10 Toxic Houseplants For Cats & 10 That Are Perfectly Safe

10 Toxic Houseplants For Cats & 10 That Are Perfectly Safe

Choose Safe Plants For Your Cat-Mates

Houseplants can do wonders for our homes but sadly, some aren’t safe for cats. Lush plants look appealing so we understand why cats might be tempted to take a nibble. But have no fear–– you don’t have to choose between kittens or greenery, some plants are safe for them too. To ease your worries, here are lists of toxic botanicals to avoid and foliage to enjoy.  

Top PhotoJames Fitzgerald on Unsplash

1. Lily

Lilies may tempt you with their beauty but they’re harmful to the kidneys. Every part of the plant can cause kidney failure in cats if ingested. From drinking the water in the vase to munching on the petals, lilies can cause symptoms like vomiting and loss of appetite within a few hours.   

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2. Aloe Vera

Aloe is very healthy for humans but that isn’t true for our feline friends. If consumed, cats can become lethargic, have diarrhea, or experience tremors in severe cases. It’s best to save these plants for sunburns and out of reach of your cat.    

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3. Dieffenbachia (Dumb Cane)

It's dumb by name and a dumb plant to buy if you have cats! They contain needle-like calcium oxalate crystals that can cause painful oral irritation. Signs of toxicity include swelling of the mouth or throat which leads to difficulty breathing and swallowing.   

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4. Sago Palm

These palms contain cycasin which is a highly potent toxin. It’s a deadly plant and just a small amount can be fatal if a cat eats it. Other symptoms include gastro problems, liver damage, and neurological issues. Sagos are just not worth the risk!

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5. Philodendron

Philodendrons contain the same crystals as dumb canes that cause nasty mouth symptoms. Their large luscious leaves may be intriguing to cats and should be kept away from their temptation   

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6. Pothos

Pothos are referred to as “Devil’s Ivy” and cats understand why. These plants also contain those evil calcium oxalate crystals that are very harmful to a cat’s mouth. 

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7. Peace Lily

Peace lilies are not so tranquil for a poor kitty. Sinking their teeth into these flowers may cause burning, swelling, and vomiting. Show your love by removing these toxic florals from your house.   

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8. Jade

If consumed, jade plants can cause numerous symptoms in cats from their toxins. Jades can cause depression or elevate heart rate to a harmful level. Some cats may develop ataxia which is a condition that causes them to lose coordination and have difficulty walking. 

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9. Oleander

They’re pretty in pink but cause ugly side effects. Oleanders may cause heart problems, digestion issues, or could lead to death if they’re eaten. If you have cats, opt for pink flowers that are safe like roses, asters, or zinnias. 

Claudia-Sommer-Qype Gxvkqo-UnsplashClaudia Sommer on Unsplash


10. Azalea

Don’t let your cat take a bite from an azalea plant because it will severely upset their stomach. Azaleas can also cause their cardiovascular system to collapse which is life-threatening. 

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The good news is that you can still be a crazy cat person and a houseplant hoarder at the same time. Here are ten examples of houseplants that are fresh for the home and safe for your whiskered roommates.   

1. Spider Plant

You can breathe in deep and sigh out in relief–– a spider plant will purify your air and won’t poison your cat. Their long slender leaves will attract your eyes as they regulate humidity and produce oxygen.

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2. Areca Palm

These low-maintenance palms are stress-free for you and your fur babies. They’re large plants that can be kept indoors and out and are safe for puppy pals too. 

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3. African Violet

African violets are beautiful blooms known for their longevity and vibrant colors. If your cat decides to take a bite, this fancy foliage is safe for felines.  

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4. Boston Fern

Who doesn’t love a fern? You and your cat can enjoy the humidifying green leaves together. From hanging baskets to plant arrangements, these pet-friendly ferns are versatile plants perfect for any room.  

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5. Calathea

With their intricate leaf patterns and variety of colors, calathea plants offer more than their decorative foliage. They’re feline-friendly and help filter out pollution and toxins in the air. Like a kitten with a string, they'll entertain you when their leaves curl up at night and uncoil in the morning.    

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6. Chinese Money Plant

Their compact size makes a money plant suitable for many spaces. Lucky for you and your pet, they’re known to bring good fortune and prosperity and won’t cause harm if chewed on.  

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7. Prayer Plant

This plant’s most distinctive feature is in the movement of its leaves. In the dark, they fold up resembling hands in prayer and they spread out wide during daylight. You can have faith this remarkable greenery is safe for curious cats.   

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8. Orchids

With their striking appearance and color palettes, orchids are popular flowers in many homes. You’d rather the cat didn’t harm the petals, but these florals are safe if snacked on.   

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9. Haworthia

Haworthias showcase a unique appearance and are good for those with a black thumb. These easy-care succulents will thrive indoors and won’t harm your pet if they get their paws on one. 

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10. Baby’s Tears

You’ll only cry happy tears knowing these delicate perennials are kind to kittens. Baby’s tears can tolerate low light and neglect so you can focus on cat naps instead. 

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