
10 Celebrities That Aged Horribly & 10 That Aged Like Fine Wine

10 Celebrities That Aged Horribly & 10 That Aged Like Fine Wine

The Worst and Best Celebrity Agers

Aging is an inevitable fact of life, even for the rich and famous. While some celebrities seem to defy time, looking better with each passing year, others haven't been quite as lucky. Here are ten celebrities that aged horribly and ten that aged like fine wine.

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1. Russel Crowe

At 60, Russel Crowe has aged so dramatically that he’s practically unrecognizable from his titular role as the muscle-laden Maximus in The Gladiator. He’s been quoted saying that he struggled with mental illness so we hope he’s doing okay. 

1024Px-Russell Crowe (25730723963)Greg2600 on Wikimedia Commons

2. Renee Zellweger

You may recognize her name from Bridget Jones' Diary and Chicago, but boy has her face changed. She turned heads when she showed up at an awards show in 2014 looking like a completely different person after some dramatic plastic surgery.

1024Px-Renée Zellweger At The 2019 Tiff Premiere Of Judy (48816507828)GabboT on Wikimedia Commons

3. Jack Nicholson

We’re not exactly sure when it happened, but somewhere along the lines, he went from seductive private eye to weird grandpa. He’s 87 years old and retired though so maybe we should cut him some slack.   

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4. Keith Richards

A lifetime of drugs, sex, and rock and roll takes its toll. Keith Richards is a good indication of that, though honestly, it’s a wonder he’s still kicking at all and we’re grateful to have him.

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5. Joan Rivers

Joan Rivers is walking proof that plastic surgery is not the answer. That being said, she’s given us some of the most candid and hilarious insights about aging and we love her for it. 

Joan Rivers 2010 - David ShankboneDavid Shankbone on Wikimedia Commons

6. Leonardo Dicaprio

Leonardo Dicaprio is a far cry away from his teenage heartthrob days. He’s settled in nicely to his dad bod, but luckily his endless stream of supermodel girlfriends don’t seem to mind.

1024Px-Leonardo Dicaprio CropThore Siebrands on Wikimedia Commons

7. Johnny Depp 

What happened Johnny Depp? He’s no longer the swoony young greaser we fell in love with in 21 Jumpstreet, that’s for sure. 

1024Px-Johnny Depp-2821Harald Krichel on Wikimedia Commons

8. Madonna

She used to be a sexy pop idol. Now, at 66, and after what we can only guess is many facial operations, The Queen of Pop is nearly unrecognizable. 

Madonnao2171023 (5 Of 133) (53270847219) (Cropped)Raph_PH on Wikimedia Commons

9. Donald Trump

From that whole hair situation to his bad spray tans to his infamous “front bum,” Donald Trump’s version of aging is anything but elegant. In his clear efforts to try and look younger, he’s succeeded only in looking more alien. 

1024Px-Donald Trump (52250930172) (Cropped)Gage Skidmore on Wikimedia Commons


10. Mickey Rourke

His cute face was his calling card back in the 80s and we understand the desire to preserve it. However, operating on every wrinkle instead of embracing them with dignity is clearly not the way. Now it appears he can barely move his facial muscles. 

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1. Paul Rudd

It might have something to do with his twinkly eyes and childlike smile, but we were shocked to learn Paul Rudd is 55. His age-defying tactics? Plenty of sleep, cardio, and protein, he says. 

1024Px-Paul Rudd At A Presser (Cropped)Gage Skidmore on Wikimedia Commons

2. Keanu Reeves 

Is there a glitch in the Matrix, or is Keanu Reeves aging inhumanly well? He attributes it to a regimented diet and martial arts training. 

1024Px-Keanu Reeves (15290511881)Daniel Benavides on Wikimedia Commons

3. George Clooney

It’s almost unfair how kind the years have been to this man. He’s 63 years old and somehow sexier than he was at 20. When prodded about how he’s aged so well he’s said he’s simply accepted it with dignity instead of trying to fight it. 

George Clooney Jan 2023US Department of Education on Wikimedia Commons

4. Diane Keaton

Close to 80 and still the picture of elegance, not to mention her infectiously charming and relatable personality which is still very much going strong. She seems to have welcomed aging with a wink and a smile.

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5. Jamie Foxx

We would pay good money to know Jamie Foxx’s secrets. The man is 56 years old! He’s chalked it up to keeping a childish mindset, but we’re skeptical that he didn’t secretly find the fountain of youth. 

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6. Richard Gere

Once a sex symbol, always a sex symbol. At 74 years old he’s still thriving maybe thanks to his vegetarian diet and daily meditation. 

1024Px-Richard Gere Mff 2015Neil Grabowsky/Montclair Film Festival on Wikimedia Commons

7. Jennifer Lopez

J.Lo is famous for defying the laws of aging–so much so that she has her own line of skincare products. She’s 55 years old and doesn’t look a day over 30. 

1024Px-210120-D-Wd757-1975 (50860511978) (Cropped)Chairman of the Joint Chiefs on Wikimedia Commons

8. Meryl Streep

A walking example of “aging gracefully,” Meryl Streep is 75 years old but you would never know it. She’s more elegant and stunning than ever. So much so, someone should give her another Oscar.

1024Px-Meryl Streep Interview At Festival De Cannes 2024 (Cropped)Kevin Payravi on Wikimedia Commons

9. Salma Hayek

How is it possible that this woman keeps getting more beautiful? Unlike other ladies in showbiz, Selma has no plastic surgery–she’s embraced aging and it’s been kind to her.

1024Px-Salma Hayek (48462863387)Gage Skidmore on Wikimedia Commons

10. Pierce Brosnan

He may not be James Bond anymore, but his charm and sophistication are certainly intact. He fits the classic image of the silver fox and has a cute accent to boot. 

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