
10 Confusing Things About Women Men Will Never Understand & Vice Versa

10 Confusing Things About Women Men Will Never Understand & Vice Versa

It’s a Strange World Out There

From excruciating period pain to thinking about nothing, men and women confuse each other. Both sides are armed to the teeth with perplexing qualities, and we’re here to break down some of the biggest question marks. 

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1. Always Being Cold

Listen, most women need extra blankets, okay? There’s also a good chance you’ll have to live with an ungodly indoor temperature. Whether it’s always wearing socks or bundling in your favorite hoodie, the constant shivering has made men scratch their heads for years.  

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2. Getting Upset About Dream Behavior

Guess what? You just cheated in a dream, which means side-eye first thing in the morning. You could have also said something mean or flirted with your partner’s best friend. Either way, dream you messed up big time and someone has to answer for his crimes.

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3. Sharing Intimate Details

To be fair, this is blessedly uncommon among most women. But a select few don’t see the harm in sharing intimate details of their partner or their love lives—and it can be a little awkward knowing her friends heard tell of your favorite positions. 

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4. Society’s Pressures

Men aren’t exempt from society’s pressures, but they also don’t experience it to the same degree as women. Every day, women’s self-esteem is beaten down by 20-step skincare routines and unhealthy dieting trends, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.  

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5. Deciding What to Eat

Ah, the never-ending phenomenon of indecision! With so many options out there, it’s tough to land on a definitive choice sometimes…or most of the time. Men have been on the frontlines of this war for decades, and we’re sad to report that they should get comfortable. 

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6. Popping Pimples

Some women are fascinated with popping pimples and it’s a little baffling, to say the least. Not only is the hobby gross but it’s confusing, too. It’s pretty jarring to announce a new pimple only to hear the excited thud of rushing feet, pincers at the ready. 

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7. Scalding Hot Baths

Some people like warm showers. Others prefer it a little hotter. Temperatures aren’t a baffling concept—but it’s hard to explain the lava at bath time. Nothing beats a scalding hot bath that takes off a layer of skin, and you’ll just have to trust us on that. 

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8. Group Bathroom Trips

Ladies like to travel together, which includes bathroom trips. Believe it or not, there are several good reasons for this! Girlfriends carry hygiene products, it’s safer to travel in packs, and it’s honestly more calming for anyone with anxiety. 

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9. Surviving Period Pain

If you haven’t already, we recommend those videos of men trying to survive period cramp simulators. It’s eye-opening to watch men writhe in pain as women barely bat an eye. Men have undoubtedly heard about period pain, but nothing will ever prepare them for the reality—and they should count themselves lucky.   

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10. Undergarment Expenses

Everyone can appreciate a nice lingerie set. Not everyone can appreciate the price, however. A good bra runs upward of $60 and don’t even get us started on full sets. All that for uncomfortable undergarments one of you will rip off anyway. 

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Now that we’ve tackled a couple of women’s head-scratchers, it’s time to shine the spotlight on men’s bewildering qualities. 

1. Fluffing Off Trauma 

Some men bring up trauma like it’s the weather—a tidbit of information to be heard and quickly discarded. No more! Even if you don’t want to discuss it with a partner or a friend, consider professional help work through that stuff. Men deserve tip-top mental health the same as anyone else.  

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2. Not Knowing Anything About Their Friends

What do you mean you don’t know your best friend’s last name? How about their birthday? What they do for a living? Nothing? It will forever confuse women that men’s longest friendships remain solid despite so many missing pieces. 

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3. Thinking About Nothing

Color women befuddled. Then explain the witchcraft that allows you to sit and think about nothing. It’s hard to imagine that some guys can sit around with only cawing seagulls in their heads, but here we are.

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4. Easily Moving On

Men and women argue differently. With women, things tend to be more nuanced. Men throw a punch or a devastating insult and it’s all over. Admittedly, it’s an admirable trait to move on from drama so quickly, but it’s still confusing. 

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5. An Eternity on the Toilet

Break out the missing posters because a man just disappeared in the bathroom. Another comrade lost to the porcelain. Gone! Never to be heard from again—oh, wait. There he is. It’s been 40 minutes, but there he is. 

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6. Being Mean to Each Other

When guy friends call each other the most heinous names, the friendship’s real. For some reason, every get-together is a Comedy Central roast, but that’s okay. The worst insults are reserved for the best friends. 

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7. Inability to Find Stuff

Whether given detailed instructions or a hand-drawn map, your hubby probably won’t find that thing he’s after. For some guys, details aren’t exactly their strong point so it’s just easier if you grab it yourself. 

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8. Refusing Doctor’s Visits

Guys could have a nail through the hand or a weird pain in their shoulder—they’re not going to a doctor. We don’t know why. We’ve stopped asking. (It’s more understandable in America, but this is a worldwide phenomenon.)

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9. Digging Holes

If you need to keep your man occupied, give him a plastic shovel and watch him go. Men love digging a good hole. We’re not judging, it’s just an adorable thing we’ve noticed and don’t really understand.

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10. Getting Ready in Just Minutes

We suppose it makes sense—men don’t have a plethora of skincare products or hair tools. All the same, it’s borderline voodoo that they’re ready in five minutes.

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