Don't Skip Out On These Lessons For Your Son
All parents just want the best for their kids, so if you've got a little boy at home still staring wide-eyed into the future, it's time to teach them some lessons that will help them as they get older. Here are 20 valuable life lessons that all sons should be taught before they become a man. It makes life easier to navigate when you've got these core beliefs in you!
1. Chivalry Is Not Dead
You may hear all the time that chivalry is dead, but it doesn't have to be. It's best you teach your son how to be a gentleman and have proper manners as they grow up so that it's ingrained in their beliefs while they're still young. The world could use a lot more kind and respectful people!
2. It's Okay To Cry
It's really sad thinking about how boys are taught that they're not allowed to cry. Whoever came up with this way of thinking is far too outdated! There's nothing wrong with letting your feels feel and letting emotions wash over you. Teach your boy that it's better to let your emotions out than in and that there is absolutely nothing wrong with shedding some tears when you need it.
3. There's Nothing Wrong With Pampering Yourself
Most people think pampering is a "feminine" activity, but really, it's about self-care and that involves everyone. Whether it's taking time to yourself, buying your favorite foods, or staying in for a solo movie night, do whatever you need to do to treat yourself. Because men need to take it easy too.
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4. Be Independent
While it's important you have a close group of loved ones you can always count on, it's crucial that sons learn you can't always rely on them to get the job done. Parents always strive to teach their boys how to be independent so they can take care of themselves during times when you have take on challenges alone.
5. Don't Bottle Up Your Emotions
Men are often told that being emotional or feeling your emotions is too "girly," forcing them to hold it all in. That's why it's up to parents to teach them the exact opposite - show them that it's unhealthy behavior and anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong.
6. Treat All Genders Equally
Sadly, we still live in a world where gender equality isn't fully there yet. That's why it's so crucial to teach your son at a young age that all genders deserve to be treated with respect and are equal in every way. These should be instilled while they're still young so that they don't become pressured by societal norms as they grow.
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7. What It Means To Be Respectful
Respect is a two-way street. Learning about it means understanding what it means to respect others and be respected in return. It's the foundation of any solid and healthy relationship, meaning this is one lesson parents absolutely can't skip out on. It can really shape what kind of adults kids become!
8. Don't Compare Yourself To Other People
Confidence is an important trait that helps people feel reassured and safe within themselves. That's why before society can get to them, it never hurts to teach your sons about loving yourself and not caring about what others think of you. Feeling the need to compare can be the worst way to go about things as you get older.
9. Work For What You Want
You want something? A toy, a car, a house? Well, then you have to work for it. Kids in general need to be taught that if you really want something, you have to work hard to get it. Because in this world and for the everyday person, nothing comes to you on a silver platter! It's all about teaching them the cycle of hard work and reward.
10. How To Cook For Yourself
No, women aren't the only ones who need to learn how to cook. This sexist stereotype is one that's got to go and it all starts with parents teaching them the right way! Not only does learning how to cook teach you how to be self-sufficient, it can inspire your son and teach them what it means to provide for others too.
11. Treat Others With Kindness
It's true what they say, that kindness can work miracles. The world would be such a happier, more peaceful place if everyone learned to be kind to one another! That's why you need to start teaching your sons early on that kindness is a beautiful trait, not a weak one. It might sound cliche but, learning to treat others the way you want to be treated is an invaluable lesson.
12. Learn From Others
Being confident is one thing, but refusing to ask for help or advice from others is just plain stubbornness. Sometimes the best way to grow is to learn from others! Parents need to teach their sons to be open to new perspectives and ideas so that they don't become too self-centered growing up.
13. Love Doesn't Make You Weak
Falling in love or loving someone doesn't make you weak - it makes you human. Because boys are often taught to suppress their emotions, they might see love as a weakness if they're not taught early on. That's why it's so important for parents to explain these beautiful feelings before they get to this stage.
14. Trust Your Instincts
That gut feeling that twists in your stomach when something feels wrong? Learn to trust that. Being able to follow your instincts is a valuable lesson that isn't taught enough. It's what saves you from making bad decisions sometimes!
15. Surround Yourself With Good People
Who you choose to surround yourself with can really dictate what path you walk down. That's why parents always stress the importance of picking good friends who truly love and look after you. Only spend time with people that make you happy and lift you up!
16. What Toxic Masculinity Is
Don't give into stereotypes! Toxic masculinity peer pressures boys into thinking they have to act a certain way that society perceives men to be, but don't make that your reality. It's called "toxic" for a reason! Never let others decide who you should be.
17. Keeping Your Word
Too often do people ignore the importance of "keeping your word" these days. Loyalty and honesty are two things that should never be overlooked! If you want to be seen as a respectable man, keeping your promises and owning up to them mean everything.
18. How To Save And Budget Properly
Money doesn't grow on trees and sometimes parents forget that their kids don't come into this world knowing that. While fancy cars, clothes, and tech all look really nice, they don't always make for the most responsible purchases. Teach your sons why money shouldn't be taken for granted and that saving and budgeting is the best thing you can do while you're growing.
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19. Personal Hygiene
Yes, parents need to walk their sons through the ins and outs of men's personal care. From shaving to doing their hair and using deodorant, boys need to be taught how to properly look after themselves. After all, personal hygiene is not just about respecting others but respecting yourself too!
20. Resolution With Words Not Hands
Boys sometimes have a tendency to want to duke things out in a physical manner rather than a verbal one. This can be especially dangerous if things get intense - no one needs to get hurt! Instead, it's important to teach your boys about the value of words. Expressing your feelings clearly and openly can de-escalate situations when they matter most.