Cringy Words Of Wisdom
There are a lot of inspirational quotes out there that make our eyes roll but when we realize what they mean, it's understandable why they've been said. If you want some food for thought, we've broken down the cheesiest mottos you'll want to hear after all.
1. Live, Laugh, Love
You have at least one friend with this written on their wall–– this triple L motto is likely the most popular phrase for home decor. As redundant as it is, these three words are impactful which explains why the phrase is so trendy. Laughter is the best medicine, after all.–– (Sorry, we had to).
2. You Only Live Once
YOLO! Usually, this is said by a friend when you’re trying to make a decision and you feel guilty about one of the options. Should you go to that party even though you have work in the morning?––YOLO! Should you have that dessert because you’ll never eat at this restaurant again?–– YOLO!
3. Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness
In a world that revolves around money, it’s easy to believe the more cash you have the better you’ll be. But it’s no surprise that not all rich people are happy. Yes, a big fancy yacht would be nice but having strong friendships is nicer (and free).
Photo by Igor Omilaev on Unsplash
4. Everything In Moderation, Including Moderation
Thank you Oscar Wilde for the insightful quote, we’ll have another cookie, please! Moderation works great for many things in life but it’s okay to bend the rules occasionally.
5. Life Is What Happens When You’re Busy Making Other Plans
If you’re an avid planner, you can relate. It’s nice to have structure but sometimes the most fun is had out of spontaneity. This phrase doesn’t want you to spend all your time planning but rather spend your time living.
6. Live For The Nights You’ll Never Remember With The Friends You’ll Never Forget
In simple terms––get very drunk with your very best friends. We're not encouraging this, but that's what it means. We encourage you to have fun in your life and do it with the people you love the most.
7. It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere
Hello Margaritaville, you can have your sign back!––We’d need a lifetime to count every resort bar with this phrase written somewhere. Since it’s an excuse to start drinking within business hours, maybe it’s not the healthiest advice. But it’s a good reminder for 9-5ers to kick their feet back and relax.
8. If You Want To See The Rainbow You Must Endure The Rain
Thank you, Captain Obvious. But all sarcasm aside, this fact is a reminder that a beautiful life has its ugly moments but nothing lasts forever. It’s about knowing that when something bad happens, eventually something good will happen too.
9. Dance Like Nobody Is Watching
If you have two left feet, who cares? We’re all guilty of worrying about what other people think of us and this cheesy phrase is a good reminder to stop. So go on then, shake that booty and let the haters judge you.
10. Yesterday Is History, Tomorrow Is A Mystery, And Today Is A Gift. That’s Why We Call It The Present
Brilliant. We love a good play on words with the English language. A good reminder nonetheless that we should live in the moment and be grateful to be alive. It’s easier said than done but it’s beneficial to focus on the present and less on the past and future.
11. Keep Calm And Carry On
This quote needs to take its own advice and relax on its redundancy. We’ve seen it written on posters, tote bags, greeting cards, and mugs. It’s been rephrased 8 billion times! There’s even an internet generator to replace “carry on” with! Okay, understood…we need to move on.
12. If Life Gives You Lemons Make Lemonade
If a lemonade stand could talk! Basically, turn something sour into something sweet. Be optimistic about life’s obstacles and use them to your advantage. The sourness is something difficult and the lemonade is the result after the challenge is over.
13. It Takes More Muscles To Frown Than It Does To Smile
You’re trying to tell us that it’s more work to be mad than it is to be happy? We wish we could be happy all the time but we see the point this is trying to make. What’s next?––Turn that frown upside down.
14. You Miss 100% Of The Shots You Don’t Take
From the mouth of Canada’s beloved Wayne Gretzky, this hockey player meant more than scoring goals on the ice. In life, he’s encouraging us to strive for our goals even if we think they’re too hard or too risky. If we don’t give it a shot, we’ll never know the outcome. Thanks for the pep talk, Wayne.
15. To The World You’re One Person But To One Person You Could Mean The World
If this quote was a pizza, it would be the one with extra cheese and a cheese-stuffed crust. However, we should acknowledge its deeper meaning because it’s an important reminder for some of us. You can make someone’s life better by how you love and care for them. Even the small stuff counts.
16. It’s Not Whether You Fall Down But Whether You Get Back Up
It’s not what you want to hear when you’re having a pity party for yourself, but if you stay down when life knocks you over, you’re not getting anywhere. Even if it’s hard, eventually you have to get back up and move forward if you want to feel better.
17. Just Be Yourself
We hear this all the time but what on Earth does that mean? It’s not very thorough advice. We guess you shouldn’t try to act like somebody else and not be afraid to expose your real personality. People will like you for your authenticity but if they don’t, that’s their problem.
18. It’s What’s On The Inside That Counts
It’s true, we are a species that obsesses over our appearance too much. Personality will win you genuine relationships more than your wardrobe will. Kindness spreading from your lips is more beneficial than lipstick.
19. I Love Cooking With Wine. Sometimes I Even Put It In The Food.
Why do we only give dads the bad rep for jokes? This one could be categorized as a “mom joke”. It’s a playful phrase to poke fun at life and make you feel a little bit cheeky. It's a reminder to not take ourselves so seriously all the time.
20. If You Can Dream It You Can Do it.
What if we dreamt about growing wings and flying to a castle full of kittens floating on a cloud? We know that it actually means we shouldn’t doubt ourselves and we should never set limitations on our life goals and dreams.