Stepping Into a Man’s Mind
Men are from Mars, women are from Venus…you know the phrase. But for all their differences, it’s actually not hard to woo a decent guy—especially with these tricks. From participating in his hobbies to never deciding on a restaurant, here are all the little things that either impress or completely flop.
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1. Start the Conversation
Men, women, it doesn’t matter—everyone loves a little confidence. But women who spark the conversation hold a special place in a man’s heart. Don’t be afraid to go after what you want, especially when it’s easier for everyone.
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2. Make Them Laugh
“Women aren’t funny” is a pretty embarrassing trope, and it’s inherently untrue. For the men who actually recognize that as a stereotype, laughter welcomes a genuine connection. An effortless sense of humor gives them butterflies any day of the week.
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3. Pay an Honest Compliment
While women love to compliment each other, there’s no shame in tossing one to the guys. Whether he just got back from the barber or finally sprung for a suit, genuine compliments go a long way.
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4. Be Yourself
It’s a lesson often taught right from childhood—there’s nothing better than being yourself. Confidence in your weird quirks or strange hobbies shows you’re unphased by others’ opinions. It’s not only good for your psyche, but it’s also rather impressive.
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5. Participate in His Hobbies
Okay, building model trains might not be your thing. Maybe you find board games boring. But give his hobbies a chance before dismissing them completely. Active interest in his passions says you care about every part of him. More importantly, it says that what matters to him matters to you.
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6. Enjoy the Silence
Men’s unthinking silence has baffled women for years, but they really do like the peace and quiet. Comfort with someone means blissful silence, and it’s something you can enjoy together.
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7. Making the First Move
Men aren’t mind-readers. They also don’t want to be branded creeps. When women make the first move, it alleviates some pressure. It’s also the 21st century, so there’s nothing wrong with approaching him!
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8. Independence
As much as partners should be there for each other, there’s something to be said for independence. The ability to stand on your own two feet or tackle minor problems alone says a lot about your character.
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9. Splitting the Bill
Though there’s still some hoopla about who should pay, offering to split the check ahead of time saves you both a headache. Even if he politely declines the offer, that simple gesture means a lot.
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10. Showing Off Your Brain
Okay, not literally. However, men love an intelligent woman (and vice versa). Any man worth his salt isn’t “threatened” by a woman’s intelligence—if anything, he loves watching you fired up about your passions.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels
As with women, plenty of little disappointments can sour an otherwise amicable relationship. Let’s dive into some things men can’t stand.
1. Not Being Straightforward
Sure, some things should go without saying, but a lot of miscommunication stems from an unwillingness to lay bare what you think. If you tell them and they don’t listen, that’s one thing. If you have to repeatedly tell them, that’s another. But saying nothing is also a problem.
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2. “Tell Me Honestly…”
Guys aren’t exactly hardwired for nuance. If you ask them what they think, they’ll likely tell you honestly—especially if you ask for the truth. Try not to get upset. Chances are, they didn’t mean to insult you and are just doing what you asked!
3. Not Asking Questions
Any relationship thrives on mutual understanding. The problem is that men are often seen as stone-faced, which means no one checks in on them. They’re allowed to get sad, have bad days, or just need a shoulder to cry on—and it’s really disappointing when people don’t recognize that.
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4. Assuming It’s All About Ego
Men’s feelings can get hurt over legitimately hurtful comments. When they voice concerns, the last thing they want is to be ignored or laughed at because “their egos are bruised.” Everyone is welcome to boundaries.
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5. Dismissing His Feelings
For all the jokes about men’s stoicism, it’s pretty disheartening when their feelings get insulted. The patriarchy may have instilled some archaic ideas, but let’s put a stop to them. Men are allowed to be vulnerable without fear of ridicule.
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6. Holding Onto the Past
Your relationship will never get anywhere if you hang onto petty grievances. True partnerships put in the work to resolve issues. Letting them fester, however, reopens old wounds for the sake of winning a present-day argument.
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7. Never Picking a Restaurant
Ladies, men care about your opinion! They want to know what you’re craving! You’ll both go hungry if you shoot down all of his ideas or don’t make a definitive choice on where you’d like to go.
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8. Unrealistic Expectations
Both sides are guilty of unrealistic standards, but the ones foisted on men don’t share the same slice of the spotlight. Dismissing short kings or demanding that he earn a certain salary is pretty unfair, and it shuts the door on a lot of potential flames.
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9. Double Standards
Just like pushy expectations, double standards are alive and well for both sides. They’re frustrating across the board and can cause a lot of headbutting down the road.
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10. Trying Desserts
No man will judge you for ordering dessert, so don’t deprive yourself! He will, however, judge you for digging into his cake slice when you just told him you didn’t want anything.