
10 Things Men Think Are Important to Women But Aren’t & 10 Things To Focus On More

10 Things Men Think Are Important to Women But Aren’t & 10 Things To Focus On More

Let's Talk About What Women Really Care About

From being successful to having a fancy car and muscles, there are many pressures society places on men to the point where it can feel crippling. Some men may think they aren't ready to date if they don't reach these seemingly impossible standards when in reality, most women don't even care about those things. Here are 10 things men think are important to women but aren't and 10 they actually look for.

Vera ArsicVera Arsic on Pexels

1. Money

Society puts way too much emphasis on having a high-paying job as a man. While some women value that highly, they may not be the type you want to get into a relationship with anyway. Focus on self-growth as opposed to monetary success and you'll be attractive. 

100 us dollar billGiorgio Trovato on Unsplash

2. Looks

Have you ever seen a gorgeous young woman with an average-looking guy? That's because physical attractiveness really isn't that important to most women. It's more about how he makes them feel than how he looks.

grayscale portrait of man wearing white dress shirt on black backgroundJens Lindner on Unsplash

3. Muscles

Hopefully, if you're going to the gym to pump iron, it isn't just to get girls. While some amount of physical fitness is important, most women don't care that much about how muscular you are. 

Anush GorakAnush Gorak on Pexels


4. Cars

Having a luxury car is one of those things that men seem to value much more than women. Most women are more likely to roll their eyes at a man in a fancy car than they are to be impressed by it.

white Aston Martin convertible parked near treesAndrew Pons on Unsplash

5. Upscale Home

Sure, having spiffy digs is nice. However, if it comes at exorbitant costs, it's only going to cause problems down the road. Most women are much more pragmatic than they seem and would likely prefer that money be spent on experiences rather than housing.

concrete house near a body of water and forestEvelyn Paris on Unsplash

6. Clothes

While it's nice to be with a dapper-looking man, it's definitely not a must, especially if it means sinking a lot of time into shopping at fancy stores and grooming yourself in front of the mirror. These things exude vanity and are likely to be more of a turn-off than anything.

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7. Social Media Flexing

While it's impressive to have thousands of followers on Instagram, it can also be intimidating to a woman. What's more, spending a lot of time on social media can be cause for jealousy and make you look shallow. 

man in white dress shirt holding smartphoneI'M ZION on Unsplash

8. Being Tough

The way to a woman's heart is not through hardness but softness. Showing your gentle side will melt her heart and let her see that you can make her feel loved and cared for. 

Jimmy ElizarrarasJimmy Elizarraras on Pexels

9. Being Handy

Though it's a stereotype that fixing things around the house is the "man's job," not every man is handy, and that's okay. Women won't think less of you if you don't know your way around a toolbox.

Ksenia ChernayaKsenia Chernaya on Pexels


10. Being Popular

Although it's nice for a woman to see her partner socializing and having a lot of friends, she will appreciate more getting plenty of quality time with you. If your time is always sucked up by your countless friends, it just means less time for her.

Hassan ZafarHassan Zafar on Pexels

Now that we've gone over some of the things men should be less focused on, let's talk about the ones women actually do care about.

1. Emotional Intelligence

There's nothing more attractive than a man who is capable of having deep emotional talks. Getting vulnerable is a sign of trust and having the emotional intelligence to understand and empathize with other's feelings is a rare trait in men that women are always looking for.

man looking at the cameraBruce Dixon on Unsplash

2. Kindness

Women love to see men making acts of kindness. It's a great way to show her your caring side and that you can be empathic, attentive, and helpful. 

Zen ChungZen Chung on Pexels

3. Passion

Passion and romance go together. Showing your passionate not only for her but for your hobbies and other things you care about is an attractive quality that will stimulate her senses and ignite a flame. 

man jumping on the middle of the street during daytimeAndre Hunter on Unsplash

4. Authenticity

Above all, be authentic. Being ingenuine is all too obvious and will only hurt you in the end. Being comfortable in your skin and letting your true self shine through is the best thing you can do.

grayscale photo of man making silly faceDenis Agati on Unsplash

5. Independence 

A modern woman isn't likely to be into a man who can't take care of himself. Being independent shows your readiness for a relationship as it indicates you can take care of others too. 

man cutting vegetablesJason Briscoe on Unsplash


6. Humor

A sense of humor can lighten the mood and just make life together more fun. For most women, humor is one of the most highly-valued traits in a man.

women's blue and green sariTim Mossholder on Unsplash

7. Communication

Being a good communicator is a surprisingly rare quality in men. Being open, honest, and direct will create a healthy platform of trust that will ensure her she can rely on you. What's more, that good communication will only be reciprocated.

Andrea PiacquadioAndrea Piacquadio on Pexels

8. Appreciation

Take note of the little things she does and don't be afraid to show your appreciation for her. Most women don't get enough of this and she will find it refreshing and love you for it.

man and woman hugging each other photographyPriscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

9. Shared Goals

Having shared goals with a partner or prospective partner is a sign of potential long-term compatibility. You and her can get excited about embarking on your path together.

a man and a woman playing a piano on a couchOPPO Find X5 Pro on Unsplash

10. Quality Time

Devoting a lot of time just to her will signify that you cherish your togetherness. Setting time aside for her and giving her your full attention will also allow you to get to know each other on a deeper level early on.

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