
20 Little Things That Secretly Destroy Attraction In A Relationship

20 Little Things That Secretly Destroy Attraction In A Relationship

It’s The Little Things

There are so many major red flags to watch out for when it comes to relationships – but did you ever consider the little things? From “nothing” remarks to passive aggressiveness, here are 20 things that secretly dismantle relationships behind the scenes.

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1. Always Complaining

Constant negativity is a major drain on any relationship, and while you should have the ability to share your emotions with your partner, no one likes a constant complainer. It's important to find balance, or else the relationship can feel more like an emotional outlet than an actual partnership.

a man sitting at a table talking to a womanVitaly Gariev on Unsplash

2. Forgetting Compliments

You might think that your partner already knows they look great, and after all, you’re with them. But it’s important to say these words out loud and often. Saying “you look good” or “I appreciate you” goes a long way, and their absence can lead to self-esteem issues.

Two autistic friends sitting outside using stim toys and laughing at their phonesHiki App on Unsplash

3. Overtly Shy

It’s totally understandable to be a bit shy when forming a relationship, but there is a time to let that shyness go and become open to your partner. However, if you’re always avoiding eye contact, mumbling, and never initiating conversations, it can feel all too burdensome for your partner.

woman in black long sleeve shirt covering her faceIvan Aleksic on Unsplash


4. Physical Distance

Physical distance can certainly make the heart grow fonder, but too much will have them forgetting all about you. A little bit of touch is needed to elicit intimacy, and its absence can lead to complex habits.

brown wooden bench near white flowersJessica Yap on Unsplash

5. Micromanaging

No one likes being micromanaged, and your partner is no different. You might think you’re just checking in or doing quality control, but nitpicking tiny details and not trusting them to handle chores can leave them feeling incompetent and resentful.

sticky notes on corkboardJo Szczepanska on Unsplash

6. Predictability

While some people like the stability of predictability, it can also ruin the excitement in a relationship, leaving both you and your partner feeling rather lifeless. This predictability can manifest in different ways, from eating at the same restaurant to acting like roommates.

a man and a woman standing next to each otherMario Amé on Unsplash

7. Mothering

No one wants to date their parent, but lots of partners take advantage of each other in this way. For instance, nagging your partner about their habits or treating them like a child rather than an equal is troublesome. It’s not your responsibility to fix them, and if they expect you to do everything for them, you’ve got bigger problems on hand.

white and teal steam clothes iron plugged on ironing boardFilip Mroz on Unsplash

8. Scolding

It’s completely okay to disagree and argue with your partner – after all, these things happen. But you should never scold your partner like a child. Trying to embarrass them or make them feel small can cause other respect issues.

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9. Always Serious

Relationships and love are serious subjects without a doubt, but it's important to keep the playfulness alive. Having lighthearted moments and feeling comfortable enough to joke is key. Not every conversation needs to be turned into something heavy.

woman in black blazer covering her face with her handRuben Ramirez on Unsplash


10. Neglecting Physical Touch

Much like keeping a distance, keeping your touch to yourself can also cause issues. Have you ever heard of dead bedrooms? To avoid this, throw in some spontaneous hugs, have flirty touches, and treat intimacy like a moment of closeness rather than a routine chore.

silhouette of man and woman under yellow skyEric Ward on Unsplash

11. Constant Fighting

Constant fighting can lead to emotional exhaustion, and at some point, your partner may be too tired to keep playing the same game over and over again. This could include holding onto grudges or treating disagreements like personal attacks.

person in black long sleeve shirt holding white ceramic mugPriscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

12. Seeking Permission

Always asking for approval may make you come across as insecure. It’s nice to let your partner know that you’ll be hanging out with a group of friends, but asking them for permission can lead to weird power dynamics.

woman in black sweater standing on snow covered ground during daytimeCam Ferland on Unsplash

13. Forgetting To Groom

To keep attraction up, it’s important to put in the effort. This means you shouldn’t neglect your hygiene or dress too casually all the time either.

black and silver scissors beside silver scissorsAndrea Donato on Unsplash

14. Constant Neediness

There’s a reason people don’t like clingy behavior, as it leaves many feeling suffocated. Constantly needing reassurance or validation is a one-way ticket to getting on your partner’s “annoying” list.

man and woman sitting on bench beside body of waterCharlie Foster on Unsplash

15. Getting Too Comfortable

As a relationship progresses, it’s all too easy to get too comfortable in the routine of things. Maybe you stop shaving, or maybe you stop going out on dates. Either way, it's important to find ways to keep the spark alive.

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16. Lack of Ambition

Passion and attraction go hand in hand, and no one wants to be with somebody who stays still. Having personal goals makes you more attractive, and never growing means you’ll only be left behind.

man in black jacket sitting on bedJakob Owens on Unsplash

17. Lack of Respect

Disrespect is one of the easiest ways to destroy safety and trust. This could be as small as rolling your eyes or dismissing your partner’s opinions, or as serious as ignoring their boundaries or calling them names.

man and woman holding hands in silhouette photographyCaleb Ekeroth on Unsplash

18. Belittling

Trying to destroy your partner’s confidence, even if “you know best,” is a terrible way to foster a relationship. This could include using sarcasm to bring them down or making fun of their hobbies.

man and woman sitting posing for photoAyo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

19. Poor Public Treatment

What’s worse than belittling your partner is doing it in front of an audience. This could include teasing them in front of their friends or talking badly about them in group chats. If you don’t like them, you can simply move on.

selective focus photography of woman wearing black cold-shoulder shirt using megaphone during daytimeClem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

20. Trying Too Hard

Lots of people talk about trying too hard, and what it essentially means is forcing a connection through over-texting or over-complimenting. You should never have to change your personality to date someone, and all it does is lay the seeds for an eventual breakup.

man and woman standing side by side during daytimeTibor Pápai on Unsplash