
20 Important Items Actually Worth Stockpiling At Home

20 Important Items Actually Worth Stockpiling At Home

Quality Over Quantity

There's nothing like a good deal on toilet paper or cat food to get your linen closet filled to the brim. That being said, not every non-perishable is made equally. To balance your budget alongside your disaster readiness—here's a list of 20 items to keep an eye on.

For Couples With Children, This Option Lets The Whole Family Get In On The Halloween Fun. Don Your Latex Superhero Suits And Pack The Kids For A Night Of Trick Or Treating And Fighting Crime. (13)Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels

1. Water

This is a no-brainer as water is the essence of life itself. Whether you're in an intense survival situation or must cope with a busted pipe—water shutoffs can be a common occurrence. To keep your family hydrated and your options open, stacking up on a gallon or two of water is good practice. However, since plastic isn't the best for the environment, consider opting for recycled or reusable storage options.

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2. Batteries

You may be thinking most things need electricity—not batteries—to function properly. You would be right, your lamps, phones, and appliances only need an outlet on hand. But for your computer mice, TV remotes, and clocks—batteries are a must. Not to mention, if the lights go out, you'll need batteries.

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3. Instant Noodles

Many people remember instant noodles as their reliable companion through their frugal college days. For others, instant noodles are a consistent staple in any pantry. The versatility and convenience of instant noodles make it the perfect option when you're not in the mood for a long cooking escapade.

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4. Flashlights

Whether it's winter storms in Canada or monsoon season in Thailand—having flashlights is essential when the power goes out. By having several on hand, you limit the likelihood of mechanical failure and can also stash one in each room to keep everyone moving safely.

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5. Pet Food

Pets aren't always as patient as people, and they shouldn't have to be when it comes to mealtime. There's nothing worse than going to fill the food bowl up only to realize the package is empty. Instead of letting Fido go hungry while you plan a grocery trip, stay ahead with an extra bag or two.

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6. Blankets

For those living in cold climates—blankets are an absolute lifesaver when the power goes out. With little light and no heat, homes can get cold fast, and many people put themselves in danger by turning to propane or car exhausts. Instead of risking it all, have a stash of blankets to layer in the warmth. Additionally, your overnight guests will have plenty of options to choose from.

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7. Band-Aids

The responsible parent knows to keep band-aids on hand for unavoidable playground incidents—but the childless adults should be just as smart. Something as simple as a paper cut or a scrape can leave you uncomfortable for hours. Which is why you're better off stocking up on some aid items. Future you will be grateful!

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8. Feminine Hygiene Products

Girls, do you remember that horrific morning when you woke up to find Aunt Flo had suddenly come to town? You looked around for a pad only to realize there were none left. At that point, you're either trying to figure out how to Uber Eats yourself tampons or are doing a quick awkward waddle to the nearest store. You're better off saving yourself the trauma and buying feminine products in bulk.

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9. Diapers

Another nightmare situation is cleaning out a dirty diaper only to find you don't have any fresh ones on hand. Additionally, in case of an emergency, being stuck in your house for long periods without diapers is a recipe for disaster. Next time you see a deal at Walmart, be sure to stock up.

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10. Soap

Soap is another versatile product needed in every household. You don't want to run out after using the bathroom—and similarly, it can be a convenient way to keep things clean and prevent germs in a lockdown situation.

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11. Canned Soups

The survivor's favorite companion is undoubtedly canned soup. With so many flavors to choose from, you'll be well-stocked if you ever find yourself in the apocalypse. To be extra practical, make sure to have a manual can opener on hand.

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12. Granola

The thing about granola that makes it a great stockpile option is its longevity and versatility. You can use it as a yogurt topping, bake it into cookies, eat it like cereal, or even snack on it plain. The options are endless, and they'll make serving breakfast a breeze.

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13. Spices

A well-stocked spice pantry is the key to easy cooking. Don't you hate it when you're following a recipe, and you have to head to the store to pick up some sumac or zaatar? Save yourself the trouble and take the time to organize a spice drawer beforehand.

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14. Detergent

After a sweaty day at work, you just want to turn the laundry machine on and tune out to some Netflix. But now your clothes will have to sit in a pile and ferment while you organize a grocery trip. Having a container or two of detergent stashed in the linen closet is just good sense—and they're often on sale.

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15. Disinfectant Wipes

Mops and vacuums are nice and all, but disinfectant wipes are a convenient must-have for any cleaning problem. Maybe you spilled some ice cream on your desk, or your phone screen is looking extra sticky after a night out. Wipes solve all your problems, and stashing a few in your car, your bag, and your home will leave you ready for anything.

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16. HVAC Filters

Identifying which filters your appliance needs, finding them online, and then ordering them can be a bit of a hassle. It's easy to tell yourself you'll get the filter when you need it, but in reality, you'll stall and stall—and your appliance will just get dirtier. Next time, grab a few filters when you buy the item, you'll be happy to have them on hand.

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17. Disposable Cutlery

Hopefully, you keep on top of washing your dishes, but in case you don't have access to water or are hosting a big gathering—plastic cutlery will save you in a pinch. In a shelter situation, water is reserved for the most important things, which means plastic spoons are a can of soup's best friend.

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18. Trash Bags

Not only are they good for taking out the trash, but they're exactly what you need to take out donations, stash your stuff quickly, and do a little spring cleaning. The uses of bags are many, and while they come in packs of a hundred, buying yourself a few will keep you stocked throughout the year.

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19. Toothpaste

There's nothing worse than morning breath—except for taking it to work with you. An empty toothpaste container is the last thing you need in the morning, which is why you should grab a handful next time you're at the dollar store.

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20. Toilet Paper

In an odd turn of events, toilet paper has proven itself a hot commodity. It can be dangerous to stockpile this item in disaster situations, leaving many scrambling to find rations. This is why you should always buy a set or two extra when things are good, and especially when the deals are thrifty. Alternatively, consider ordering bamboo toilet paper online, which is not only better for the environment but will save you the in-person retail struggles.

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