20 Defining Moments In Your Life You'll Look Back On

20 Defining Moments In Your Life You'll Look Back On

The Most Important Moments Of Our Lives

Throughout our lives, there are key moments that define who we are. Whether it was sad or happy, they provided us with opportunities to learn and better ourselves. Here are 20 defining moments that we know you'll one day look back on, hopefully, with happiness. 

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1. Getting Married

There's truth behind the saying, "Your wedding is the happiest day of your life." Many couples look back on this beautiful day with a tender fondness as they grow older. After all, it's all about celebration, love, and togetherness - what's a more special memory than that?

a man and woman shaking handsAsso Myron on Unsplash

2. Getting Divorced

On the opposite side of things, dealing with divorce is a tough thing to stomach. It may not feel like it in the moment, but one day, you'll look back on it as something that helped you grow stronger. You're the you today because of it.

a man sitting next to a purple suitcaseSander Sammy on Unsplash

3. Graduating High School

While many of you might think university was more important, high school was a crucial time in our development. This is where we made a lot of our friends, learned about ourselves, and experienced many of our firsts. That's why graduation felt so important - it's like celebrating a culmination of all these wonderful things.

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4. Your First Big Trip

Traveling overseas or spending weeks in a different country is an exciting adventure you'll likely never forget. And like many things, the first time is the most memorable. Not only are you stepping out of your comfort zone, but you're experiencing something entirely new for the very first time. That's hard to beat.

man wearing hat and grey shirt biting red candy on a stickSara Dubler on Unsplash

5. Getting Your Pregnancy Results

If you and your partner are trying for a baby, there's no moment more exciting than getting that positive pregnancy test. We're sure it felt like all of your dreams were coming true, and one day, you'll look back knowing it was what started your beautiful family.

a close up of two electronic devices on a tableLaura Ohlman on Unsplash

6. Giving Birth

After 9 months of strange cravings, back pain, and so much discomfort, you'll realize it was all worth it when you have your baby. The beautiful moment when you hear your baby's first cries is one that just can't be topped. It's not just a testament of you and your partner's hard work over the year, but also the amazing future that's yet to come. And as years pass by, you'll only remember the good, not the bad.

a woman in a striped dress poses for a pictureNathana Rebouças on Unsplash

7. Getting A Degree

After all those years of school, graduating from university and getting the degree of your dreams feels amazing. All that hard work, dedication, and perseverance led to this very moment! It's one you'll continue to look back on in life as you move forward and take the next steps. 

group of fresh graduates students throwing their academic hat in the airVasily Koloda on Unsplash

8. Losing A Relative

Losing someone you love is never easy. It doesn't matter if you're young and learning what loss means, or grown up and struggling to move on - these moments are always rough. But being able to look back at the beautiful times spent together with fondness, and not sadness, is a sign of growth you can't ignore. 

group of people attending burialRhodi Lopez on Unsplash

9. Getting Your First Job

After working so hard on getting your degree, nothing feels better than starting your first big boy/girl job. It's not only a sign of independence, but also that you're headed in the right direction. It might not feel super significant in the moment, but you'll always be able to reflect on this moment as kickstarting your career.

a group of people sitting around a table with laptopsUK Black Tech on Unsplash


10. Moving Houses

Whether it was done when you were a child or now as parents to your own family, moving houses can be an emotional yet exciting time. It's hard leaving those memories behind, but it's also nice knowing you'll make more beautiful ones moving forward. It's a big transition in anyone's life, and it's one you'll always remember.

woman in blue denim jacket standing beside woman in black shirtHiveBoxx on Unsplash

11. Retiring

Retirement always seems so close yet so far, until suddenly, the day finally comes. It can feel rewarding knowing your hard work has paid off, but also a bit scary wandering into the unknown. Just do your best to embrace the change and accept whatever adventure you have in store next. That's how it'll turn into a happy memory.

a man standing on top of a lush green hillside next to the oceanSimon Hurry on Unsplash

12. Paying Off A Debt

From student loans to mortgages, a lot of people have some sort of debt they have to pay off. When the day comes where it's finally over with, it can feel like a huge weight off of your shoulder. You worked hard all this time to get to this moment - enjoy it. 

silver and gold round coins in boxKenny Eliason on Unsplash

13. Buying Your First House

One of the most memorable moments in your life is when you buy your first home. Those years of skipping out on expensive meals, trips, and fun activities? It's all worth it for this. While the day will be filled with excitement, a bit of worry, and plenty of nervousness, this next big step in your life is definitely rewarding. 

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14. Owning Your First Pet

Finding the perfect pet is like completing the missing piece to your family puzzle. You never knew you needed them until you found each other. And once they're a part of your life, you'll wonder how you ever went on without them to begin with. 

short-coated brown dog on sofaDiana Parkhouse on Unsplash

15. Losing A Pet

On the flip side, losing a beloved family pet will likely be one of the hardest times in your life. Because we develop such special connections with our furry friends, it makes this loss all the more unbearable. But with time, you'll slowly move on and learn to reminisce about the good times you had together.

woman sitting near the osfaAnthony Tran on Unsplash


16. Moving Out Of Your Parent's Home

A clear sign of adulthood is moving out of your parent's home. It's something every kid is both excited and scared for. The idea of being on your own can be overwhelming, but knowing you've got your parent's support is enough. In the future, you'll be able to look back on this day fondly, remembering how it pushed you to grow even further.

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17. Falling In Love For The First Time

We read about it in books, see it in movies, and hear about it in songs, but experiencing it in real life is completely different. There's just something about your first love you'll never be able to forget. While the person you end up with might not be the same person, it's remembering that feeling of giddiness, confusion, and pure affection you'll always hold on to.

Andre FurtadoAndre Furtado on Pexels

18. Losing A Friend

People change and grow, and sometimes, that means you'll lose some friends along the way. It'll be difficult to get over, but once you do, you'll know it was for the best. Some people just grow out of friendships and there's nothing wrong with that. Learning to be with people who can stand by your side is the most important thing. Besides, we know you'll look back on this moment as an important lesson you won't regret. 

woman in red and white floral dress lying on brown wooden tableAbenezer Shewaga on Unsplash

19. Buying Your First Car

Buying your first car is a huge step in independence. Not only are you able to get around by yourself now, it's probably the biggest purchase you've made yet. It's definitely something to be proud of, and your first car will always be one you'll be fond of and remember. 

black sedan parking near roadJakob Owens on Unsplash

20. Your First Heartbreak

The first time will always be the hardest. Whether you did the breaking up or were on the receiving end, leaving a partner you loved is extremely difficult. What's important here is that you learn from what happened and become stronger because of it. And one day, we know you'll look back and realize it was all for the best. 

two person sitting on wood slabPriscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash