
Youngest Child Syndrome: 20 Perks of Being the Youngest in the Family

Youngest Child Syndrome: 20 Perks of Being the Youngest in the Family

Older Sibs Walked So We Could Run

Sure, being the oldest in the fam has its perks, too, but if you grew up as the youngest sibling, you know exactly how good you had it. Not only did you get valuable intel from those wiser than you, you were also almost always excused from important responsibilities. What can you say? You're the baby, after all. From being the center of attention to being funnier than everyone else, here are 20 perks only last-borns get to enjoy.

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1. You Never Get Blamed for Anything

When you're the youngest in the family, you're often treated like a prized gem who can do no harm. Broken cup? That wasn't you. Dropped your dad's favorite vase? Well, why wasn't anybody looking after you? While your older siblings are used to taking all the heat, you're always let off easy.

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2. Center of Attention

You were the last born while your siblings were already a little (or a lot) older by then, so you've always been coddled and thought of as the cutest. What's even better is that you usually get all the cool birthday gifts and elaborate celebrations.

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3. What's Theirs is Yours

What's yours is yours, but what's theirs is also yours. As the youngest, you might have had trouble sharing with others because people were often lenient and gave you whatever you wished for. So, if your toy trunk was just a little fuller than your siblings', then that's just a perk of being the baby of the family.

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4. Wisdom & Advice from Older Sibling(s)

Because your siblings are older and wiser and have already lived through the experiences you'll need to go through, like high school and university and getting your first job, you have someone to go to for advice. You can learn from their mistakes as well, so you'll have a smoother ride.

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5. Parents Usually Say "Yes" to You

Being the youngest in the family, your parents probably rarely ever say no to you, unless it's a super ridiculous request or you're asking for a gift that's way too expensive. But the small stuff, like getting ice cream for dinner and skipping chores for a day (or three)? Yeah, they'll usually grant those.

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6. You're More Adventurous

Believe it or not, the notion that the youngest child of the family is typically more adventurous is backed by science. While older siblings usually assume their place as the "leader," those born last tend to experiment around and take risks to find their place and identity.

person diving from cliff to body of water during sunsetJosiah Gardner on Unsplash

7. You're Funnier

Funnily enough, this is another one backed by research. Referring again to that assumed hierarchy of siblings, where the oldest typically thinks of themselves as the leaders, they also often regard themselves to be more serious. The youngest child of the family, on the contrary, has the leeway to be more humorous and, well, unserious.

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8. Get to Hang Out with Older Kids

Being the baby of the family, you probably remember getting picked up by not only your older siblings, but your older siblings' friends. This meant you got to hang out with the cooler, more mature kids, and you definitely didn't forget to brag about that to your friends.

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9. You Get a Ride Everywhere

With your older siblings getting their driver's license first, you almost always had a ride to wherever you wanted to go. Even if they were too busy to give you a lift, you had your parents to pick you up. And perhaps it's because of this perk that you may or may not have delayed getting your own license.

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10. You've Got Bodyguards

Encountered a bully or a mean classmate? Don't worry—if your siblings went to the same school as you, they were practically your bodyguards. This perk persists even as you get older. Whether you're running from an obsessive ex or a rude coworker, you know your siblings have your back.

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11. Hand-Me-Downs

Another pro of being the youngest? When your siblings grow out of clothes, accessories, and other belongings, you typically get first dibs before they decide to sell or donate it. This means you could get a new pair of jeans or shoes without spending a dime!

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12. Less Responsibility

As the youngest, even if your parents expect some responsibility from you, you're typically not held liable as much as your older siblings are. Plus, since your siblings have more experience, they're usually the ones taking care of important business.

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13. Less Punishment

Just like how you probably never get blamed for anything being the youngest, even when you do get in trouble, you're met with less punishment than your siblings. Your parents coddle you and give you way more chances to atone for your mistakes than anyone else.

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14. Stronger Social Skills

Because you're already accustomed to hanging around the older, cooler kids from a young age, you're more likely to gain stronger social skills. Plus, because you're often at the center of attention, you're typically more outgoing than your siblings.

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15. You're More Creative

This is another belief that's backed by research. Studies have shown that while older siblings tend to have a higher IQ, last-borns are more creative. This likely stems from the perk of getting to experiment around and be adventurous, not being tied down to the same responsibilities older siblings have.

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16. You're More Adaptable

Whether you grew up with only one sibling or numerous brothers and sisters, you've probably encountered sudden shifts in rules and environments throughout your childhood. And because you constantly had to pivot and recalibrate quickly, you learned from a young age to be adaptable.

group of women standing on green grass field during daytimeArtem Kniaz on Unsplash

17. You're a Great Listener

Being the baby, you're constantly bombarded with advice from those older than you: your parents, your siblings, your teachers, your cousins. And because you're taught to listen to words of wisdom from a young age, you remain a great listener even as you grow up.

boy in blue long sleeve shirt sitting on swing during daytimeLucia Macedo on Unsplash

18. Natural Negotiator

Even though you probably constantly got away with things as the youngest, you likely still had to pull out all the stops for other things to go your way. So, from a young age, you already knew how to bargain and negotiate. Bedtime at 10 p.m. but still wanted to watch TV? What about 10 minutes more and you'll go to bed 10 minutes earlier tomorrow?

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19. More Freedom

Because you generally had fewer responsibilities, that meant you had more freedom. You weren't as confined to the expectations and rules that your older siblings had, so you had more time to explore different hobbies and try new things.

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20. Forever the Baby of the Family

At the end of the day, no matter how old you get, you'll always be the baby of the family. You'll always get special treatment and be coddled by your parents, siblings, and older relatives because you hold a treasured place in their hearts.

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