
20 Lesser-Known Skills Your Kids Will Wish You Taught Them

20 Lesser-Known Skills Your Kids Will Wish You Taught Them

Life Lessons

We all want to set our kids up for success, and part of that means preparing them for their adult lives. Many parents leave the teaching to school systems, but the truth is no one showed us how to do our taxes in school, nor how to fix a clogged toilet. Here are 20 skills we wish our parents had taught us.

For Couples With Children, This Option Lets The Whole Family Get In On The Halloween Fun. Don Your Latex Superhero Suits And Pack The Kids For A Night Of Trick Or Treating And Fighting Crime. (54)Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich on Pexels

1. Cooking Skills

Many people worry about letting a ten-year-old near sharp utensils or hot oil, but if you’ve seen MasterChef Kids, you know it’s completely possible. Start small by teaching your kid how to make peanut butter sandwiches or heat up instant ramen.

woman in black and white striped long sleeve shirt holding stainless steel bowlAnnie Spratt on Unsplash

2. Budgeting

Most children have little concept of money and think their parents are endless ATMs. This is why it’s important to show your child how to handle money early on. For example, take them grocery shopping, give them $20, and ask them to purchase a few items from your list. Whatever money they save, they can spend on themselves.

Photo By: Kaboompics.comPhoto By: Kaboompics.com on Pexels

3. Dividing Chores

Simply giving your kids chores isn’t enough. It’s better to teach them to manage the household altogether. Let them come up with a weekly chore plan and incentivize them to stick to it. These are skills they’ll need when they have roommates or partners of their own.

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4. Gratitude

Whether your child is on the spoiled side or is of modest means, it’s important to teach gratitude. Being thankful for both big and small things is a great way to bolster mental health and emotional resilience. You could even gift them a cool-looking gratitude journal.

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5. Calendar Management

While most adults keep their calendars on their phones or taped to their fridges, it’s important to block out time and plan ahead for events. Giving your child a calendar encourages them to keep track of tests and extracurricular activities.

a white and black calendar phone case sitting on top of a tableBehnam Norouzi on Unsplash

6. Basic First Aid

It’s important to prepare your child for emergencies. Teach them how to bandage wounds or use an EpiPen if they have severe allergies. Hopefully, they’ll never have to use these skills.

person with band aid on middle fingerDiana Polekhina on Unsplash

7. Taxes

You might want to wait until they’re a bit older before having this talk, but it’s a skill many of us missed out on. If you’re unsure about the process yourself, there are classes offered by tax services that break it all down.

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8. Critical Thinking

Teaching your child to think critically opens up their minds to all sorts of possibilities. Instead of watching movies at face value, encourage them to figure out the movie’s message or teach them how to find hints that relate to deeper themes.

girl sitting inside carJoseph Gonzalez on Unsplash

9. Sorting Garbage

A lot of people move into their first place with no idea how to sort garbage. What counts as recycling, and what happens if you do it wrong? Additionally, how do you compost, and do you leave that on the street, too? These are important questions to answer early.

four assorted-color trash bins beside gray wallPawel Czerwinski on Unsplash


10. Productivity

Lots of kids fall into the trap of procrastination, and most adults aren’t any better. Teaching them techniques to boost productivity, such as the 80/20 rule or time-blocking, is a great way to set them up for life.

grey and black pen on calendar bookRenáta-Adrienn on Unsplash

11. Time Management

If your kid is chronically late or always delaying errands, they’re probably managing their time poorly. Teach them time management by having them sit down and plan out their day, writing down what they’ll spend each hour doing. This way, they’re not sitting in front of the TV from 3 p.m. to bedtime.

brown wooden table clock at 10 10Artem Maltsev on Unsplash

12. Meditation

While younger kids may struggle with this, meditation and self-awareness are great ways to help ground oneself. When your kids are older and struggle with stress, wellness skills will be essential for protecting their mental health.

person doing meditation outdoorsKsenia Makagonova on Unsplash

13. Digital Safety

In the era of technology, many kids keep sensitive information on their devices. This is why you need to teach them how to avoid scams and why they should use different passwords for every account.

girl watching behind boy holding smartphoneTim Gouw on Unsplash

14. Self Security

Keeping oneself safe physically is just as important as being digitally cautious. Teach your kids to avoid alleys or strangers and remind young girls that they don’t have to worry about being nice or polite when they’re in a suspicious situation.

shallow focus photo of toddler walking near riverDaiga Ellaby on Unsplash

15. Agreeing to Disagree

Since humans are social creatures, conflict resolution is an essential skill. In today’s politically charged world, it’s more important than ever to be able to agree to disagree. Show your kids how to have a little grace and not sweat the small stuff.

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16. Tech Skills

Since many of us rely on technology for work and day-to-day tasks, it’s important to teach your child basic technology skills. This could be as simple as knowing how to restart the computer when it slows down or how to check and optimize internet speed.

MacBook Pro on top of brown tableKari Shea on Unsplash

17. Legal Awareness

Most people know not to steal or speed, but there are many laws your child may be unaware of. Helping them understand the rules of their city and the severity of consequences is a good way to shape them into honest citizens.

Sora ShimazakiSora Shimazaki on Pexels

18. Networking

Few children recognize the benefits of networking, but teaching your kid early on to build communities and maintain positive rapport will help them later in life. Encourage them to build bridges instead of burning them.

2 women sitting on brown wooden benchJarritos Mexican Soda on Unsplash

19. Car Maintenance

Teaching your child to drive is a rite of passage for any parent, but car maintenance is just as important. Show your kid how to change a tire or when to switch the oil and let them know what to do in the event of an accident.

Ron LachRon Lach on Pexels

20. Self Defense

It’s common for parents to put their kids in martial arts for exercise or fun, but self-defense is a vital skill everyone should have. The ability to protect oneself is incredibly important, which is why every child should at least learn the basics.

man in white button up shirt and green necktieAshima Pargal on Unsplash