20 Immature Things To Stop Doing That Don't Fit Your Age

20 Immature Things To Stop Doing That Don't Fit Your Age

What’s Your Age Again?

Adulthood, it turns out, is a lot like high school. Some adults know what they’re doing and get it done, and some adults are all over the place. For those still figuring it out, here are 20 immature things you should’ve outgrown by now.

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1. Selfish Friend

Have you ever given your all to a friendship and gotten nothing in return? Ideal friendships involve an even mix of give and take. If people aren’t willing to give what they get, they should communicate that. 

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2. Being Late

The ancient Egyptians are credited with creating the 24-hour day cycle. There’s no excuse for being late, you just didn’t allot the appropriate amount of time. The clock hasn’t changed in over five thousand years; it’s not wrong. 

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3. Knowing Time And Place

You can still act goofy, even as an adult, but there are times when you should be more serious. Observing the social situation around you is important for avoiding awkward interactions. 

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4. Making Excuses

Don’t make excuses—no matter the circumstances. It doesn’t matter whether you’re late, didn’t do a project, or don’t want to do a chore. Own your choices. 

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5. Living Beyond Your Means

So many people don’t bother considering income versus debt. We’ll make it simple: always underestimate your income, and overestimate the cost of your bills. Doing this will ensure financial wiggle room every time.

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6. Holding Petty Grudges

You don’t like or agree with what your partner said, so you use every chance to comment on it. Not only is this petty and ridiculous, it doesn’t solve anything. Stop putting your partner down and either work on the problem or let it go. 

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7. Ordering Takeout

While it’s a nice treat every once in a while, your wallet and body will thank you for learning to cook and eat at home. The benefits of eating home-cooked, unprocessed food far outweigh the hassle of preparing it.

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8. Refusing To Change

When someone mentions a poor trait of yours, don’t excuse it as part of who you are. It’s okay to learn and change bad habits without changing your fundamentals. Stop thinking being a better person means not being you. 

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9. Not Communicating

Sometimes it’s hard to say what you feel or think. But when you don’t speak up, you’re only hurting yourself. Say it and be honest. Good communication is key to a happy life and healthy relationships with friends, family, and coworkers.

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10. Lying To Get Your Way

Lying to manipulate the situation isn’t just childish, it’s selfish too. No one appreciates being taken advantage of. Other people’s feelings should be considered, and realizing that will help you be a better version of yourself. 

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11. Unwilling To Try New Things

This might be the most childish trait. You won’t die by trying something new, and who knows, it might just be your next favorite thing. Don’t miss an opportunity to discover something new about yourself. 

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12. Having The Last Word

Just because you feel your point is more valid, doesn’t mean you need to have the last word. Learn when to just let it go and walk away. Immaturity lies in repeating a behavior and expecting a different result. 

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13. Blaming Others

It’s easy to say that someone shut off your alarm clock or traffic was slow. While sometimes these things are true, you could also prepare better. Don’t pass blame, accept culpability. 

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14. Taking The Bait

Some people will try and trigger you to get a reaction. In these moments, it’s so easy to explode and fight back. Instead, do your best to be the mature person and walk away.

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15. Skipping Housework

While life can get busy, skipping out on your dishes isn’t okay. You might get a bug problem or an embarrassing visit from a friend. Do yourself a favor and do your chores. 

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16. Skipping Personal Care

You’re not fifteen anymore. You’re a grown adult and your body is aging with you. Use the creams, do the exercise, and take the vitamins—your body will thank you. 

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17. Cheaping Out

There’s an old saying: “You get what you pay for.” By the time you hit your 30s, if you haven’t learned this the hard way yet, you should take it from us. Inexpensive products often perform cheaply, so spend the money where it’s due.

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18. Overextending Yourself

While it’s great wanting to help everyone, you're only one person. You can’t do everything so you should only take on what’s reasonably possible. Sometimes people learn this the hard way, but we hope you can learn from us instead. 

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19. Slacking At Work

Work isn’t the time or place to be scrolling through social media or printing off your next concert tickets. Whether you work remotely or in the office, leave your personal stuff off the clock. 

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20. Gossiping

While it’s great talking to your friends about what’s going on, there’s a fine line between sharing and gossiping. Here’s a good rule of thumb: If the story doesn’t directly involve you, it’s not yours to share. 

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