10 Awful Things Women Should Stop Doing To Each Other & 10 Ways They Support Each Other
10 Awful Things Women Should Stop Doing To Each Other & 10 Ways They Support Each Other
The Peaks and Valleys of Girlhood
Women support each other in ways no one else can—even perfect strangers receive heartfelt compliments or protection from that guy at the bar. However, it isn’t all sunshine and roses, and some women also hurt each other in very particular ways. Let’s dive into girlhood's best and worst behaviors.
1. Passive-Aggressive Comments
No real friend makes passive-aggressive comments about your appearance or career choices, but toxic people will, and it’s a rampant phenomenon among women in competition. Whether it’s from the catty coworker or a wretched relative, some women just can’t wait to drag down the sisterhood.
2. Constant Competition
In today’s world, it’s no surprise that some women compare themselves to others—all the magazine covers and cruel online comments can convince us to do it before we even realize it. But it’s that very toxicity that pits women against each other for no reason, and it’s not uncommon to see the repercussions.
3. Backhanded Compliments
“That dress would look so cute if you bought it in another color!” Backhanded compliments happen more often than we’d like. Maybe it’s jealousy, maybe it’s the competition, or maybe it’s just the rude way some people slip into the stereotype.
4. Getting Jealous About Achievements
Your girlfriend just got promoted! Now’s the time for drinks and celebrations, not snide remarks about her achievements. While you’ll never see this in real friendships, that doesn’t stop it from happening altogether. We’d like to push past the negativity, but it can be difficult when someone’s just itching to bring us down.
5. Years-Long Grudges
You know the stereotype—men throw punches and women hold grudges. As archaic as the belief is, there is a nugget of truth there. Men tend to deal with arguments quickly; they’ll confront each other or cut someone out and move on. However, the other side of the pond can experience years-long grudges and never move on at all.
6. Blaming Women When Men Cheat
It’s refreshing to see all the ways women look out for each other online, namely about adulterous partners. Women have left lashes or notes behind for the girlfriends they never knew about, but some ladies would rather blame the unknowing mistress than confront their partner.
7. Sharing Secrets
This isn’t high school, so keep secrets to yourself! It doesn’t matter if you tell your partner or best friend, when someone shares a secret they expect you to keep it tight-lipped. It doesn’t matter if they never find out about it either—there’s a principle involved.
8. Making Women Your Enemy
If you can’t think of one good reason why you “hate” someone, there’s a big problem. Though there could be a hundred internal reasons for the feeling, that lady did nothing wrong, and mistreating her only makes you look bad.
9. Going After Someone’s Partner
There’s nothing worse than someone chasing after your partner, especially when it’s to act like the “charming bad girl.” This isn’t a movie and the behavior just makes everyone uncomfortable.
10. Gossip
There comes a time in every woman’s life when gossip blessedly stops. You’d ideally ditch the habit in high school, but some women can’t help hiding in the bushes to scrutinize everything about a coworker or family member.
That said, the flip side of girlhood is a thing of beauty. Women support each other in ways no one else can and these are some of our favorites.
1. Speaking Openly
Women are far less shy about personal problems. Girlfriends share every little detail, and though that might seem weird, it’s actually an incredible way to empathize. Whether it’s similar symptoms or shared experiences, knowing someone understands you makes hardship a little easier.
2. Defending Each Other
Women go to bat for each other all the time—they’ll go to bat for strangers if they have to! It doesn’t matter if it’s a creepy guy at the bar or someone trash-talking their friends, they’ll always stick their neck out for fellow sisters.
Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash
3. Noticing the Little Things
Alright, your partner probably won’t notice new earrings or cute nail art. But you know who will? Women! They often notice right away, immediately showering each other with compliments or asking questions. To be loved is to be seen, and women see each other all the time.
4. Long, Honest Discussions
Men were taught from a pretty young age to avoid their feelings, so it can be tough to open up. Thankfully, women were given license to feel all their feelings, which is exactly why girl talk is so refreshing. Ladies can talk about everything and anything for hours, and those chats are good for the soul.
Photo By: Kaboompics.com on Pexels
5. Protecting Each Other
There’s good news and bad news about disgusting public behavior. The bad news is that it happens so often we immediately recognize the red flags. The good news is that we always watch out for each other. Women pretend to know perfect strangers, watch each other’s drinks, and head to the bathroom in groups—all to keep each other safe.
6. Random Genuine Compliments
No one pays compliments like fellow women! Girlfriends can basically do anything and get proper recognition. Even strangers hear compliments about their attire or hairstyle. Women are so unafraid to show genuine kindness and it’s one of the best things about us.
7. Giving Good Advice
Your ladies know when to give advice and when it’s time to hang back. They’ll probably even ask what you’re looking for to ensure you get the support you need. It’s that attention to detail that lets us be so vulnerable with each other.
8. Donating Feminine Hygiene Products
Uh oh—did you run out of napkins in the bathroom? Not to worry! Simply ask and any woman in the vicinity will offer one of theirs. It happens all the time and women are more than happy to help friends and total strangers out of an awkward situation.
9. Having Shared Experiences
Our partners might not understand the hardships of womanhood, but other ladies will. Sometimes it’s just nice to know that you’re talking to someone who wholeheartedly understands, there to offer advice or a shoulder to cry on.
10. Boosting Self-Esteem
Real girlfriends treat you like the queen you are! With the right friend group, self-esteem is at an all-time high thanks to endless compliments and support. Not only do we enrich each other’s lives, but we do it without hesitation.