're your adult child.


This dynamic causes tension in relationships and often leads to breakups. 

Ron LachRon Lach on Pexels

4. Personality Improvement Plan

Maybe you wish your partner would change back to the person you fell in love with, or maybe you're always trying to improve them. It’s common to want to change your partner but they'll likely be resistant to change. Diminishing their personality and telling them to be better will drive them away instead of considering your improvement plan. 

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5. All Talk, No Action

It can be infuriating dealing with a partner with this habit. Every argument they say the same thing about how they'll do better, and then a few days later, the same thing happens all over again. They're all talk and no action, forcing you to want out of the stressful relationship.

man in gray crew neck long sleeve shirt standing beside woman in black crew neck shirtAfif Ramdhasuma on Unsplash

6. Acting Like A Princess

Does your partner think they're Prince Charming or Princess Perfect? It's not cute and it's not a healthy habit to treat you like their servant. They always manage to get you to do the dirty work or expect you to drop what you're doing to cater to their needs. A partner like that will force you to escape the castle and seek a better fairytale. 

woman sitting on sofa chairAlice Alinari on Unsplash

7. Always In Denial 

They never take the blame or they deny ever doing any wrong. A partner with this habit will cause major fights between you.


Someone who's in constant denial is a red flag for a liar as well and not suitable for a healthy relationship.

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8. Holding Grudges

Holding grudges never solves your problems, it only makes things worse. If you have the habit to hold a grudge to use for attack later, it won't work in your favor. Everyone makes mistakes but if you can't let something go your relationship will suffer. 

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9. Bottling Up Emotions

If you're dealing with a partner that bottles up their emotions, you're probably sick of it. When they explode out of the blue it makes you uneasy. This sort of habit only leads to unresolved issues, misunderstandings, and bigger arguments down the road. 

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10. Taking For Granted

It can become a habit taking someone for granted and it's easy to do to a generous person. If the lack of appreciation is one-sided, it'll make one of you feel unloved and used. Being taken for granted isn't a nice feeling and that's enough to encourage someone to end things. 

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11. Ignoring Boundaries

Ignoring boundaries is a slippery slope, especially if you're in a long-term relationship. Your partner might not respect your boundaries because they become too comfortable and forget they still need consent. Consistent ignorance makes you feel disrespected and will eventually push you away.



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12. Constant Nagging

Constant nagging becomes irritating. Someone will eventually explode if they're being nitpicked every day. If your partner is giving you a permanent headache, it'll easily persuade you to move out. 

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13. Withholding Affection

If you never receive a compliment from your partner, it can weaken your self-esteem. If they don't express their love much, you'll begin to wonder if they care about you at all. If they don't treat you like their favorite person, you'll eventually want to move on to find someone who does.

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14. Talking Smack About Family

Some people make a bad habit out of negative talk. If your partner is constantly talking poorly of your family members or friends it can become toxic and mentally draining. You don't need to hear their unwanted opinions and they can take their bad energy out the door with them.

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15. Always Making Comparisons

If your partner is always comparing your relationship to others it can cause more harm than good. They're not building you up and making progress in your relationship, they're just insulting you. Someone with this habit doesn't support a relationship, they wear it down until their partner's had enough.   

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16. Avoiding Confrontation 

Avoiding confrontation is a common habit because it feels like the easier route. Avoiding confrontation with your partner is never a constructive move.


You need to be able to work out problems together and if you can't, the relationship will suffer.  

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17. I Can Flirt, You Can't

Is your partner a big flirt but won't admit it? If they see you receiving attention from someone else though, they're not shy to point it out. This kind of behavior is a toxic trait and won't work in a monogamous relationship. 

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18. Pretending To Listen 

It's irritating and disrespectful when a partner doesn't listen. They nod in acknowledgment but when you bring the topic up again they act like it's brand new. Someone with this bad habit will eventually force their partner to end the relationship once they're fed up.   

man in red dress shirt and blue denim jeansLarry George II on Unsplash

19. Financial Secrets

Money is often a touchy subject with couples. If you have an unhealthy relationship with money, it reflects on your romantic relationship as well. Hiding debt or making investments without a mutual decision can lead to distrust and broken hearts. 

Andrea PiacquadioAndrea Piacquadio on Pexels

20. Wanting Too Much PDA

Sometimes if a partner feels the constant need for public displays of affection, they push their other half away. If you're both cool with it, by all means, smooch in public. But if one half feels uncomfortable with PDA, it can cause hurt feelings and tension in the relationship. 

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