
10 Ridiculous Gender Reveal Ideas & 10 Cute Ones To Try Instead

10 Ridiculous Gender Reveal Ideas & 10 Cute Ones To Try Instead

Goodbye Weird, Hello Whimsical

Babies are a cause for celebration! What better way to ring in their arrival than with an adorable gender reveal for you and all your loved ones? We’re so glad you asked because we rounded up 10 of the worst ideas and 10 of the best. 

Tima MiroshnichenkoTima Miroshnichenko on Pexels

1. Confetti Cannons

Confetti cannons are popular at most gender reveals, but they’re also one of the messiest ways to deliver the news. It’s one thing if you plan to pick up the pieces, but leaving plastic confetti in parks or in the snow isn’t very considerate. Not only that but a lot of these cannons malfunction and lead to injury. 

a bunch of pink flowers that are in the grassJoshua Taylor on Unsplash

2. Inflatable Baby Suits

Some people find it funny, other people find it weird—either way, running around as a giant inflatable baby probably isn’t the best reveal. That said, it’s pretty funny to watch two people fight in those suits. 

RDNE Stock projectRDNE Stock project on Pexels

3. Anything With Fireworks

There’s no scenario where amateur fireworks are safe. While we don’t need to rehash the damage done by this type of gender reveal, let’s all just agree to keep pyrotechnics out of it. Your guests and the planet will thank you.

woman staring at fireworksChansereypich Seng on Unsplash


4. Inappropriate Themes

Inappropriate items are best reserved for adult parties (and they’re still cringy there). There’s nothing stranger than announcing a baby’s gender with nauseating cake designs or inflatable anatomy you then take pictures with. 

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5. Piñatas

Another popular choice among gender reveal parties, piñatas only sound good in theory. It’s not the best idea to blindfold expectant mothers and place a giant stick in their hands. The same goes for their partner—one wrong move and it’s a catastrophe!

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6. Public Settings

There’s nothing inherently wrong with public parties, but it all depends on courtesy. Too often, restaurant staff and public workers are left to clean up giant messes made by confetti, smoke powder, or silly string. 

Alex HusseinAlex Hussein on Pexels

7. Anything too Extravagant

It’s great to be excited! But expectant parents don’t need skywriting or extravagant gender reveal parties. Stuff like that is way too expensive and most people think it’s way too over the top. 

Luis QuinteroLuis Quintero on Pexels

8. Gender Reveal Baseball

Many couples use baseballs to announce their baby’s gender—and many couples injure themselves. At the end of the day, with a pregnant mother and people’s parents in tow, it’s easier to leave this behind for something less dangerous. 

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9. Colored Powder

It’s not that we hate colored powder, it’s that people leave a huge mess! Sweep up any debris if you’re announcing the gender in public. The last thing that poor waitstaff needs is an entire booth covered in pink powder.

AlisaDysonAlisaDyson on Pixabay


10. Wheel Burnouts

Burnouts are dangerous, messy, and can result in flames. Not only that, they also damage your tires’ tread and put undue stress on the engine. Smoke tires are also expensive! All in all, it’s a bad idea.

Harrison HainesHarrison Haines on Pexels

Don’t worry! You can still reveal your baby’s gender in style, all without a huge mess or fire hazard. 

1. Cupcakes

There’s a reason so many couples opt for tasty cupcakes. Whether you’re at home or in a restaurant, this simple treat is an adorable way to share the news. The best part? The only cleanup is on your face!

cupcake with pink icing on brown wooden tableJr R on Unsplash

2. Balloons

Balloons are a cute, affordable choice with several options available. Couples can use an archway, they can announce the gender on the balloons themselves, or they can pull drop-down banners. You can also grab those big black balloons with confetti, but we find they’re a little hard to pop!

A bunch of balloons that are in front of a buildingObscura Odessey on Unsplash

3. Lightsaber

Is one of you a nerd at heart? It’s lightsabers to the rescue! They’re a fun, no-mess option that lets you feel like a kid again. It’s an affordable prop too, so you don’t have to worry about splurging. 

st_visualizationst_visualization on Pixabay

4. Word Search Reveal

Everyone loves a good-natured game. Get the party started with a gender reveal word search—it’s a simple way to share the love, all with the added excitement of people finishing first and holding in the answer.  

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5. Handprint Art

All you need for this is a touch of paint and a basic white tee. The blindfolded mama-to-be puts on the shirt and her blindfolded partner dips their hands in colored paint. They then leave a handprint on mommy’s belly and both remove their blindfolds to see what’s in store!

blue heart drawing on brown wooden surfaceJason Jarrach on Unsplash


6. Breakable Chocolate

If cupcakes aren’t your thing, satisfy your sugar craving with a chocolate heart. Some chocolatiers sell white hearts filled with pink or blue candy, and it’s literally the sweetest way to find out the gender.

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7. Scavenger Hunt

Celebrating in a big way? A scavenger hunt recruits everyone into the fun. Whether it’s for the adults in your life or a baby’s older siblings, scatter clues around the party for them to find. The anticipation only builds as the game goes on!

boy in white and black t-shirt sitting on chairAnnie Spratt on Unsplash

8. Reveal Box

Reveal boxes are yet another way our handy balloons come in. However, couples can fill reveal boxes with anything from outfits, knit booties, stuffed animals, or confetti. They’re truly whatever you choose to make them. 

Tima MiroshnichenkoTima Miroshnichenko on Pexels

9. Christmas Crackers

Plenty of parties take place around the holidays, so why not introduce a fun Christmas tradition? Grab crackers for either you and your partner or everyone in attendance; you can then count down and pop open the surprise together!

a close up of a number of rolled up objectsNik on Unsplash

10. Umbrella

Why pop a confetti cannon when rose petals and umbrellas exist? You don’t need more than pink or blue petals and a simple umbrella for this amazing reveal—you and your partner stand beneath it, open it, and get showered in the surprise! 

Photo By: Kaboompics.comPhoto By: Kaboompics.com on Pexels