10 States With The Highest Rates of Divorce & 10 With The Lowest

10 States With The Highest Rates of Divorce & 10 With The Lowest

In America, we're seeing a unique trend where some states tend to have high rates of divorce, while others don't. What is it about these states that's causing such a big difference? Today, let's explore the 10 states that find divorce more common, and the 10 that don't. We're about to dive into the major causes and contributing factors.

1. Nevada

While Nevada has always been known as the place to be for quick, spontaneous marriages, it's also a state with one of the highest divorce rates in America. Why is that? Well, it's likely due to its liberal marriage and divorce laws, allowing people to get divorced a lot more swiftly and easily compared to other states. If it's relatively hassle-free, some people might just do it for the sake of it.

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2. Arkansas

Arkansas is another state that tops the list of highest divorce rates in America. Some contributing factors could be socioeconomic challenges and lower average incomes that make financial stress a major player in divorce, but also, people have commented that couples in Arkansas tend to get married at a much younger age. Turns out, they simply might just not be ready.

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3. Oklahoma

Oklahoma's divorce rate is shockingly high, with many stating that the biggest contributing factors are financial stress and high rates of marriage at younger ages. They basically face similar issues as Arkansas.

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4. Wyoming

While Wyoming sees high rates of marriage, they see almost equally high rates of divorce! Once again, marriage at an early age is a big contributing player - if couples discover marriage wasn't the right choice and they moved into it too quickly, this strained relationship can quickly lead to divorce.


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5. Idaho

Having one of the highest numbers of married couples in all of America, it's surprising to hear that the divorce rate in Idaho is so high. Once again, the pressure of economic struggles and marriage at a young age are two major factors that play a large role in this statistic.

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6. West Virginia

As we're beginning to see, while the South tends to have higher rates of marriage, they generally also see high numbers in divorce. Lower income levels and difficulty finding employment opportunities are big factors particularly in West Virginia.

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7. Kentucky

Similar to Nevada, Kentucky likely has high divorce rates because of their "no-fault" divorce policy, which simply means no wrongdoings had to have taken place in order to separate. This, coupled with economic stress and other factors, are likely the cause of such high divorce numbers.

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8. Alabama

Known for having more traditional values, Alabama's divorce rates can be due to multiple factors. From limited job prospects to financial stress, educational challenges, and religious beliefs, the state faces one of the country's highest rates of divorce.

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9. Tennessee

Poverty continues to be a big factor in determining a state's divorce rates. Sadly, Tennessee does not break the norm - major contributing factors have been noted to be economic stress and early marriage just like the others on this list.


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10. Florida

Surprisingly, Florida has been experiencing a pretty high level of divorce. This can be attributed to multiple reasons, such as Florida being such a large retiree destination, which brings forward unique demographic factors that could be influencing divorce rates. One aspect also being studied is how many people move to Florida to start a new life, with new divorcees moving to Florida impacting the stats as well.

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1. Massachusetts

Massachusetts has consistently ranked high among the states with the lowest divorce rates in the country. As you can expect after learning what some of the biggest contributing factors for divorce are, Massachusetts' successful rates can be attributed to many getting married at a older, more mature age, and a focus on family stability across the state.

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2. Louisiana

This may come as a surprise to you, but Louisiana has a lower divorce rate compared to national averages. Whether it's the state's strong cultural and religious values that highlight the importance of marriage and family, or the community's strong support systems, whatever it is, it's working.

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3. Wisconsin

With one of the lowest divorce rates in all of America, Wisconsin needs to be studied. While there are always plenty of factors to consider, for this state, some positives include an emphasis on education and family values, paired alongside economic stability which helps reduce marriage stressors.


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4. Illinois

In Illinois, the combination of higher income, later-in-life marriage, and less marriages overall is what contributes to the state's relatively low rates of divorce. Turns out, the longer you wait to get married, the more likely you're sure, leading to less chance of separation. 

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5. New Jersey

Having impressively low divorce stats compared to other states across the country, New Jersey's higher rate of successful marriages can be attributed to these two things: a higher median income and high levels of education. Job security and education are important factors that can lead to more stable relationships.

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6. New York

New York, especially urban areas like New York City, boast an impressively low divorce rate. While you might have thought otherwise, given the state's association with the hustle and bustle of busy workers, factors like decent income and later marriages contribute greatly to this stability.

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7. Kansas

Known for having conservative beliefs, Kansas showcases an eye-catchingly low divorce rate. While there are certainly lots of factors that come to play, it's possible that the state is influenced by its balance of urban and rural communities, strong family values, and an agricultural economy that promotes community and familial bonds.

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8. Maryland

It shouldn't come as a surprise now that substantial college education and high median household income are two factors that correlate with greater marital stability.


Not to mention, going to college also tends to put marriage plans on hold, forcing young couples to take their time! So taking all that into consideration, it makes sense why Maryland has a lower divorce rate than most.

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9. Minnesota

Minnesota is a state with strong community and family values. Throw that in alongside a strong focus on education, a stable economy, and later marriages, you've got yourself a state that supports a higher chance of successful marriages.

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10. Pennsylvania

In recent years, Pennsylvania has seen a steady decrease of divorce. There are a couple of factors that play into this, but the main reason has been said to be the state has a much lower rate of marriage overall. Many are choosing to simply live as partners and cohabitate instead of signing the paper and officially getting married. Break-ups don't count as divorce we suppose!

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