
10 Signs He's Just A Player & 10 That Say He's Genuinely Into You

10 Signs He's Just A Player & 10 That Say He's Genuinely Into You

Should You Forget About Him Or Is He A Keeper?

We've all been there: genuinely liking someone only to find you've been played. Although the warning signs can be painful, it's best to confront them early on so you don't waste your energy on a flaky boy. After all, there are plenty of gems out there who are worth your time. To save you from grief, here are 10 signs he's just a player and 10 that say he's genuinely into you.

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1. He Doesn't Make Steps For You

Are you always the one traveling to see him? Does it feel like you're more excited about him than he is about you? This is the first warning sign that he's playing the field and his interest in you isn't that deep.

woman sitting on tree trunk with man holding on branch near sea under white clouds during daytimeTiraya Adam on Unsplash

2. His Words Don't Align With His Actions

He can't just talk the talk, he's got to walk the walk as well. Some guys know just what to say to get you in their bed but when it comes to acting on promises, they flake. For example, if he says "I want to see you" but doesn't make any concrete plans.

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3. He Wants To Get Physical Immediately

If he's trying to seduce you right away and not respecting your boundaries, that may be a sign he's a player. It's a sign his focus is on physical intimacy more than emotional connection.



4. He Acts Differently In Private Vs. Public Settings

Is he very affectionate in private, but cold in public? Sure, some people don't like to engage in PDA, but acting like he doesn't know you or like you're just a friend in public settings is a sign that he might be worried about who else might see.

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5. Hot & Cold Behavior

If he's being extremely affectionate and then distant, he's giving you just enough to keep you interested. However, when he switches the affection off, it's him not wanting to give off boyfriend vibes.

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6. He Doesn't Give You Time

If he's not making time for you, he's just not that into you. Someone genuinely interested will want to spend as much time with you as possible.

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7. He Doesn't Text Back Right Away

Are you regularly waiting hours or days for him to text you back? He's clearly doing something he deems more important than you. 

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8. He Never Takes You Out

Are all your dates "Netflix and chill" type nights? A guy who's into you will want to impress you by taking you out on interesting and creative dates and won't be shy to be seen with you in public.

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9. He Avoids Labels

If you've been seeing each other for a while and he still skirts around any kind of labels or commitment, it's a sign he's not actually considering a relationship with you. Someone who's interested in you would be open to talking about your relationship status. 

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10. He Mostly Texts You At Night

If he's mostly just texting you late at night encouraging you to come over, he's not looking for a relationship, he's looking for a booty call. You shouldn't just be what he thinks about in those lonely hours.

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Now that we've talked about some sure signs he's playing you, let's go over the ones that say he's really into you.

1. He Follows Through With Plans

Does your guy make plans with you and follow through? That's a sign he's a keeper, or at least, not a player. He wants to spend time with you and is actively making it happen.

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2. He Texts Back Promptly

It's not that he always has to text back immediately, but if he's consistently replying within a reasonable timeframe, it's a sign he respects your time. What's more, it signals that he genuinely enjoys talking to you.

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3. He Remembers The Things You Tell Him

If he has a good memory for the things you tell him, it's a sign that he's actively paying attention and interested in what you have to say. A player, on the other hand, would talk too much about himself and not remember things that you told him, probably feigning interest to get you into bed.

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4. He Asks You Questions

If he asks you questions and actively listens to your responses, he's definitely into you, at least enough to be curious. You shouldn't be asking all the questions on a date. 

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5. He Makes Time For You

It's normal to be busy sometimes, but if it feels like he makes the effort to spend time with you, sometimes moving things around in his schedule for you, it's a sign he seriously likes you. A guy who isn't interested in commitment probably wouldn't do those things.

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6. He Puts In Effort

Is he making steps to see you and does he put effort into impressing you? Those things are sure signs that he's really into you. On the flip side, if you're the one always traveling to see him or working around his schedule, he's probably not that into you.

man holding hands with woman near treesAmber Kipp on Unsplash

7. He Respects Your Boundaries

It's normal for a guy who really likes you to be flirtatious and to get physically affectionate, but you should never feel pressured. If he gets too pushy, it means he's mostly just interested in a physical relationship.

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8. He Introduces You To His Friends & Family

If he's introducing you to the people closest to him, he's pretty excited and serious about you. On the flip side, if you've been together a while and still haven't met anyone in his close circle, it should come as a red flag.

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9. He's Honest With You About His Intentions

He may not want to commit right away, but he should be honest about his intentions. Someone who says grandiose, romantic things but doesn't follow through is likely not being entirely honest. 

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10. He Mentions Future Plans That Include You

If he talks about the future and his plans include you, chances are he's thinking more long-term. If he says things like "we'll see," he's flaky and non-committal. 

woman hugging man selective focus photographyHannah Cook on Unsplash