10 First Date Style Tips For Women To Make A Great Impression & 10 For Men

10 First Date Style Tips For Women To Make A Great Impression & 10 For Men

The Right Impression

There’s nothing like a first date to get the heart pumping! In a perfect world, the only thing that would matter is who you are inside—the real world, on the other hand, tends to emphasize looks. There’s nothing wrong with giving a little effort, and with a bit of styling, your looks will be the perfect complement to your personality.

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1. Confidence is Key

When it comes to putting together an outfit, the most important thing is confidence. By choosing clothes that make you feel good—looking good will come naturally. This means avoiding fabrics or deep cuts that might make you uncomfortable. At the end of the day, the goal is to have a fun conversation and get to know each other.

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2. Try Red or Black

While there are many colors to choose from, going with what matches your complexion or features is a solid bet. But if you’re feeling hesitant about a certain color, try red or black instead. These colors are scientifically proven to make you look more attractive, as black tends to hide unflattering features, while red appeals to the male gaze.

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3. Keep it Classy

Women should be able to wear whatever they want—and if that means crop tops and short shorts—then you do you, boo. That being said, many believe keeping it classy and choosing semi-modest options will ensure your date focuses on the conversation. After all, you don’t want to distract him when he’s—hopefully—pouring his heart out.

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4. Dresses Are In

There is nothing more feminine and elegant than a dress. Additionally, if you can find one with pockets, then a dress is surprisingly comfortable too. For a formal dinner date, opt for a longer skirt, while keeping it on the short side for casual coffee.

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5. Accessorize

An accessory or two can really say a lot about who you are. Even if you’re wearing jeans and a sweater, a pair of mushroom earrings or a charm bracelet allows you to wear your personality. Be sure not to skip out on accessorizing—just don’t overdo it.

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6. Pop On the Heels

At the end of the day, you should wear whatever shoes you’re comfortable in. However, if you feel like wearing heels, then you’re in luck. They are scientifically proven to improve your proportions, making your legs look longer while giving your hips an arch.

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7. Keep it Cozy

Throwing on some layers, like a cardigan or a denim jacket, not only adds some complexity to an outfit but is also quite practical. This way, you’re prepared for whatever weather the day throws at you, and you’ll also give off a cozy vibe.

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8. Choose Jeans

If dresses aren’t your style, then jeans are a classic option where you can’t go wrong. They are relatively flattering on every body type and are easy to pair with most tops. A pair of jeans is practically the pinnacle of casual.

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9. Show Some Skin

While you don’t want to give your date the wrong impression, showing a little skin—if you’re comfortable with it—is a great way to build a little attraction. This could be as simple as wearing a necklace to bring attention to your neck or opting for a slightly higher skirt to show off your ankles and calves.

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10. Express Yourself

Physical appearance can communicate so much between two people, and a person is going to have to look at you before they have a chance to talk to you. That’s why your outfit should express who you are—whether that’s someone who likes to keep it cozy and classy with a cardigan or someone who’s feeling bold with a little red dress.

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Now that we’ve gone over style tips for women guaranteed to make a great first impression on any date—let’s switch gears to the men!

1. Favor the Fit

While your personal style should always take precedence, you can never go wrong with a well-fitted outfit. This means opting for a shirt or pair of pants that really show off your shape. You don’t have to go as far as tight leather, but choosing a solid fit instead of an oversized sweater might earn you some brownie points.

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2. Throw on a Jacket

Even if the weather doesn’t call for it, a jacket is a great choice and shows off a lot of personality. For example, a leather jacket gives off a certain bad-boy vibe, while an aviator jacket will have her thinking of all the adventures you could go on together. Most importantly—if she ends up feeling cold later in the night, you’ll have a jacket to offer her.

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3. Wear a Watch

There is something romantic and reliable about a man who wears a watch—most likely a product of good marketing. Either way, there’s nothing a woman finds classier than a timepiece. You don’t have to break the budget either—it’s not about money, it’s about choosing something that expresses who you are.

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4. Style Your Hair

While women have several hair products targeting them every time they enter a store, there’s no reason a man can’t spend the same amount of care on his own mane. This could be as simple as combing it or going as far as throwing in a little gel. Just give your hair some thought before you step out the door.

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5. Trim the Beard

For those with beards, choosing to give yourself a trim conveys how neat and organized you are. This doesn’t mean you have to cut it off or anything—far from it—just be sure to remove any excess wild growth and throw in a little beard oil to let it shine.

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6. Color Coded

The colors a man wears do not go unnoticed under the female gaze. For example, if a man wears tons of gray, the woman will think of him as reserved and mature. If he comes in wearing bold colors, she will see him as exciting and spontaneous. While there’s no fixed preference, just be sure to give the colors you convey a little thought.

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7. Add an Accent

We’re not talking about your voice! Instead, try an accent piece to add a little personality to a relatively plain outfit. An accent could be a hat, a bracelet, and if you’re feeling very fancy—even an ascot. There’s no reason a man can’t accessorize too.

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8. Pick a Scent

While most men throw on some deodorant or body spray and call it a day, investing in a decent cologne can take you quite far. Women will memorize the scent you wear and associate it with you throughout the day. Once again, you don’t have to buy anything expensive, but just take the time to browse your options instead of settling for simple Axe or Old Spice. You don’t want to wear something generic—you want to choose a scent that’s uniquely yours.

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9. Master the Silhouette

A man’s silhouette refers to the body shape he presents through his outfit—and smart styling is a great way to express a certain silhouette. For example, if you feel self-conscious about your arms, throwing on a bulky jacket will give you a stronger silhouette. Similarly, if you want to come across as taller or shorter, choosing the right cut of jeans can extend or shrink your legs.

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10. Be Yourself

At the end of the day, none of this advice matters. The only opinion you should be concerned about is your own. If your date ends up hating an outfit you love, then you probably were never compatible in the first place. Looks can only take you so far.

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