10 Signs You Haven't Moved On From Your Ex & 10 You Have

10 Signs You Haven't Moved On From Your Ex & 10 You Have

Moving Forward After A Breakup

Depending on how long you were together with someone or how invested you were in the relationship, breakups can hit extra hard. Things don't work out sometimes, and that's okay, but that doesn't mean getting over your ex is easy. It might take you a month, it might take you 3! But here are 10 signs to see if you've moved on from your ex or if you're still stuck in that difficult cycle.

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1. Your Ex Is Still On Your Mind

Even after you two have already broken up, if you're still thinking about your ex night and day, you're obviously not over them yet. Whether they're constantly on your mind or fleetingly reappearing in your thoughts, if you think of them longingly for even a second, it's clear you haven't moved on.

Pexels-Karolina-Grabowska-6135004Karolina Kaboompics on Pexels

2. You Stalk Them On Social Media

Curious about what your ex is up to? If you're so bold as to stalk them on social media so that you can stay in the know about what they're up to, you're clearly demonstrating you haven't gotten over them yet. 

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3. You Think About Them When You Do Things They Like

Does playing your ex's favorite sport or eating their favorite food remind you of them? If it does, it just means they're still always on your mind and you're thinking of them fondly. Sadly, it's a sign you're still missing them. 

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4. You Have No Interest In Being With Someone Else

If the idea of being romantically linked with someone else makes you shudder, it just means you're still hung up on your ex. In a way, it's like you're still committed to them - the thought of being with someone else is just too hard to imagine. 

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5. You Think About What Could've Saved The Relationship

Thinking about the "what ifs" after a relationship has ended is a clear sign you're still stuck in that space. If you're pondering over your regrets or what you could've done better, it just means you're lost in the past and are not ready to move on. 

Pexels-A-Darmel-6643008Alena Darmel on Pexels

6. You Wonder If You Made The Wrong Choice

If you were the one to end things, doubling back and thinking about whether or not you made the wrong decision just means you haven't given up yet. Your head is still stuck in the relationship and you're doubting if you should've gave it another chance. You can't move forward if you've still got that mindset!

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7. You Haven't Deleted Your Photos Of Them

What are you doing with an entire photo collection of you and your ex being all lovey dovey? All it does is serve as a reminder of what you two had in the past, something you should be trying to move forward from. 

Pexels-Leah-Newhouse-50725-185933Leah Newhouse on Pexels

8. You Still Bring Them Up In Conversation

Still bringing up your ex in your conversations? If you can't help but talk about something, that just means it's stuck in your mind all the time. Whether it's good or bad things you're saying about your ex, it doesn't matter. Either way, it just shows you're still thinking of them. 

Pexels-A-Darmel-6643731 Alena Darmel on Pexels

9. You Still Randomly Get Emotional

Look, breakups can be really hard. We don't blame you if you still get emotional or feel like crying every so often. It just means that the relationship meant something to you - and that you need more time to get over it. 

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10. You Have To Hold Yourself Back From Reconnecting With Them

If your finger feels like it's got the itch to text your ex, call them, or send them a DM, it means you're struggling to accept how things have turned out. Even though you know you shouldn't, you just can't resist feeling a need to reconnect or talk to them. 

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1. You Aren't Bothered That They're Seeing Someone Else

You know you've moved past your ex if seeing them with someone else has no effect on you. Sometimes people can feel jealous or insecure seeing that their old partner has already moved on without them. But if that does nothing for you, it's just a sign that you've reached that stage too!

Pexels-Olly-846080 (1) Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

2. You Got Rid Of Stuff That Remind You Of Them

Trying to keep hold of certain items that remind you of your ex means you haven't moved on yet. Sadly, it's like you're just clinging onto something that's already been lost. So when the day comes that you finally feel ready to get rid of those memories, it's a sign you're taking the first step forward. You're starting to understand you don't need those items around anymore. 

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3. You Don't Get Emotional Thinking About The Past

Though you might've once cried at the mention of your ex's name, you know you've gotten stronger and moved on if it unphases you now. If you're able to think about the past without getting all emotional, it means you've grown and learned from it. Time for the next stage of your life!

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4. You've Learned Something From The Breakup

Speaking of learning, if you can comfortably and confidently say that you learned something from your past relationship or breakup, that's a win. It means you've accepted things for what they are and are just trying to take something beneficial from it.

Pexels-Olly-712413 Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

5. You've Started Focusing On Yourself

Going from being in a relationship to single can be a hard transition for anyone. It takes time learning to put yourself first and prioritizing your own needs again. But once you're starting to get a hang of it, seeing that you can focus on yourself means you've grown for sure.

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6. You're Interested In Returning To The Dating Scene

Tired of being single? That's a clear sign you've moved on! If you're tempted to jump back on the dating apps, it's obvious you're over your ex and are ready to move on with someone new. No more looking back, just ahead!

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7. You've Forgotten Important Dates

Your anniversary with your ex was June...no, maybe July? Don't worry, forgetting important dates from your last relationship is a good sign. Those dates don't mean anything to you anymore - it means you're not hung over on the past and have a fresh mindset moving forward! 

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8. You Like Someone Else

There's no clearer sign that you've gotten over your ex than falling for someone else. It means you've closed the chapter on your last book and are looking forward to start a new one. If your heart is ready to take the next step, don't be afraid! 

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9. You Enjoy Being On Your Own

Sometimes, we can grow to become too dependent on our partners. And after going through a breakup, not having someone around you 24/7 can be hard to accept. But if you're taking baby steps towards loving being on your own and embracing your independence, that's a good direction to follow. 

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10. You Know You've Moved On Deep Down

At the end of the day, you know best if you've moved on or not from your ex. It's just something you can feel deep down in your soul. Having that heavy feeling being lifted from you isn't something you'll miss so easily after all. 

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