Does Your Partner Display These Classic Signs?
A good marriage is built on a lot of important things—communication, appreciation, and mutual respect to name a few. But when we say forever, those pillars sometimes crumble. Here are 10 signs your spouse has gotten careless and 10 signs they’re in it for the long haul.
1. Leaving a Mess Behind
We’ve all left a wrapper here or there, but lazy spouses do it on purpose. Why? They know you’ll clean up after them! Rather than correct the behavior, they keep the cycle going without so much as a thank you.
2. Doesn’t Run Errands
It’s annoying to grab milk after work, but running errands is a small gesture with a big meaning. Checked-out spouses don’t bother to put in the effort, making their partner run around and put out small fires as opposed to making their lives easier.
3. Weaponized Incompetence
On the other hand, some spouses strategically mess up chores. The mindset’s usually this: if they “can’t” properly do something, you might as well do it for them. It’s a classic lazy move that shows how little they care about a partner’s time and effort.
4. No Date Nights
Stressful jobs and rambunctious toddlers impede alone time, but the only thing that stops it completely is an uncaring spouse. Intimacy suffers when one partner stops scheduling date nights. The relationship suffers, too.
5. Expects Time in the Bedroom
Lazy partners often only think of themselves. It won’t matter how busy your day was, it won’t matter how stressed you are—they’re in the mood and expect you to join them. That kind of insensitivity signals a selfish spouse.
6. There’s No Compromise
Relationships are all about compromise, and good partners know that. It’s never a good sign when one of you compromises and the other just expects that. Successful marriages have give and take on both sides.
7. No Offers Made
A simple offer to help goes a long way on a hard day. While they don’t have to ask every day, caring spouses want the best for each other and lend a hand more often than not. Indifferent partners, on the other hand, won’t bother.
8. Their Career Comes First
There’s nothing wrong with career-driven people! It’s natural to chase success but it’s a problem when careers come before relationships. Both parties need to strike a work-life balance for marriages to work, and when one person puts in all the work, it’s a fast track to resentment.
9. No Difficult Conversations
We know difficult conversations are tough, but they’re also crucial for successful marriages. They’re a sign of trust and understanding—avoiding them not only signals a breach of confidence, but it’s also a red flag of lazy spouses.
10. Assumes They Do More
It was real easy back in the day to assume anyone who worked outside the home worked more in general. Not anymore! Partners still need to split chores and childcare, regardless of who works a day job. It’s a bad sign when a spouse comes home and doesn’t help around the house.
The good news is that plenty of spouses put the work into a marriage! Let’s explore some signs your partner puts the relationship first.
1. They Take Initiative
Attuned partners don’t ask if they should unload the dishwasher or change that diaper—they know when they’re needed. Taking initiative shows your partner that you’re not only paying attention, but you also care about helping.
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2. Remembers the Little Things
It’s easy to forget the little things, but good spouses work to remember. Anniversaries, birthdays, and milestones won’t go unnoticed when a partner puts in the time. Whether they mark it on a calendar or set an alarm on their phone, those little things have a giant impact.
3. Always Supportive
Maybe you want to go back to work. Maybe you want to dive headfirst into a new hobby. Whatever it is, the right person will support you. Partners want their significant others to succeed!
4. Communication is There
No relationship works without communication. Soulmates know that marriage isn’t just sunshine and rainbows—it also means tough conversations and unpleasant arguments. A solid relationship keeps the lines of communication open but also has the ability to move forward from rough patches.
5. They Express Appreciation
Does your partner thank you for cleaning out the fridge? Do they rub your shoulders after a long day of running around? Small gestures are sometimes the biggest way to show appreciation, and everyone likes that!
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6. You’re an Equal
This is a partnership, which means equality. You should have an equal say in just about everything, and a good spouse won’t put up a fuss. In fact, the right person doesn’t even need to be told—your equality is second nature.
7. They Plan Ahead
Planning ahead is more than reservations—it can be anything from knowing that the kids had a half day at school or preparing dinner because it’s a late night in the office for you. Partners who put in the work know all about upcoming events and appointments.
8. Paying Attention
Good partners pay attention. They’ll know when milk’s running low or that the kids have projects due. Focusing on the nitty gritty allows you both to split duties and catch anything that falls through the cracks.
9. Financial Responsibility
An equal partnership calls for financial responsibility. Lazy spouses frivolously spend without thinking about their beau or the kids. But partners who put in the work will sit down with their significant other to work out these decisions.
10. They Work on Themselves
Partners who care work on themselves. We’re not talking about the gym either (though you should prioritize your health)! We’re talking about going to therapy or keeping up with appointments. Working on yourself can take some time, but the right person sticks with you on the journey.