
20 Of The Craziest Conspiracy Theories People Believe In

20 Of The Craziest Conspiracy Theories People Believe In

What Do You Believe?

With all the misinformation around the world, it's understandable why so many people cling to these conspiracy theories. Some make a lot of sense and are quite compelling, while others are downright insane. Today we have more access to information and technology than ever before, yet people have never been more skeptical of the world around us. That's why we have compiled a list of 20 of the craziest conspiracy theories, so you have a better understanding of why people would ever believe such a thing.

1. The Moon Landing Hoax

Some people believe NASA never actually landed on the moon. The Apollo moon landings therefore must have been fake. Their “proof” is that the American flag appears waving in one of the videos. Something that wouldn’t happen in the vacuum of space.

Moon1Photo by Jordan Steranka on Unsplash

2. Flat Earth Theory

Flat Earthers believe that the Earth is not a sphere. They have no proof to support their claim, they just think that the government and space agencies can’t be trusted.

FlatearthPhoto by Flatearthgifts on Wikimedia Commons

3. Chemtrails

The chemtrail conspiracy is that airplanes have been dropping trails of chemicals that supposedly control our minds and make us sheep. They believe this is what the trail in the sky behind planes must be.

Dylan-Hunter-Z E5Ovsq4Ha-UnsplashPhoto by Dylan Hunter on Unsplash


4. 9/11 Was an Inside Job

Some conspiracy theorists believe that the U.S. government was behind the 9/11 attacks as a way to start a war with the Middle East. They claim that the building could not have gone down the way it did without rigged explosions inside the building.

Twin Towers-NycPhoto by Carol M. Highsmith on Wikimedia Commons

5. The Illuminati

Some believe the Illuminati is a secret organization that runs the world. All governments are just puppets being controlled. They claim that the goal of the Illuminati is New World Order.

File:Illuminati triangle eye.pngUS Government on Wikimedia

6. Reptilian Elite

This theory claims that there are shape-shifting reptilian aliens that live among us. They believe that many prominent figures such as politicians and celebrities have either been replaced or have always been alien reptilians controlling the world behind the scenes.

640Px-Anunnaki By Cosmo GandiPhoto by Cosmo Gandi on Wikimedia Commons

7. The JFK Assassination

Some believe that the assassination of President John F. Kennedy was planned by the CIA and Mafia. They claim that there have been many mysterious deaths among witnesses and inconsistencies around what happened.

John F. Kennedy, White House Color Photo PortraitPhoto by Cecil Stoughton on Wikimedia Commons

8. The New World Order

The New World Order conspiracy belief is that if not the Illuminati, some other group is behind the scenes trying to control the world. Some secretive elite group is planning to create a one-world government.

Stop The New World OrderPhoto by Christian Cable on Wikimedia Commons


The High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program is believed to be able to control the weather and our minds. They believe this device can create natural disasters and turn us into mindless sheep.

High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program SitePhoto by United States Federal Government on Wikimedia Commons


10. COVID-19 was a Bio-weapon

Some believe that COVID-19 was created and purposely released as a bio-weapon. They claim that due to the virus’s rapid spread and immediate global impact, it must have been manufactured to spread so easily.

Engin-Akyurt-As-Ksegpa2C-UnsplashPhoto by engin akyurt on Unsplash

11. Vaccines Have Microchips

Some people believe that the whole point of vaccines is to implant people with microchips that can track or even control them. They claim that injecting people with chips is only the first part of a bigger agenda.

Mufid-Majnun-Cm1Au42Fnrg-UnsplashPhoto by Mufid Majnun on Unsplash

12. Elvis Presley Is Alive

Some people believe that Elvis Presley's death was a hoax and is still living today. Many people claim to have sighted him out in the open and the official records of his death have some inconsistencies.

Elvis Presley, Modern Screen, June 1958Photo by Unknown on Wikimedia Commons

13. Paul McCartney Is Dead

Some people believe the real Paul McCartney died in a car crash way back in 1966 and was replaced by a look-alike. Fans claim that they can hear hidden messages about this in Beatles songs when slowed down or in reverse.

Paul Mccartney In October 2018Photo by Raph_PH on Wikimedia Commons

14. The Denver Airport Conspiracy

Some believe that Denver International Airport is the Illuminati’s home base. They claim that the airport has a ton of weird artwork and mysterious symbols that hint at its existence.

640Px-Denver International Airport InteriorPhoto by Abraham Sanogo on Wikimedia Commons

15. The Mandela Effect

A lot of people believe in the Mandela Effect, it’s when large groups of people misremember events in history. A prime example is the Berenstain Bears children's books. Many people claim they used to be called the Berenstein Bears, and that we have somehow shifted into an alternate reality with a different spelling.

8073098394 24D9Ffa22F ZPhoto by Walter Crane on Wikimedia Commons


16. Area 51 and Aliens

Many people believe that Area 51 holds evidence of extraterrestrial life and UFOs. They claim that the location's secrecy and strange UFO sightings make it true. There are also a few witness accounts from ex-employees that make the theory more believable.

Oliver-Pacas-Gczdpywg9Sy-UnsplashPhoto by Oliver Pacas on Unsplash

17. The Philadelphia Experiment

The Philadelphia experiment theory is that is U.S. Navy in 1943 successfully made a ship invisible, but it killed the whole crew aboard. They believe that the government has completely covered up the incident.

Austin-Neill-Emh2E5Sbife-UnsplashPhoto by Austin Neill on Unsplash

18. Time Travel Experiments

Some believe governments have already developed time travel technology. This is supported by claims of old pictures and video evidence of people who look out of place for their time.

Time-TravelPhoto by Ajaj1818 on Wikimedia Commons

19. The Hollow Earth

Some people believe that the Earth is Hollow and that an entire interior world is within ours. They claim that there are openings at the north and south poles for direct access.

640Px-Map Of The Interior WorldPhoto by C. Durand Chapman on Wikimedia Commons

20. Walt Disney's Frozen Body

Some people believe that Walt Disney was cryogenically frozen after his death, in hopes of one day being revived. They claim that the secrecy surrounding his death and his immense wealth led him down this path.

Walt Disney NywtsPhoto by Fisher, Alan on Wikimedia Commons