Does Today’s Crowd Really Have it Easier?
It’s been a subject of heated debate these last few years: do younger people really have it easier than older generations? Some cry that they’re burned-out youngsters with too much societal pressure while others claim they need to pull up their bootstraps and work a little harder. With that, let’s take a look at all the ways this generation has it easier—and all the ways they don’t.
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1. Climate Change
The United Nations, NASA, and various environmental groups have been warning us about climate change for decades—and it’s officially at an all-time high. With temperatures rising by nearly 2° F already, scientists continuously warn about the catastrophic repercussions of any further upticks. It’s hard to get excited about future prospects with such a dark cloud looming overhead.
2. Crippling Student Debt
In the U.S. alone, student debt accounts for trillions of dollars. In Canada, nearly $25 billion was owed to the federal government with most students at least $29,000 in debt. With that in mind, it’s hard to envision that white picket fence when you get slapped with a hefty bill right out of school.
3. Social Media Pressures
In a world overrun with social media, it’s easy to see how young people fall prey to its pressures. From archaic beauty standards to cruel online bullying, the world of social media has never been more harmful. Toss in the need to broadcast every detail, even personal ones, to your followers and you have an even bigger recipe for disaster.
4. Stagnant Salaries
Despite soaring housing costs and problematic debt, today’s salaries aren’t what they used to be. It’s not as easy to climb the corporate ladder yet companies demand more and more of their employees, resulting in a struggle to stay above water. Burnout is often dismissed as “laziness,” salaries don’t match inflation, and young people are left in the lurch.
5. Insane Rent Prices
Are you interested in a cute one-bedroom apartment? It’s yours—for the low, low price of $2,000 a month. Sure, grocery prices are ridiculously high and bills can soar well past our means, but that hasn’t curbed the crisis. Oh, and minimum wage hasn’t increased either.
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6. Competitive Job Market
The job market has always been competitive but it’s worse now than ever before. Employers aren’t as keen to fill every role, sometimes leaving vacancies open for months. AI has replaced many jobs, leaving many to find a new career path. The oversaturated market makes it even harder for people to stand out.
7. Soaring Housing Costs
If you can’t afford to rent an apartment (Who could blame you?), you definitely can’t afford a mortgage. Location obviously plays a big role in housing costs but the majority of homes climb past affordability. The pandemic didn’t help anything and some believe the numbers will only continue to rise.
8. Wavering Job Security
Layoffs have happened left and right these past few years—and companies anticipate even more in 2025. Though some jobs have more security than others, it wavers across the board and can leave younger people more fearful than before.
9. Poor Attention Spans
Nearly everything in today’s world battles for our attention. Social media. Smartphones. Televisions. Video games. No matter where you go, it’s hard to pull away from the screen. However, younger generations were hit harder than ever with poor attention spans, impatience, and cellphone addiction.
10. Inadequate Retirement Options
Multiple reports estimate that younger generations need anywhere from $1.5 to $2 million for a comfortable retirement. Though today’s generation squirrels away a decent amount of money, it’s still not enough to reach anywhere close to what they need.
Like anything in life, there’s a silver lining to this dark cloud. Let’s dive into some ways younger generations have it far better.
1. Access to Everything
Depending on how you use it, the internet is an incredible feat that offers whatever information you need. DIY project? Walk yourself through it with a YouTube tutorial. Interested in investing? Countless articles show you how. It’s never been easier to nab an answer to any burning question.
2. Mental Health Awareness
Today’s mental health awareness is far better than older generations. We recognize various illnesses and are more willing to talk about our issues without scrutiny. We also have systems in place to help people cope, which wasn’t always the case.
3. More Individual Freedom
Whether you want to dye your hair purple or simply wear a pantsuit to work, today’s generation has never been freer. On the whole, society more readily accepts different body types and personal choices far more than they used to.
4. Less Pressure to Start a Family
It’s great if you want to start a family—but that doesn’t mean you have to. There’s less societal pressure to step into stereotypical norms; women now have a place as homemakers and career-seekers. They can also open their own bank accounts without a husband, so that’s nice.
5. Remote Work Opportunities
Gone are the days of terrible commutes! Young generations have more opportunities to work from home, which helps save money and reduces stress. Though some companies ask for in-office hours, many at least provide younger people the option.
6. They Stand Up for Themselves
People once risked life and limb to stand up for what they believed in. Younger generations partake in noble activism too, but they thankfully aren’t open to the same risk. Whether it’s demanding fair wages or taking to the streets with sign in hand, they live in a world where it’s okay to be vocal.
7. Better Healthcare
Depending on where you live, today’s healthcare is hit or miss. However, at least we don’t utilize lobotomies anymore. We understand more about disease, women’s health, and mental illnesses, providing better care than ever for whatever you experience.
8. Women’s Rights
Women still face a lot of the same standards they once did, but that doesn’t mean society hasn’t improved. Young women remain single. They don’t always have children. They're more present in the workplace. They’re more vocal about their experiences. While things haven’t progressed as far as we’d like (looking at you, beauty standards), there’s still less pressure to squeeze into a “norm.”
9. Technological Advancements
Today’s technology is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it’s never been easier to surf the web or keep up with your friends. On the other hand, brain rot and low attention spans are at an all-time high. That said, our uses of technology don’t negate its advantages.
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10. Education is Everywhere
Whether you’re a third-year college student or someone hungry for knowledge, access to education is everywhere. You can take free online classes, earn certifications, and attend school from the comfort of your own home. Even if you’re learning for learning’s sake, you can dive in without issue.