
10 Traits Men Look For In A Long-Term Partner & 10 Traits Women Search For

10 Traits Men Look For In A Long-Term Partner & 10 Traits Women Search For

Dating for Marriage

For many people, dating is another step toward the ultimate goal of marriage or whatever a long-term relationship looks like in their eyes. That means some traits, while fun in a casual relationship, have no place in a long-term one. With that in mind, here are the 10 most popular and common traits each gender looks for in their forever partners.

man in white dress shirt kissing woman in red and white floral dressRyan Jacobson on Unsplash

1. Stability

Even men like a fair bit of stability when locking into a long-term relationship. This could mean emotional, physical, or even financial stability. Essentially, they’re ready for the reckless youthful phase to give way to some form of job, income, and routine.

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2. Affection

Both physical and emotional affection are high on a man’s list. They can only take so much tough love and, like everyone else, want someone to be gentle and soft with them. Men look for women who show them appreciation.

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3. Loyalty

Loyalty is a big one, as there’s nothing worse than betraying your partner or cheating on them. Loyalty means they shouldn’t have to worry about what you’re up to because that basic trust should be there.

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4. Friendship

If you’re going to spend the rest of your life with someone, you’ll obviously want to like them. A soulmate should be your best friend. You should share more than just a home and a marriage—but also hobbies, friends, and interests.

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5. Resilience

Relationships have ups and downs, and every man looks for a woman who will stick it through the hard times just as easily as she’d linger through the good ones. That’s why it’s important to stick with your partner and help them through the tough situations.

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6. Support

Whether things are going good or bad, a man wants a woman who will support him in every sense of the word. That means encouraging his hobbies, appreciating his efforts, and gently pushing him to do more. A woman should be her man’s biggest cheerleader.

man and woman standing on brown field during daytimeMindy Sabiston on Unsplash

7. Self-Respect

Of course, men also want a woman who has as much respect for herself as she does for her man. This means avoiding compromising situations and checking in with her partner before doing things that might be questionable.

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8. Devotion

Devotion, like loyalty, means sticking by your partner through thick and thin. But it also means admiring them—praising the good they do and being gracious when they make mistakes.

man in white dress shirt holding brown flower bouquetJonathan Borba on Unsplash

9. Independence

While some say men are natural providers, that doesn’t mean they want a woman who is completely helpless or dependent on them. Instead, there should be a balance. In fact, many men like that the women in their lives have their own hobbies and friends. It just gives you two more things to talk about!

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10. Love

Of course, the most important thing of all is love. Men want to know there’s someone out there who truly loves them—who will wait up for them and check in when things get quiet.

Now that we have talked about the traits men look for in a woman, here are 10 things women look for in a partner.

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1. Fun

In the infamous words of Cyndi Lauper, “girls just want to have fun.” And that’s somewhat true. Just because a girl is ready to settle down doesn’t mean she’s ready for boring monotony. She wants someone she can have fun with—on top of everything else, of course.

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2. Security

Women like to feel safe, both physically and emotionally. That means they want a man who can protect their hearts as well as their bodies. After all, the world’s a dangerous place—especially for women.

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3. Compatibility

Women all vary, of course—they aren’t just a hive mind. So compatibility means something different to every woman, but it’s something they all essentially want. That might mean having similar lifestyles, hobbies, or interests.

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4. Ambition

You don’t have to be a millionaire to impress a woman, but having goals and striving toward them is very attractive and makes a man look like a solid mate. This could be as simple as pursuing higher education or striving for a promotion.

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5. Humor

Women, like most people, like to laugh. Finding someone that makes them smile and makes the world seem all the more lighter is definitely a plus. The movies weren’t kidding when they said women like funny men.

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6. Empathy

Arguably more important than humor is empathy. Women hate being belittled or dismissed and appreciate partners who listen to them speak about their issues and express sympathy and understanding. Remember, empathy doesn’t mean trying to fix all their problems, but simply being there to lean on.

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7. Respect

Respect is a major one! A woman can only handle so much disrespect before she’s planning her exit. With that in mind, women look for men who are both physically respectful as well as intellectually respectful. There’s nothing worse than being dismissed simply because of her gender.

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8. Kindness

Similar to empathy, women just want guys who are nice. There are lots of jokes out there about “nice guys,” but odds are most guys who say “nice guys finish last” simply aren’t that nice. What woman would say no to a guy who’s respectful, thoughtful, and kind?

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9. Confidence

Confidence really is key, and lots of women find themselves attracted to it. If you’re secure in yourself, then of course the women around you will want to be around you.

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10. Love

Finally, the most important thing for both genders is undoubtedly love. A woman also wants to know that there’s someone out there who’s entirely and completely hers. Love is a two-way street, and it’s something everyone strives for.

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