
10 Signs You're A Negative Nancy & 10 Traits Of An Annoyingly Happy Person

10 Signs You're A Negative Nancy & 10 Traits Of An Annoyingly Happy Person

Is Your Glass Half Full Or Empty?

Some folks sit on either side of the happiness spectrum. There are the Moaning Marthas who think the world is against them and the Positive Pauls who think every day is a blessing. Discover which personality traits define whether you’re on the dark or the bright side of life.  

Obi CrazeObi Craze on Pexels

1. There’s Always Something To Complain About

It’s too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter. From the weather to the way that stranger looked at you, there’s always something to complain about. Conversations with friends are generally a venting session. 

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2. You Point Out The Flaws

You notice the small stain on the carpet before anything else in the room. You always point out what's wrong when people ask about your hotel room or you dwell on the mistake your colleague made and never acknowledge their strengths. You can't see the beauty in imperfections.     

Rodolpho ZanardoRodolpho Zanardo on Pexels

3. You’re First To Reveal The Bad News

Your favorite stations are the news channels and you like to bring up wars and natural disasters in your casual conversations. You're the first to reveal the bad news to your friends and keep them informed of who just died. You instantly pick up the phone to tell someone when something bad has happened to you. 

Anna ShvetsAnna Shvets on Pexels


4. You Love To Gossip 

You thrive off of hot gossip and you tend to be the one to set it off. Other people's drama is your guilty pleasure. Your favorite shows to watch are reality TV like The Real Housewives of Anywhere and The Kardashians. You want to know everyone's juicy secrets.    

Yaroslav ShuraevYaroslav Shuraev on Pexels

5. You’re Always Bored 

You get caught saying "I'm bored" a lot. You're difficult to please and it takes a lot to entertain you. You find work boring but you're also bored when you're in between jobs and have nothing to do. 

man in white crew neck t-shirt sitting on brown wooden chairEkoate Nwaforlor on Unsplash

6. Negativity Breeds Negativity

You seem to have a lot of bad days. If one thing goes wrong in the morning, it sets you up for failure the rest of the day. You get caught in a negative spiral or a domino effect where one thing after another goes wrong. It's hard for you to see the bright side in a difficult situation. 

Ketut SubiyantoKetut Subiyanto on Pexels

7. Everyone’s Against You

You feel like everyone is always against you. You find yourself getting into arguments a lot or getting honked at by other drivers. You call yourself the black sheep of the family and think you get blamed for everything. You often play the victim card and have a pity party.  

Yan KrukauYan Krukau on Pexels

8. You Judge Others 

You tend to judge a book by its cover and you're very judgmental of others. You already have an opinion about someone before you get to know them. It's hard for you to grasp alternative lifestyles to yours or you judge someone for wearing sweatpants to the grocery store. 

Tima MiroshnichenkoTima Miroshnichenko on Pexels

9. You’re Hard On Yourself 

You're very hard on yourself! You constantly compare yourself to others, whether it's to envy their appearance or how they do something better than you. You often call yourself bad names and put yourself down.  

man in black crew neck shirtChristopher Ott on Unsplash


10. You Give Up Easily

You don't give yourself much time to get better at something. You don't look at failures as progress, only downfalls. You find that giving up is easier than failing multiple times and you often feel defeated.   

On the other end of the scale, you have the happy people that have rainbows shooting out of their eyeballs. Although they burst in positivity, their enthusiasm can sometimes annoy those around them (especially the Negative Nancys). 

woman in black jacket lying on white snowJackson Simmer on Unsplash

1. Everything Goes Your Way

Everything seems to fall right into place. Even if it starts off rocky, it's smooth sailing after a short while. That's your attitude anyway. Whether it's your charm or you've mastered manifestation, you have the ability to get your way in the end. 

Andrea PiacquadioAndrea Piacquadio on Pexels

2. You Have An Answer To Everyone’s Problems

Sometimes your friend just wants to vent but you always have a solution to their problems. You can't help but figure out a way to solve their issues. You're everyone's unofficial therapist and you're good at seeing the silver lining in a negative situation. 

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3. You Say Inspirational Phrases 

You love your words of inspiration and your home decor consists of many framed quotes. Speaking mantras out loud is a part of your daily routine. You have a gratitude journal or you carry a gratitude rock in your pocket. You love to comment on social media posts with positive feedback or supportive phrases.   

a neon sign that says don't worry be happySamuel Regan-Asante on Unsplash

4. You’re Always Smiling

Sometimes your mouth hurts because you smile all the time. Your immediate reaction when you make eye contact with someone is to flash a toothy grin. You laugh a lot, even when someone isn't that funny. Smiling is your favorite but some folks don't understand why you're never frowning.  

Julia AvamotiveJulia Avamotive on Pexels

5. You Only Remember The Good Times

When you go on a trip and something goes wrong, you quickly forget about that part. As far as you're concerned, nothing bad ever happens to you. You forget about getting food poisoning on vacation, you share the stories about the snorkeling adventure you went on and how good the cuisine tasted. 

blue red and white happy birthday signageJon Tyson on Unsplash


6. You Shoot Out Of Bed In The Morning

You're a morning person. Heck, you're also a night person! You love being awake after a good night's sleep. You shoot out of the right side of the bed every morning and are excited to take on the day. Grumpy people around you are confused by why you're so chipper at 7 am.  

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7. You’re High On Life

You seem to be high on caffeine without any caffeine. You love your life and you bring the good vibes only everywhere you go. Your vibrant energy might overwhelm people but that doesn't stop you from dancing in public or saying "hello!" to strangers.  

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8. You Don’t Hear Insults

On the rare occasion, rude people insult you but you don't really notice. You have the ability to filter out negativity or censor any downgrading remarks. "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" is your motto.  

three small figurines sitting in a rowDendy Darma Satyazi on Unsplash

9. You Never Give Up

You don't look at failure as a reason to give up, you keep trying until you're satisfied. You're everyone's biggest supporter and hype person. Participation ribbons count as success. People envy you for your "you can do it" attitude. 

Airam Dato-onAiram Dato-on on Pexels

10. You’re A Chatty Cathy

What's an "inside voice"? You're a storyteller and you love to talk. You always have something to say whether it's with friends or strangers. You love to dish out compliments and ask people questions. Some people might think "Do they ever shut up?" but that's their problem. You're bubbly and you don't always have control over the volume of your voice.  

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