
20 Lazy Activities That Are Really Good For You

20 Lazy Activities That Are Really Good For You

Being Lazy Can Be Healthy 

Sometimes, it benefits our health to lounge around. If you're feeling tired and lazy, it could be a sign you need to put your feet up. To encourage you to take a breather, here are 20 of the laziest activities that are actually good for you:

Jep GambardellaJep Gambardella on Pexels

1. Watch A Comedy

That's right, we're telling you to sit on the couch and watch a silly movie. It's scientifically proven, laughing is great for your mental health! If you're feeling down and want a dopamine boost, watching comedy just might do the trick.   

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2. Take A Nap

Go on lazy bones, take a nap! Our brains need rest to function and keep us sharp. Naps, especially power naps, are beneficial to our health and can refuel our energy. Be more like your dog and nap in the afternoon.

woman in pink jacket lying on gray couchAdrian Swancar on Unsplash

3. Linger Over Brunch

We all know by now that breakfast is important. If you have the time, take advantage of the most important meal of the day and make it last until lunchtime. Slowly enjoying your meal without gulping it down is better for your body and your mind too. 

Yan KrukauYan Krukau on Pexels


4. Soak In The Tub

Draw yourself a bath and soak in the bubbles. Transform the bathroom into a spa by adding epsom salts to the water and lighting a candle. Soaking in the tub is a therapeutic way to wind down, ease your muscles, and calm your mind.   

brown glass bottle on white tableOlena Bohovyk on Unsplash

5. Snuggle Up

Cuddles are free therapy. Snuggle up with your pet, your partner, or your kid to boost your health. Research has shown that snuggling with a loved one releases stress and anxiety. Long bear hugs work too!  

person in black shirt lying on bedJamie Street on Unsplash

6. Take A Drive

Windows down, radio up. If you're too lazy to walk, a drive down a country road can also ease your mind. A simple change of scenery can boost your mood, especially if you've been cooped up inside for too long. You can still be lazy and leave the house.    

person with white watch driving carAlex Chernenko on Unsplash

7. Sit By The Water

Do you listen to waves to help you fall asleep? A healthy dose of wave watching is highly recommended. Sitting by a lake, river, ocean, or any body of water has its therapeutic qualities. Looking over water can decrease stress as you breathe in the fresh air and connect with the nature around you.  

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8. Scribble In A Coloring Book

Channel the inner child in you and lazily scribble with crayons. A coloring book isn't just for kids, coloring is beneficial for your mental health at any age. You don't have to be an artist either, all you need are a few pages and your favorite coloring tools.

Photo By: Kaboompics.comPhoto By: Kaboompics.com on Pexels

9. Sip A Soothing Beverage

Making yourself the drink is the least-laziest part. Then all you have to do is sit back in a comfy chair with your feet up and sip from your giant mug. A soothing beverage, especially a herbal tea or cocoa, can feel healing to your body and calming to your mind.

Edward EyerEdward Eyer on Pexels


10. Get A Massage 

Get lazy and pampered! Whether you work at a desk all day or have a rigorous workout routine, your body probably needs a massage more than you know. A full body massage not only eases pain and stiff muscles but it can also release stress and tension in your head. 

person holding white round ornamentengin akyurt on Unsplash

11. Play On Your Phone 

Playing on your phone doesn't really sound like health advice but it can be good for you in moderation. If you're feeling lethargic, you can still train your mind with a brain game from bed. Word games, number games, or any problem-solving games are very fun and lazy ways to use your brain.     

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12. Chill Outside

If you have a hammock, a lounge chair, or even a blanket, take a rest outside when the weather permits it. We already know the benefits of napping and you can boost a nap's value when it's done outdoors. The sounds of nature and fresh air will do you good.   

white textile on hammockSteph Q on Unsplash

13. Watch The Sunset 

Feeling sluggish? The sun might help. Watching the sunset is a mindfulness exercise without any effort. You're boosting your health as you state at the sky and watch the sun sink under the horizon. 

KoneviKonevi on Pixabay

14. Sit Down & Breathe

That's it, take a breather. Sometimes all you need to do to for your health and sit down and breathe. Taking deep breaths is scientifically proven to ease anxiety and relax the body. If you want an energy boost, you can refuel with easy breath exercises. 

Andrea PiacquadioAndrea Piacquadio on Pexels

15. Listen To A Podcast

It's the laziest lesson you can get. Lie back and tune in to an educational podcast. Even if you're not fully engaged, you'll still pick up tidbits of information while you relax. A podcast is a great way to train your mind when you're feeling lazy.  

Andrea PiacquadioAndrea Piacquadio on Pexels


16. Sleep In

Sleep is very good for you! If you haven't been getting enough sleep or you're feeling tired, treat yourself to sleeping in sometimes. Your brain and your body need sleep to function and develop so remember that the next time you hit the snooze button. 

Acharaporn KamornboonyarushAcharaporn Kamornboonyarush on Pexels

17. Play Or Listen To Music

Find your comfiest chill spot and play or listen to your favorite tunes. Music is good for the mind and the soul and it takes little effort to listen. Simply listening to songs can improve sleep, stress, focus, memory, and more.    

42 North42 North on Pexels

18. Do A Body Scan

If you're feeling lazy, you'll be happy to know a body scan requires you to lie down on your back with your eyes closed. A body scan is a mindfulness activity that can calm you down in seconds. From your head to your toes, you focus on one part of your body at a time while you breath into it.  

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19. Have Breakfast In Bed

If bed is your favorite place to be, why leave? Eat your balanced breakfast as you're tucked in the sheets. You'll benefit from the comfort and nourishment this lazy morning activity brings you. 

Dana TentisDana Tentis on Pexels

20. Read A Book

Reading may feel like the most obvious relaxing activity but it's far from lazy. You can train your brain and improve your memory as you lay back in an arm chair or curl up on the couch. The act of reading enhances your writing, strengthens your vocabulary, and it can even make you more empathetic.     

woman in red shirt reading bookMatias North on Unsplash