
20 Greek Mythology-Inspired Baby Names For Your Little God Or Goddess

20 Greek Mythology-Inspired Baby Names For Your Little God Or Goddess

The Stuff of Legends

Picking a baby name is no easy feat—you have thousands of options, both parents are often torn, and it’s hard to know which ones will withstand the test of time. To give you a little help, we’ve compiled some legendary names that still ring throughout history!  

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1. Achilles

Go big or go home—we're talking about mythological names here! Achilles might sound a little out there by today’s standards, but he was written as a highly respected warrior of the Trojan War, a man dipped in the river of Styx who was practically indestructible. As far as names go, it doesn’t get any stronger. 

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2. Alexandra

Alexandra may have been a popular mythological name, but it remains a sought-after choice in today’s world too. It’s easy to see why! The name loosely translates to “the one who comes to save warriors,” and that’s a pretty legendary meaning. It was also one of the epithets given to Hera, so it’s practically a double-win. 

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3. Atlas

Atlas was a Titan, the man who quite literally carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. (Shoutout to Zeus for another parenting mishap.) While we’d obviously want better for our own children, his solemn tale isn’t enough to shake our love of the name. 

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4. Cassandra

Cassandra has a pretty unfortunate backstory. Legend has it that she was blessed with the gift of prophecy but cursed to have no one believe her. Don’t let that somber tale deter you from such a beautiful name, though—just make sure you believe your daughter’s fortune-telling.

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5. Damon

If the name Damon makes you feel more peaceful, there’s a good reason. It roughly translates to “the one who tames,” so talk about a calming presence right out of the gate. Maybe donning your newborn with the name will help them sleep through the night! 

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6. Daphne

You might think of Scooby Doo first. Maybe you think of Frasier of Bridgerton. Now you can add a beautiful nymph to the list, one best associated with water. However you choose to remember her, this stunning name remains a popular choice among new parents. 

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7. Dion

Though “Dion” boils down to a follower of Dionysus, it’s a much more modern take on the Greek god’s full name. We love that it’s unique enough to stand out and is also a unisex option, which opens a lot of doors if you’re still undecided! 

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8. Delia

Delia might not have the same recognition as others in mythology, but there’s a reason this delicate name popped up throughout history. It was an epithet given to Artemis and is translated to “exalted one.” Think of it as a feminine name that immediately demands respect.

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9. Hector

If you’re looking for legendary names, Hector’s right up there with the best of them. As a leading hero in the Iliad, his name essentially means “holding fast.” Achilles may have a better marketing team but Hector holds his own as a strong, courageous name. 

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10. Harmony

What better way to welcome your daughter than with a name as precious as her? The goddess’s actual name was Harmonia, the embodiment of harmony and concord. While modern takes stick to plain ‘ol Harmony, there’s no shame in paying homage to the original—both capture femininity and grace.

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11. Hermes

Alright, we won’t lie. This name roughly translates to “heap of stones,” and we know that sounds a little lackluster. However, Hermes was widely regarded as the herald of the gods and a protector of merchants, travelers, and fellow heralds alike. He was also an underworld deity, one of the only ones who could travel through all three planes. There’s much more to this name than meets the eye!

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12. Iris

Iris is already the name of a gorgeous flower but also translates to “rainbow,” so it doesn’t get any girlier than this! In fact, Iris was the very goddess of rainbows in Greek mythology, traveling from earth to the heavens on a bridge made of them. There’s no better way to encapsulate the joy of new parenthood. 

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13. Jason

You’ve undoubtedly heard the name Jason before, but you might not know about its mythological origins. Jason was a mighty hero in search of the Golden Fleece, leading an army of Argonauts to find the famous pelt before he eventually got it. It’s a strong, mighty name that’s perfect for many sons. 

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14. Leda

In Greek mythology, Leda had unparalleled beauty and grace. She was often hailed for her stunning dark hair and snow-white skin, though she was much more than her looks. Her name is thought to mean “happy” and legend has it that this princess became a Spartan queen. Such a well-praised name deserves consideration!

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15. Linus

Storybooks don’t have much on Linus other than he was a talented musician. His name is believed to mean “flax,” and while that sounds a bit boring, we’re still big fans of this classic choice. (It also helps that we think of Peanuts.) 

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16. Maia

Why not bestow your blessings on your child? Maia roughly comes from Latin for “mother” and “greater,” which is a beautiful way to honor both your child and your bond. Not much is known about Maia in mythology besides her being Hermes’s mother, but the name’s meaning is more than enough for us!

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17. Myles

Myles is a good name for humble folks everywhere. In mythology, he’s recognized as the first human to invent a mill and his name even translates to “mill-man.” He doesn’t jump off the pages of the Iliad, but he holds a strong place in history with an even stronger name.

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18. Phoebe

Try not to think of Phoebe Buffay on this one—no, this Phoebe was one of the original twelve Titans and the goddess of intellect. Her name translates to “bright” or “radiant,” making this a top choice for new parents everywhere! 

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19. Phoenix

Who doesn’t want to name their child after an immortal bird born from flames? (Though, in Greek mythology, Phoenix was also known as Achilles’ tutor!) Whichever legend inspires you, nothing quite tops this one. 

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20. Zephyr

We end with another standout unisex name, one that means “gentle breeze.” While the full version is technically “Zephyrus,” who was the god of the west wind, either works amazingly well for your bundle of joy.  

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