
The 10 Best Dance Moves To Woo A Lover & 10 To Leave At Home

The 10 Best Dance Moves To Woo A Lover & 10 To Leave At Home

How Many Of These Moves Are In Your Repertoire?

Dancing is the language of love... or not. The way you move your body on the dance floor can either pump up your game or kill it entirely. Scientists have done studies on what dance moves are the most alluring to people of the opposite gender, linking their results to biological factors. That's what makes some moves timeless gems. Meanwhile, others are so bad it's flabbergasting that they're still being used. Here are the 10 best dance moves to woo a lover and 10 to forget about.


1. Hip Sway

When it comes to dancing, simple is sexy. If you can move your hips, you'll fool everyone on the dance floor into thinking you have rhythm.

Anna TarazevichAnna Tarazevich on Pexels

2. The Walk Away

Make your dance partner's heart miss a beat by spinning around and taking a few steps away from them. Then, casually change your mind and walk right up to them again.

Myr ZaMyr Za on Pexels

3. The Dip

This one may take some practice before you can pull it off smoothly on the dance floor, but once you get it down, it's a head-turner. Bend your knees and dip your hips down to the ground or as low as you can go, then pop back up to standing. 

woman in pink tank top and white shortsMike Von on Unsplash


4. Hair Flip

If you have long hair, whip your head to one side and let your hair fly into the air and let it fall back down as it pleases. This move exudes confidence when done right. 

Melvin BuezoMelvin Buezo on Pexels

5. The Fly Swat

This move is the perfect answer to the question: "What do I do with my hands?" Hold your hand flat and raise it into the air as high as you want, then flick your wrist as if you're batting away flies. 

Martin LopezMartin Lopez on Pexels

6. The Feelin' Myself

While moving your hips in a slow, circular motion, run your hands up your own body as if you really can't get over how hot you are. If your dance partner didn't notice your allure already, they certainly will now. 

cottonbro studiocottonbro studio on Pexels

7. Body Roll

This move takes some practice and a lot of confidence to pull off, but it can be very impressive when done well. Push your chest up and forward, then, in a fluid motion, roll it down through your core and hips. 

woman in black dress standing near brown trees during daytimeJasmin Chew on Unsplash

8. Slow Grind

The sustained eye contact is key with this move. Look your dance partner square in the face as you move your hips in slow, controlled circles. 

man dancingPatricia Palma on Unsplash

9. The Shoulder Shimmy

The shoulder shimmy is a sassy and flirtatious Latin move that anyone can do. The key is the shoulder isolation. Keep your body still and quickly shake your shoulders. 

RDNE Stock projectRDNE Stock project on Pexels


10. The Subtle Touch

If you and your dance partner are vibing, you can reach out and very subtly touch their chin, shoulder, or arm. You don't even really have to touch, you can just hover your finger very close to touching. Watch as their skin gets covered with goosebumps. 

a woman in a snake skin dress standing next to another womanJeff Tumale on Unsplash

Now that we've covered our favorite dance moves for wooing a lover, let's talk about the cringe-worthy ones that have the opposite effect. 

1. The Running Man

Running in place is not dancing, even if you're stepping to the beat. It's a good way to clear some space around you, as no one wants to get stepped on. 

people in a concert during night timeMax Titov on Unsplash

2. The Awkward Finger Pointing

Didn't your mother ever tell you pointing is rude? This applies to the dancefloor too, especially considering the danger of poking someone's eye out. 

man controlling DJ controller beside man with microphoneGESPHOTOSS on Unsplash

3. The Grandma Clap

The DJ didn't intend their music to have your annoying claps in it. When you are just there putting your hands together, it looks like you're waiting for the music to end and not enjoying it at all. 

a crowd of people raising their hands in the airSamuel Regan-Asante on Unsplash

4. The Face Frame

This move entails framing your face with your hands. It's almost always done comically, and it can be cute when you're dancing with friends. However, if wooing a lover is your goal, you should leave this one at the door.

grayscale photography of man wearing dress shirtkhaled reese on Unsplash

5. The Lasso

We've all seen this one done on the dance floor before privately gagging to ourselves. It's where you make an air lasso with your hands and rope it around your dance partner before pulling yourself to them. 

a man standing in front of a wall with his arms in the airKarsten Winegeart on Unsplash


6. The Sprinkler

You know, the one where you have one arm behind your head and the other straight out in front as you jerk it around like the spout of a sprinkler. It's an old-school move that should be left in the past.

RDNE Stock projectRDNE Stock project on Pexels

7. Hammer Time

Popularized by MC Hammer in those ridiculous hammer pants, this is one dance move we're glad didn't make it into the 21st century. It's achieved by shuffling your feet back and forth while keeping your legs wide apart and slightly bent. 

File:MC Hammer 1999.jpgJohn Mathew Smith on Wikimedia

8. The Robot

Let's be honest; the vast majority of us don't know how to do the robot. Let's just agree to stop trying. Even if you get it right, there's nothing sensual about those robotic movements. 

Mason McCallMason McCall on Pexels

9. The Arm Dancer

A lot of people who feel a little self-conscious on the dance floor get fixated on moving one body part, for example, the arms. This results in you uncomfortably flailing your arms around on the dance floor: not hot. Focus on the hips instead. 

photography of woman dancing near red backgroundjurien huggins on Unsplash

10. The Carlton 

Remember the character Carlton from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air? He had a signature dance move that was a sort of a jog with finger snaps fit for nowhere but the living room. 

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