
10 Habits That Make You Seem Older & 10 That Keep You Youthful

10 Habits That Make You Seem Older & 10 That Keep You Youthful

The Fountain Of Youth Is Within You

It's not just the way our skin looks or how our bodies appear that makes us look older. It's everything from how we do our makeup to our embrace of life. Some people go straight to Botox or plastic surgery to preserve their youth; however, what they don't realize is youth comes from within as well as from the outside. Simple lifestyle changes can greatly impact how young you look and feel. Here are 10 habits that make you seem older and 10 that keep you young. 

woman in blue and white floral shirt holding her faceCaroline Veronez on Unsplash

1. Wearing Excessive Makeup

While makeup is a great tool for enhancing your natural features and covering up imperfections, overusing it can have the complete opposite effect, aging your appearance. What's more, it dries out your skin and clogs your pores. 

a person holding a makeup palette and a pencilLaura Chouette on Unsplash

2. Wearing Excessive Perfume

The stereotypical grandma is always heavily doused in strong perfume. Don't be like grandma. When it comes to perfume, a little goes a long way.

person holding clear glass bottleLaura Chouette on Unsplash

3. Skipping The SPF

There are many schools of thought surrounding skincare, but one thing dermatologists all agree on is the importance of sunscreen. Nothing ages your skin faster than UV rays so make sure to lather on that SPF every day.

smiling woman in pink and blue shirtNational Cancer Institute on Unsplash


4. Bad Posture

Slouching is very unflattering as it makes you look older and heavier. Poor posture over time can also cause your spine to get misaligned, leading to a rounded back and drooping shoulders, the classic granny look.

women's black elbow-sleeved blouseChristina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

5. Using Electronic Devices Too Much

Researchers have found the light emitted from our phones and other electronic devices to be harmful to our skin. What's more, the hours spent hunched over our laptops can result in older-looking necks. 

A person holding a cell phone in front of a laptopSumUp on Unsplash

6. Too Much Alcohol & Caffeine

Drinking too much alcohol dehydrates your skin and breaks down collagen and elastin, resulting in premature aging. Similarly, overconsumption of caffeine causes your skin to dry out and can lead to a dull complexion, sunken eyes, and premature fine lines.

two women talking while holding drinking glassesMichael Discenza on Unsplash

7. Eating Too Much Sugar

In addition to contributing to obesity and diabetes, excessive sugar intake causes your skin to age by damaging collagen and elastin. It also dehydrates your skin, making it look dull, dry, and more prone to wrinkles. 

assorted flavor donutsRod Long on Unsplash

8. Smoking

Smoking makes you look older on many levels. For one thing, sucking on a cigarette is so last century, but it also breaks down collagen, making your skin look more sagged and wrinkled with a greyish complexion.

man standing and smokingLuka Malic on Unsplash

9. Eating Out All The Time

When you eat out, you take in an average of 200 more calories than if you were to eat at home. Additionally, the food you order is generally much less healthy, full of added sugars, salt, and unhealthy fats which load your body with free radicals contributing to premature skin aging. 

four person earring on black wooden tableDan Gold on Unsplash


10. Being Too Serious

Usually, the people out there having fun, and doing cool things with their lives seem younger than those who take everything seriously. Life can be tough sometimes but don't forget to smile and engage in activities that bring you joy.

portrait photography of manDominique Jordan on Unsplash

Now that we've covered the habits that make you seem way older, let's go over some of the good practices that can help you stay young.

1. Staying Curious

Just like toddlers who ask endless questions, maintaining a youthful curiosity about all kinds of things will help you stay young. In addition to making life more fun and interesting, learning is also a great way to keep your brain healthy and stave off dementia. 

girl in blue and white tank topJeremiah Lawrence on Unsplash

2. Exercising Regularly

Sitting too much has been shown to add eight years to your life. On the other hand, exercise keeps you young by helping you maintain a healthy weight and improving your blood circulation which flushes out toxins, leaving you with a glowy complexion. 

man in black t-shirt and black shorts running on road during daytimeGabin Vallet on Unsplash

3. Maintaining A Good Skincare Routine

A consistent skincare routine can help your skin hold onto its youth. Remove impurities with a gentle cleanser followed by a toner, moisturizer, and sunscreen to keep your skin nourished and protected.

woman in white bathrobe holding smartphoneKalos Skincare on Unsplash

4.  Staying Hydrated

One of the best things you can do to keep yourself looking young and fresh is simply to drink enough water. Adequate hydration helps your kidneys flush out toxins and helps your skin lock in moisture.

woman in white crew neck shirt drinking waterGiorgio Trovato on Unsplash

5. Meditating

Engaging in regular meditation increases the production of the anti-aging hormone DHEA. It also protects your chromosomes which increases your resistance to skin cell aging.

woman wearing black sports bramadison lavern on Unsplash


6. Being Passionate

Finding things or people that you're passionate about and devoting time to them gives you a joi de vivre that makes life more riveting. It also gives you an excited and youthful energy that helps you stay young. 

woman in white tank top holding black boardPablo Escobar on Unsplash

7. Get Plenty Of Antioxidants

Antioxidants combat free radicals in your body which are responsible for damaging cells and causing premature aging. Antioxidant-rich foods include pomegranates, blueberries, broccoli, leafy greens, and herbs. 

black berries on black surfaceKier in Sight Archives on Unsplash

8. Prioritize Your Sleep

If you wake up feeling refreshed, you'll look refreshed too. Sleep is when our bodies repair themselves, including our skin cells so those who get enough sleep generally have a more youthful appearance.

woman sleeping on bed under blanketsGreg Pappas on Unsplash

9. Be Social

Engaging in social activity keeps your mind sharp. It also brings you plenty of joy which contributes to your mental health and helps you stay positive, one of the characteristics often associated with youth.

people laughing and talking outside during daytimePriscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

10. Have Fun

One of the best ways to stay young as long as it doesn't entail engaging in too many vices is maintaining a lust for life. Never overlook the importance of fun and try to maintain a lighthearted attitude toward life.  

women on inflatable ringsJed Villejo on Unsplash