Turns Out Our Parents Weren't Wrong At All
We're sure that for many of you, growing up consisted of disagreeing with your parents on many things. Sometimes they seemed too strict, sometimes they seemed too cringey, and sometimes they just didn't make sense at all. But have you thought about their actions in recent years as you've gotten older? Some of those behaviors and actions they once did might just start making more sense to you. Here are 20 things you might not realize that you're doing that show you're slowly turning into your parents.
1. You Go To The Airport Way Too Early
Ever wake up to your dad telling you it's time to go to the airport, only for you to turn to your clock and see that it's...6 in the morning?! Growing up, you probably always wondered why you had to be there 6 hours early. After all, what's the difference between waiting at the airport and at home? But now that you've gotten older, you're starting to understand that panic of missing your flight. Heading over 2 hours earlier slowly creeps up to 3, 4, and soon you're following in your dad's footsteps.
2. You Shop For Clothes At Costco
Costco is the one stop wonder for all adults. Who cares about clubbing when you've got a Costco membership? And it's not just food that's all the hype.
Over the years, have you noticed yourself gaining more attention towards the clothing aisle? You used to joke about your parents buying all their clothes at Costco, but those cheap deals are really starting to look attractive...
3. You Love A Good Dad Joke
While you used to groan at all the dad jokes your parents would tell you, we wouldn't be surprised if you're finding yourself being the one to tell them now. Our humor changes as we get older, and the once crude or childish jokes we once loved will no longer hit the same. So when that day comes for you, be prepared to fall in love with puns and kid-friendly jokes that will have you bursting out in laughter.
4. You Rave About Good Deals At The Grocery Store
You may have once shared crazy stories about late night adventures with your friends, but as we age, we wouldn't be surprised if that changes to the crazy 2 for 1 sale you found at the grocery store. Everyone needs to eat, meaning grocery store visits are a must. And thanks to the soaring prices of today's markets, we can't help but get excited over cheap deals and good finds. Are you finally understanding your parent's hype?
5. You Prefer Cooking At Home Over Eating Out
Remember the viral meme "We Have That At Home" which was about parents turning kids down when they asked to buy something? While the rejection hurt every time growing up, we're sure that by now, you're starting to understand what your parents meant.
When it comes to food, why spend $30 on a meal at McDonald's when you can make an arguably better burger at home for so much cheaper?
6. You Require Tech Support From Your Children
It's kind of crazy how quickly technology is advancing in our world. It feels as if the iPod Touch just came out yesterday! But with the world constantly changing, it can feel hard to keep up, especially as we grow older. So while you used to be annoyed by your parents asking for tech help all the time, we're pretty sure you're realizing you'll be in their shoes soon.
7. You Worry Your House Is Too Messy Before Guests Arrive
Despite having just cleaned the house, do you remember how frantic your mom would become before guests came over? It may have seemed clean to you, but to her, the house was a complete mess. And while that may have confused you before, it's funny how we find ourselves doing the same thing now. The next time you plan on hosting guests, check out your reaction before they arrive. Do you have the sudden urge to tidy up too?
8. You Dress For Comfort Over Style
Gone are the days of wearing heels that give you blisters, tight shirts that give you zero movement, and leather pants that stick to your skin. While looking good used to be the norm, dressing in comfort is the new way to go.
You may have once made fun of your parent's style growing up, but we're sure you'll follow in their footsteps soon.
9. You Love Reusing Tins and Boxes For Storage
You see that cookie tin in the drawer? How many times did you open that up expecting delicious sweet treats only to be disappointed by sewing materials? It didn't make sense as to why your parents stored things that way growing up, but now that you have so many little items that need a home, we bet you're either doing the same or starting to see the appeal.
10. You've Started Hoarding Things
Forget about the days of minimalism - parents and adults just love hoarding things. We're pretty sure their thought process is: well, this could some day come in handy. And that's how the garage just ends up a clutter of a mess. Your closet or storage space might not look that crazy just yet, but if you're starting to see things piling up in the corners, it's only a matter of time before you become your parents.
11. You Always Say, "Kids These Days"
With influencers and social media running rampant these days, kids are so engrossed by what's going on online. If you ever make comments about the youth, you're definitely starting to sound like your parents. Yes, things are not what they used to be and kids don't grow up the same way you did, but making a statement about it is what makes you sound like you're turning into your parents.
12. Your Parent's Rules Growing Up Start Making Sense
Kids always grow up thinking that their parents are way too strict on them. All these rules like using coasters on tables, sending a message when you arrive at your friend's house, and so on just seem so unnecessary when you're young. But as you get older, everything starts clicking in place and you understand why they set those rules to begin with.
13. You Love Telling The Same Story Over And Over Again
Did your parents ever share the same story with their friends or relatives over and over again? You might have rolled your eyes every single time, but you might just be the one doing the same thing now. Hey, if a story is really good, it never hurts to tell it a couple of times, right?
14. You Reminisce About The Past
You know you're getting old when you start thinking about the past and when you were young. It used to be funny hearing your parents always say, "Back in my day..". but you're starting to feel that same sentiment. Time sure does pass by quickly, and now you're seeing why your parents loved talking about the past so much.
15. You Prefer Staying In On A Weekend Over Going Out
Does it ever feel like randomly one day, you decided going out just wasn't for you anymore? Those wild, spontaneous weekend adventures just don't fly anymore!
Your parents used to love staying in on the weekend to relax or get chores done, and now, you feel the same way. There just isn't enough time on the weekdays to get stuff finished. Besides, who needs to go out when you have everything at home?
16. Your Spot After Work Is In Front Of The TV/On The Couch
After an exhausting day at work, there's nothing more comforting than lying down in your favorite spot and turning on your favorite show to relax to. It may have seemed boring watching your parents do that as a kid, but you definitely see the appeal now that you work a full time job. Your favorite spot in the house has become a symbol of unwinding and relaxing for the night.
17. You Look Forward To Grocery Shopping
If your weekends are now lined up with grocery shopping, you've definitely become your parents. Even more so if it's something you get excited about! All week, you've been planning your shopping list and searching for the best deals. Grocery shopping with your parents used to seem a bore, but now it feels like a playground! It sure makes sense why our parents loved it so much.
18. You Have To Turn Off The Lights In Every Room
Did you ever get in trouble as a kid for leaving lights on in a room after you've left?
It may have seemed like a weird thing to get scolded over, but now that you're an adult, we know those electricity bills don't pay for themselves!
19. You Love Knowing The Weather Forecast
Growing up, it always seemed like our parents knew what the weather was going to be. They knew that in three days it was going to rain, meaning it was time to wear warmer clothes, and that in one week, the sun was going to come out again so we could go to the beach. Now that you plan your own life, we're certain you're also keeping an eye on the forecast, just like your parents used to.
20. You Apply The Same Parenting Techniques As Your Parents
Once you have your own kids, take some time to reflect how you parent your child. Notice any similarities to your parents? Many of us grow to adopt the same parenting techniques our parents had for us. While we may have had disagreements as a child, time has shown us that they were right all along. Turns out, that sometimes, becoming our parents might not be so bad after all.