10 Awful Things About Growing Up In The ‘80s & 10 Amazing Things We’re Nostalgic For
The Best or Worst Decade Around?
People always look at their childhoods with rose-colored glasses. We remember the bike rides and freedom, no social media and incredible music. But just like anything, there’s always the good with the bad, so let’s explore the 10 best and worst things about living in the ‘80s.
1. People Smoked Indoors
Oh, what’s that? Sorry, we couldn’t see you through the totally acceptable plumes of cigarette smoke—all in this enclosed space! Oh yes, indoor smoking was very much the norm back then and it didn’t matter where you were. Cars, offices, and even restaurants were all polluted and we couldn’t do anything about it.
2. Technology Was Seriously Lacking
Okay, we could say this about any outdated technology, but stuff from the ‘80s was particularly bad. Answering machines, walkmans, and hilariously large cellphones are thankfully obsolete now, though they were all the rave back then. (However, we’d like to give a special shoutout to The Clapper.)
3. The Unfortunate Mullet
We know they were popular but come on, guys. Movies and TV shows can try all they want, but nothing will ever make this hairstyle cool. The phrase, “business in the front, party in the back” only made it worse.
4. Dangerous Toys
Sure, they were fun back in the day, but ‘80s toys were far from kid-friendly. We’re talking about lawn darts, fireworks, throwing stars, slip n’ slides—the list goes on. Don’t forget about the infamous Cabbage Patch riots, which was a real thing in 1983; trampling and physical violence broke out in department stores over those creepy little dolls.
5. Shag Carpets and Wood Paneling
We’ve all seen decor that refused to keep up with the times. What you’re left with is shag carpeting and hideous wood panels, not to mention the floral upholstery. You laugh now, but it was the style then. (Thank goodness it isn’t anymore.)
6. Car-Surfing
Now that we think about it, ‘80s toys didn’t hold a candle to the dangerous entertainment kids just invented. This goofy pastime is as insane as it sounds—passengers ride atop moving vehicles. Whether you held on for dear life or gently cruised on your friend’s car roof, this little stunt started in the ‘80s and caused almost 100 injuries in its heyday, dozens of which took lives.
7. Latchkey Kids
You might remember childhood freedom fondly, but not every kid enjoyed the independence. The sad fact was that a lot of parents worked well into the evening and left a lot of kids to fend for themselves. They were called “latchkey kids” in the ‘70s and ‘80s, and many studies pointed out the negative effects of such a childhood.
8. No Real Accessibility
Ugly haircuts and curtains aside, the ‘80s weren’t great for accessibility either. Visually impaired? Braille wasn’t accessible to everyone. Do you use a wheelchair? Ramps weren’t common for another decade. It’s hard to get giddy about a decade that didn’t exactly make it easy.
9. The World Wasn’t Great for Minorities
Minorities had it just as hard in the ‘80s. Everything from racial inequality to homophobia was not only common but also considered normal. There was no positive representation in the media. Minorities faced physical and verbal abuse. Overall, it was a pretty scary time to grow up.
Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash
10. The AIDS Epidemic
The so-called “gay panic” of the ‘80s didn’t help anything either. It was scary enough to see so many notable musicians, actors, and athletes lose their lives, but it’s estimated that over 100,000 people lost their lives throughout the decade. As you can imagine, that only fueled the fire against the LGBTQ+ community.
Anastasiia Chepinska on Unsplash
That isn’t to say that everything was a bust. The ‘80s still hold plenty of fond memories, so let’s dive into the best this decade had to offer.
1. Incredible Fashion Choices
Say what you want about neon clothing and kooky patterns, ‘80s fashion was some of the best around. All that denim and velour. All those bellbottoms and cowboy boots. (Not to mention icons like Madonna and Cher knocking every outfit out of the park.)
2. Pretty Much Every Song Was a Banger
Let’s be real, you can’t top music from the ‘80s. We had Tina Turner, Whitney Houston, AC/DC, Duran Duran, Toto, The Police, Michael Jackson, Journey—all in one decade! That’s not even all of the talent either! Try comparing that to today’s top 40 list.
3. More Time Outdoors
There was no Facebook or TikTok back then. It was just you, a group of friends, and the great outdoors. Whether you spent all day at a friend’s house or hung out in the playground, the world was your oyster until dinnertime, and that kind of freedom is sorely missed.
4. No Social Media
Social media is pretty much the scourge of our existence. Between all the comparisons on all of the apps, it seems we compete to live the best-looking life. But the ‘80s didn’t have that. Kids then were all about living in the moment, not capturing it with the best filter.
5. The Freedom to be Bored
Do you remember boredom? We’re talking about actual, nothing-to-do-on-a-Saturday-evening boredom. Kids today don’t. We know it sounds a little crazy to pine over boredom, but it sure beats doom scrolling and the inability to entertain yourself.
6. Cruising Around the Neighborhood
With so much time on your hands, nothing beat a good cruise around the neighborhood. Kids had their bikes and teens had their parents’ cars, each left to pick up friends and explore their city. It was also a great time to visit your favorite haunts.
7. Road Trips Were Awesome
Road trips also illicit some excitement, but an open road in the ‘80s was different. There wasn’t any pressure to snap pictures or get lost in your phone, which meant actually taking in new sights. You were present wherever you went, seeing new stuff and visiting fresh faces.
8. Now-Retro Video Games
Alright, if we’re going to talk about music then we have to talk about video games. The ‘80s brought beloved characters to life for the first time—Mario, Donkey Kong, and Pac-Man all fought to keep kids entertained, and each of them holds a special place in our hearts today.
9. Reading, Reading, and More Reading
Reading today seems like…a thing of the past. However, reading in the ‘80s was all the buzz! Library cards opened whole new worlds and kids had endless entertainment from the Morning Funnies and newspaper comics. We can only hope to see that kind of focus now.
10. Radical Slang
Don’t even think about knocking ‘80s slang, airhead. You weren’t cool if you didn’t use phrases like “tubular,” “radical,” and “eat my shorts.” Sorry if you don’t like this gnarly lingo—maybe you should take a chill pill.