20 Common Dreams People Have & What They Mean

20 Common Dreams People Have & What They Mean

Dreams are often fluffed off as nothing more than outlandish adventures—some include elements of our everyday lives while others teleport us to new universes made of cheese. However, some common dreams can reflect common feelings of helplessness, anxiety, or a need for guidance and we’re here to break down 20 of them. 

1. Flying

Wouldn’t it be great to sprout wings in real life? Your psyche certainly thinks so, and flying dreams are usually a sign that you’re itching for some kind of freedom. Given how exhilarating flying can be, doing it in dreams provides the liberation you need in waking life.

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2. Teeth Falling Out

Our brains are wonderful, which is exactly why we dream of lost teeth when we have low self-confidence—at least, this is the interpretation of this common dream. Teeth falling out is typically a sign you have issues with your appearance or communication, which manifests as a handful of molars. 

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3. Being Chased

You may be avoiding something in real life, but that doesn’t mean your brain will cut you a break. Getting chased is usually a representation of anxieties following you to the dream realm, and a good sign you need to confront whatever’s bothering you.

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4. Late to Class

Even though you graduated years ago, you’re late to class! This classic stressful dream often reflects feelings about failure or inadequacies. It also means you’re riddled with self-doubt and worry what others think of you.

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5. Needing the Bathroom

Successfully urinating in dreams is a common sign that you need to purge something in your everyday life. It might seem inconsequential, but that little in-dream win can symbolize greater success or cleansing.



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6. Falling

Falling dreams happen to just about everyone, which makes sense given their meaning. These common dreams typically symbolize a lack of control or uncertainty about our futures. It’s also a classic sign that we feel we’re losing our grip on life. Well, at least we always wake up before we smack the concrete. 

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7. Infidelity

This has different meanings depending on who cheated. If you cheated then you might be hiding certain feelings from yourself in real life. If someone cheats on you, it’s commonly a sign that you’re insecure in your relationship.

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8. Nude in Public

If your clothes fly off in a dream (and not in the fun way), then you’re likely dealing with feelings of embarrassment or a fear of judgment. This dream is commonly interpreted in two ways: you either fear baring yourself to others or you need more honesty in your relationships.

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9. Losing Your Voice

Silently screaming into the abyss is a common dream, and it comes with common feelings. If you feel unheard in your everyday life, that often manifests itself in voiceless dreams. It could also mean you need more confidence in what you do say.

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10. Being Late

Obligations can easily pop into our psyche, and tardiness in a dream often means you’re anxious about a looming deadline. It can also mean that you have a fear of falling behind on goals.


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11. Getting Lost

Getting lost in real life often comes with the same emotions as getting lost in a dream: directionless, confusion, or a complete lack of control. If you dream about getting lost then you probably are in real life—this dream suggests you need to look at your goals or priorities.

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12. Death

It’s always unsettling to dream of that great scythe, but you’re not alone. Death commonly haunts our dreams and it often symbolizes some kind of transition in life. It could also mean you’re afraid of the unknown or that you need to let go of things in your past. 

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13. A Loved One

Reunions with a deceased loved one means you need closure. These emotional dreams may also mean you’d like guidance from that person or just need the comfort of seeing them again. 

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14. Celebrity Encounters

Hey, Taylor Swift is here! All seems great until you wake up and realize that dream celebrities usually symbolize the need for validation. This type of dream can also mean you need to recognize your own talents—sometimes the very ones you admire in your idol. 

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15. Childhood Home

Positive dreams about childhood homes can reflect simpler times. Whether it’s a need to relive innocence or simply a trip down memory lane, these are among the better dreams we have. However, negative revisits to a childhood home often symbolize unresolved trauma.



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16. Dangerous Situations

When dreams stick you in dangerous situations, it’s often a sign you feel threatened in real life. It’s a good idea to either look at your everyday surroundings or potentially seek protection from what’s troubling you in life.

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17. Lost Limbs

When you lose something important in real life, the brain can make you lose something in a dream. Lost limbs often reflect some kind of loss, especially if it’s a big one, or lack of control in life.

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18. Inability to Move

Inaction in a dream usually means some kind of inaction in real life—if you can’t move in your dreams then you might need to make a big decision when you wake. This dream means powerlessness or a need to face fears head-on.

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19. New Places

An unfamiliar place can symbolize stepping out of one's comfort zone, and that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Unexplored places can also reflect excitement about the unknown and suggest you need to embrace what’s new.

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20. Being Trapped

Being trapped in a dream can perfectly reflect what it feels like to be trapped in real life. If you feel restricted in some way—difficult situations, feelings of overwhelm—then you’ll likely dream of being trapped. 

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