Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus
Some days it feels like men and women are completely different creatures. From how they handle problems to their hygiene routine, let’s just say there are plenty of differences out there…so many, in fact, that we narrowed down the biggest head-scratchers.
1. Going in the Shower
Alright, we’re coming in hot with this first one—we know it’s technically going down a drain and, therefore, seems like good sense, but most women don’t understand the urge. We hope you wash your feet afterward so you don’t risk standing in it.
2. Being Grossed Out By Feminine Hygiene
The only bad thing about feminine hygiene products is how many there are. But it’s 2025 now and there’s no reason to sneer at a box of tampons or buy something alongside pantyliners. (Heaven forbid the cashier thinks they’re for you!)
3. Flicking Boogers
Thankfully, this isn’t as wide a practice, but flicking boogers or public pickers very much exist. Whether mining for gold on the couch or launching a freshly picked booger across the room, it’s probably time to use a tissue.
4. Public Scratching
Hey, we all get itchy—but you probably won’t spot a woman scratching private areas in public. Admittedly, we know it’s inevitable with all the hair and sticking down there, and guys physically need to adjust when they’re uncomfortable, but women find it a little weird.
5. Spitting on the Street
On the other hand, there’s really no dismissing this one. Spitting in the street is gross, it’s unnecessary, and it’s a massive turn-off. Yet, every day someone just has to hock a loogie onto the sidewalk like nobody saw or heard them.
6. Chewing With an Open Mouth
Speaking of open mouths, we learn this essential in childhood: don’t chew with your mouth open. Don’t loudly slurp either. It’s not that everyone needs to be dainty finishing school graduates, but they don’t need to show everyone their dinner either.
7. Being Proud of the Bowl
Color us confused. Most women will never understand a man’s pride after an exemplary bathroom trip. Some men share detailed descriptions. Others even take photos. However they celebrate, we don’t need to know about it.
8. Not Washing Your Hands
While we’re on the topic of washrooms, how about good ol’ hand washing? The good news is that men and women are just about break even on who washes their hands (though it’s only about 80% on both sides). However, more men admitted to skipping the sink on the way out.
9. Leaving Toenail Clippings
We can’t always help the direction of our nails—some fly across the room with one wrong clip and others get lost under the sofa. We understand this. What we don’t understand is how some guys abandon fresh clippings for anyone to find.
10. The Sniff Test
Is your underwear clean? Better get a good whiff before finding out. Of course, you could just toss on a fresh pair, but we know some of you won’t. And those are the guys who will always confuse us.
11. Cleaning Spills With Clothing
To be fair, we’re probably all a little guilty of this one. After all, that tiny water spill won’t hurt our sleeves. However, massive spills taken care of with socks or shirts are in a league of their own. Keep paper towels nearby—don’t sacrifice your poor clothing.
12. Eating Food Off the Floor
We tried to stand by the “five-second rule,” but it became obvious how gross that was. For some of us anyway. For others, that rule is alive and well and they won’t let a bit of floor get in the way of that dropped dish.
13. Waiting to Change Bedsheets
The general rule of thumb is to change your sheets every one to two weeks. The same goes for your duvet cover. It’s a pain, and we know it’s time-consuming, but please don’t wait any longer than that!
14. Making a Mess
Another pretty standard rule that’s lost on some people—picking up after yourself. There’s no reason to leave dirty dishes in the sink or takeout containers on the counter. Why put empty TP rolls on the toilet when you could just recycle them? All these things and more take such little effort yet make a big impact.
15. Leaving Stray Whiskers
Lookin’ good, fellas! Now that you’ve trimmed that beard down, how about cleaning those whiskers from the sink? A roll of paper towels and a simple cleaner get the job done without leaving your bathroom in disarray.
16. Passing Gas at the Table
We’re not only talking about letting one rip (though that’s also disgusting). We’re talking about intentionally burping at the table. You don’t, and physically can’t, hold in every burp that bubbles to the surface, but you can at least excuse yourself or do it into your hand. No one needs to rudely belch.
17. Wearing the Same Boxers
Guys, listen. Listen to us. You’re better than this. You deserve better than this. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t going anywhere. It doesn’t matter if you shower every day. If you have enough pairs of underwear, change them daily.
18. Going With the Door Open
Is there no mystery in a relationship anymore? As much as we’d love to spend every waking moment with our partners, that’s more a figure of speech—we don’t want to see, and we certainly don’t want to smell your trip to the bathroom.
19. Improper Washing
A simple rinse, especially for sensitive areas, isn’t a thorough cleanse. Get into every nook and cranny when you’re in the shower and don’t neglect any body parts. Don’t be afraid to break out the soap on hard-to-reach places either.
20. Judging a Woman’s “Body Count”
We had to end with more of an emotionally gross habit some guys have. Body counts don’t matter. It doesn’t matter who you are. If your line in the sand stops at a certain number, that’s fine, but don’t shame anyone who crosses it.