
The 10 Worst Places to Propose to Your Life Partner & The 10 Best

The 10 Worst Places to Propose to Your Life Partner & The 10 Best

Say Yes or Yikes

You're finally ready to propose to the love of your life. You have the ring ready, the perfect spiel prepared; all that's left is deciding where and how should you do it. Since a proposal should be a once-in-a-lifetime memory, you definitely don't want to pop the question just anywhere, or you might risk embarrassing yourself. Need some inspiration? Here are the 10 worst places to propose to your partner—and the 10 best.

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1. Food Court

If you're planning to propose in a food court, prepare to broken up with the next morning. Just kidding. But unless your partner loves you so much that they can look past being proposed to in a crowded, smelly, public food court, you really shouldn't be picking this spot.

File:Food court in the Mall of Tripla.jpgPlozessor on Wikimedia

2. Bathroom

Because what's more romantic than popping the question after doing your business in the bathroom? Wrong. If proposing in a food court is unpleasant enough, pulling out the ring in the bathroom just isn't the right time or place to do it, either.

white toilet bowl with cisternJan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash

3. Public Transportation

Proposing in the car makes for a pretty unremarkable memory, but doing it on a bus or subway is even worse. Most of the time, public transportation is crammed with people, so popping the question in front of them turns these unsuspecting commuters into your audience. Plus, let's be honest—public transit doesn't always look or smell the best.

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4. Social Media

Unless one of you is an online celebrity who doesn't mind publicized proposals on the web, you probably shouldn't be asking the question on a casual tweet, on TikTok, or whichever is your preferred platform. If the unthinkable happens, it'll make for an embarrassing memory.

person using both laptop and smartphoneAustin Distel on Unsplash

5. Emergency Room

If one of you is in the emergency room, the priority is getting help to nurse you back to health. Save the proposal for later. If your partner is in labor and you're thinking of popping the question before the baby comes into the picture... they probably wouldn't appreciate being sweaty and in pain when you ask.

white red and blue vanErik Mclean on Unsplash

6. Crowded Arena

Whether you're at a concert or a sports game, proposing in a crowded arena also isn't the right time or place. Sure, you might be inspired by examples you've seen of others doing the same, but unless your partner likes being in the center of attention, it's best not to push them under the spotlight.

people gathering on concert fieldDanny Howe on Unsplash

7. Plane

Proposing on the plane when you're sandwiched by strangers on all sides doesn't sound exactly pleasant. No matter where you're flying to, the question can wait until you get to your destination. You don't want to risk getting rejected and then having to sit in awkward silence for the rest of the ride.

people sitting inside planeHanson Lu on Unsplash

8. Someone Else's Wedding

If you've been invited to a friend's wedding, be respectful—that's their special day. Don't take the spotlight from them by making their venue your proposal spot. Even after the bouquet toss, you can find someplace else to ask the question instead of doing it right there and then.

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9. Drive-Thru

We don't know what would possess you to propose at a drive-thru, but your partner likely wouldn't want to be asked the question while ordering some greasy fast food or their morning coffee. The workers and the people in the cars behind you probably wouldn't appreciate the holdup either.

person holding black smartphone in carJonathan Cooper on Unsplash


10. Movie Theater

For the sake of the people around you who want to watch the movie, please don't pop the question in a public theater. Sure, maybe it's a romantic film that gives you a sudden burst of inspiration, but your partner—and everyone else—probably would rather you ask at a better, more appropriate time.

Now that we've covered some of the worst places to propose, let's jump into the good part: the best places to propose.

person watching movieKrists Luhaers on Unsplash

1. Romantic City

We mentioned not proposing on a plane, so if you're flying to a romantic destination such as Paris, the City of Love, then the question should definitely wait until you land. Plan out a special itinerary—picnic at sunset, tour around famous landmarks, candlelit dinner—then pick the perfect spot to ask.

Eiffel Tower, Paris FranceChris Karidis on Unsplash

2. Cruise

Proposing on a cruise is a great alternative to asking on a plane. Cruises, with its breathtaking sights and lavish spaces, are extremely romantic for couples. The best time? During sunset, whether while having a private dinner for two or at the railing looking out toward the water.

cruise shipPeter Hansen on Unsplash

3. Secluded Beach

Instead of proposing at a crowded beach, try to find a private or secluded one to get on one knee. This will make it much more romantic and special, as opposed to asking when too many beachgoers are packed in the waters and onshore.

seashore during golden hourSean Oulashin on Unsplash

4. Where You First Met

What's more meaningful than proposing at the place where you both first met? Unless, of course, it was in a not-so-pleasant place, like an airport, shopping mall, or an office you don't work at anymore. But even then, you can play around with the theme and choose a convenient time to make it special.

round brown wooden table with french press on top with white ceramic teacup besideKris Atomic on Unsplash

5. Garden

Parks and gardens are probably the only few public places where it would be romantic to propose, so long as there aren't too many people. Plus, some large green spaces are akin to a maze, making it easier to find a private spot to get down on one knee.

brown pathway between green plantsIgnacio Correia on Unsplash


6. Fancy Restaurant

While we have mentioned that public spaces aren't the best spots to propose, fancy restaurants are sometimes an exception. Make a reservation to snag a secluded section or table, preferably by a window and not in the main dining area, and it could make for an extremely romantic moment.

clear glass ball on brown wooden tableSoop kim on Unsplash

7. Lights Festival

You can also take inspiration from upcoming local events. For example, during holiday season when many light festivals and shows are hosted around your city, pick a perfect time and day to propose. It'll make for memorable, beautiful photos.

woman seeing string lightsRoberto Nickson on Unsplash

8. Meaningful Place

If you'd rather propose at another spot than the place you first met, choose another site. It could be somewhere that holds meaning to you both or where you've made the most memories. While you're at it, you could even play a song you both love to make it even more special.

couple sitting on the field facing the cityNathan Dumlao on Unsplash

9. Winery

What's better than proposing while surrounded by wine and gardens? Not much else. During your search to find the perfect winery, it might help to include it on the itinerary during a romantic getaway trip just to make it more magical.

silhouette photography of two person holding long-stem wine glassesDouglas Lopez on Unsplash

10. Home

At the end of the day, what's more special than proposing at home? You can prepare the perfect night by cooking up a meal, setting out candles, and putting on a favorite movie. The setting makes it much more intimate, unique, and personal, and your partner cherish your effort forever.

man and woman sitting on floor and about to kiss with lighted candles inside roomJonathan Borba on Unsplash