
20 Questions To Get To Know Your Parents On A Whole New Level

20 Questions To Get To Know Your Parents On A Whole New Level

These Questions Are Guaranteed To Teach You Things You Never Knew 

Once we reach adulthood, our parents have a different significance to us. Instead of seeking care from them, we seek their counsel. As we experience the things they're already been through, like the ups and downs of a career, romantic relationships, and childrearing, they become our indispensable source for wisdom. Aside from reaping the benefits of their life experience, as we grow up, we want to get to know them as the people they are, not just as our parents. Here are 20 questions for bringing you closer and getting to know them on a whole new level. 

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1. What Kind Of Future Life Did You Dream For Yourself?

Your parents' vision for their older selves when they were young can tell you a lot about their aspirations. Did they achieve their goals? If not, why not, and do they regret it?

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2. What Song Do You Most Associate With You High School Years?

This one might surprise you. The music they enjoyed as a teenager can tell you a lot about the type of person they were back then. 

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3. What Are The Most Important Lessons You've Learned About Love?

This question doubles as relationship advice for you. Whether your parents' relationship is a successful one or not, asking this can give you insight into their attitudes about love and how they tackle the challenges of long-term relationships.

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4. What's The Hardest Choice You've Ever Had To Make?

There's no way your parents haven't been confronted with a metaphorical fork in the road at some point in their lives. This is a good question to ask to prepare yourself for when it happens to you.

man wearing gray T-shirt standing on forestCaleb Jones on Unsplash

5. What Was Your First Serious Relationship Like?

Whether it was with each other or with someone else entirely, it's interesting to learn about your parents' relationships. Just make sure not to stir up any sore spots or jealousy. 

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6. What's Something You've Always Wanted To Do But Never Had The Chance?

This question gives you insight into your parents' hopes and dreams. It can also give you ideas for their next birthday presents. 

white and red airplane in mid air during daytimeKamil Pietrzak on Unsplash

7. Did You Ever Have A Moment Where You Almost Took A Completely Different Life Path?

This question will no doubt breed a very interesting conversation. Perhaps your parents were once offered an opportunity that would've changed their entire life course. Do they ever regret not taking that path?

gray and white pathway between green plants on vast valleyLili Popper on Unsplash

8. What's The Biggest Challenge You've Ever Had To Face?

Get ready for a possible emotional discussion with this one. From economic hardships to health concerns and the loss of loved ones, your parents have certainly had to face difficulties you never knew about or could not imagine.

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9. What One Piece Of Advice Would You Give Your Younger Self?

After all their years of life experience, narrowing themselves down to one might be a tall order. Once they get there, though, that sole piece of advice will be invaluable. 

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10. How Would Your Parents Have Described You When You Were In High School?

This isn't the movies: there's no way to go back in time and meet your parents before you were born, but this question is the next best thing. It'll give you insight into how they were as people as well as their relationship with their parents.

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11. How Did You Decide What To Do In Your Career?

Many of us never truly figure out the answer to the question of what we want to be when we grow up. Asking your parents how they landed on their career path might help you narrow your scope. 

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12. Were You Popular In High School?

Asking this question will help complete the picture of your parents as teens. If they weren't popular, what common clique were they part of? 

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13. When Did You Know You Were In Love With Mom/Dad?

Have you ever heard your parents' love story? Have them re-tell it and watch the sparkle return to their eye. Maybe this question can help re-ignite some romance between them. 

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14. What Scares You The Most?

As children, we believe our parents are invincible and impervious to fear. However, as we grow up, we understand that they're just humans with phobias, flaws, and weaknesses like everyone else. Have you ever asked them what keeps them up at night? 

woman covering her face with blanketAlexandra Gorn on Unsplash

15. How Many Times Have You Been In Love?

This is a bit of a saucy question, but if you have a good rapport with your parents, go ahead and ask it. It'll give you insight into who your parents were before they were together. 

woman on bike reaching for man's hand behind her also on bikeEverton Vila on Unsplash


16. What's One Mistake You Made That You'd Never Want Me To Make?

There are mistakes that you get past and learn from, and then there are mistakes that you'd never wish on anyone. Your parents have surely made both. Knowing which ones you really ought to avoid will help you in life. 

red Wrong Way signage on roadKenny Eliason on Unsplash

17. What's Your Worst Habit?

Your parents are full of flaws. Like most of us, they're aware of their own bad habits and are constantly working to improve themselves. 

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18. Have You Ever Broken Someone's Heart?

Is your mom or dad a heartbreaker? This is a side of them you've probably never seen. Now that you're an adult, you can have fun and discuss these things. 

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19. What Was Your Most Difficult Phase Of Life? 

Life is not all smooth sailing. Asking your parents this question can give you insight into the kinds of things they went through and can help you know what to expect. 

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20. What's Your Proudest Moment?

Don't be disappointed if their proudest moment has nothing to do with you. Maybe it was a career milestone you didn't know was so meaningful to them or a personal achievement. Whatever it is, getting them talking about it will have them beaming.

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