To Date or Not to Date
It probably comes as no surprise that more people are single now than ever before. In fact, most of these people prefer to be single, with some citing no interest in dating. So, what went wrong? Why is it so difficult to build connections these days? While this list doesn’t answer those questions, here are 20 things to consider before giving up on dating forever.
1. Peace of Mind
Many people find peace in solitude. There’s no one yelling at you, no one demanding your attention or help. You can come home to quietness and take your time enjoying your hobbies. There’s no one to answer to!
2. No Heartbreak
After a breakup or two, many people find themselves closing off their hearts. Losing a relationship is painful, and for some, reliving that pain is unacceptable. Rather than love and lose, some choose not to love at all.
3. No Trust Issues
It’s hard to trust people in today’s digital age, especially when it feels like cheating is easier than ever. In fact, there are apps designed specifically to support cheating. Save yourself the headache and stay single.
4. Freedom to Flirt
Love and romance are spontaneous, and there’s something so sweet about having a meet-cute encounter with a stranger at the mall. If you’re single, you’re free to flirt and indulge in advances without a second thought.
5. Easy to Move
On a more technical note, if you ever decide to switch up the scenery, the only job you have to worry about is your own. Moving across the country or even switching to a digital nomad lifestyle is far easier when you’re single.
6. No Judgment
Sometimes you just want to pig out on nachos without the judgment. Or maybe you want to walk around sans clothing in the comfort of your home. With nobody else around, you’re free to dance like no one’s watching.
7. Focus on Friendships
Without the stress of romantic relationships, you can put all your attention towards your family and friends. Don’t you hate it when someone gets a partner and suddenly disappears from all their friend circles? Well, that certainly won’t be you.
8. Financial Independence
With no partner, you don’t have to worry about anyone else’s student debt or medical bills. You’re only financially responsible for yourself, and renting a studio apartment is far cheaper than splurging for a his-and-hers closet-equipped two-bedroom.
9. Freedom of Choice
When deciding where to eat or what to do with your evening, the only person you need to check in with is yourself. You have the freedom to lead your life without anyone’s input. For some, that’s ideal.
10. Prioritize Yourself
If you’re single, you come first. You don’t have to worry about anyone else or check up on their activities. When planning a vacation, only your schedule matters. When you sit down to watch TV, you can choose the show with no second opinion.
Now that we’ve discussed the reasons most people opt to stay single, here are reasons they honestly shouldn’t. It may surprise you to see you’re missing out on quite a lot if you lack a partner.
1. Loneliness
First and foremost, single people are lonely. Even those that are happy alone should probably get a dog or cat for those hard nights. Sometimes it’s nice to have someone to talk to or just have someone around the house.
2. It’s Expensive
To afford a life in today’s modern and expensive world, a dual income is kind of mandatory. Unless you’re really well-off, getting a partner might be the financially sound decision. That $3,000 Toronto apartment is far more attainable on two paychecks.
3. No Emotional Support
When you’re feeling sad or down, or simply having a tough day, it’s nice to have someone to hold you and lift you up. If you have a partner, you have someone to hear your problems and help you through them.
4. Social Pressure
All of us have heard our parents make those remarks about when we’re getting married or when we’re giving them grandkids. They’ll probably never realize it’s your life, not theirs. But either way, having a partner is a way to silence those questions.
5. No Intimacy
For most people, physical intimacy is a need, and without a partner, it can get a little difficult to scratch that itch. While lust should never be the sole basis of a relationship, it’s definitely nice to have.
6. Fear of Missing Out
From movies to real life, we are programmed to want a partner. Every TV show heroine needs a hero, and the rollercoaster seats are built in sets of two. It looks like all the couples around you are having so much fun, from Valentine’s gift exchanges to winter wonderland skating rinks. Don’t you want to join in?
7. No Emergency Help
Many of us fear meeting our end alone, and if you’re single and living by yourself, that becomes a likely conclusion. For instance, if you trip and lose consciousness at home, who’s going to notice? Or if you’re feeling really sick, who’s going to take care of you? Being on your own can be really hard, especially at your weakest.
8. Travel Companion
While it’s easier to move without a partner, you’re likely not going to be changing home base all that often. However, if you do enjoy traveling, a partner is a built-in companion you can take with you on every trip and adventure.
9. Help With Chores
Daily life can be a bit demanding, from doing dishes to washing laundry to running the vacuum. It’s far more convenient to share these chores with a partner. Two pairs of hands are better than one.
10. Missing the Milestones
In life, there are many milestones that become difficult, albeit not impossible, to achieve without a partner. Obviously, you won’t be getting married. Having kids will be complicated if you’re on your own. Buying a home will take twice as long. While it’s completely valid to stay single, be sure to make peace with the things you’ll be missing out on.