20 Mindfulness Practices For The Skeptical Souls

20 Mindfulness Practices For The Skeptical Souls

Calling All Meditation Haters! 

If you’re skeptical about meditation benefits or you roll your eyes at hippies, chances are you haven’t tried alternative methods of mindfulness. We won’t ask you to locate your chakras, burn incense, or chant “OM” with your legs crossed–– these are simple tasks and common activities you may never have considered to be mindfulness practices.    

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1. Walk In Nature

If you’ve heard the term “forest bathing” it’s just yogi slang for walking in nature. You don’t have to be a tree-hugger to practice this method, but touching trees is always welcome. For argument's sake, nature walking is a form of meditation when you observe the wilderness as you stroll through it. You can calm your mind with a simple walk in a park or forest trail.  

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2. Five Senses Exercise  

Living in the moment is easy when you focus on each of your senses. Wherever you are, you can start by focusing on what you see. Take mental notes about everything in view from where you sit or stand. Next, take a sniff and acknowledge what you smell. Listen carefully to notice all the different sounds you can hear, observe what you can taste, and notice if you feel any sensations. 

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3. Just Breathe

There are numerous breathing techniques and exercises but for beginners or skeptics, simple mindful breathing can do the trick. Put your full focus on your breath as you take a deep breath in and out. Try counting with each inhale and exhale, and alternate between your nose and your mouth.  

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4. Body Scan

A body scan is a good technique to calm you down or keep you present. It works best if you lie down and close your eyes. Give focus to parts of your body, starting with your toes to the top of your head. Notice the sensations of every part of you as you scan your way up your body.   

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5. Hand Massage

Treat yourself to a little hand massage. When you mindfully massage your hand you put focus on the task as well as the sensations you feel. While you massage, notice how different areas feel as well as what you can see. Observe the marks on your skin, the lines in your palm, and the bones in your fingers. 

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6. Mindful Daily Tasks

Don’t call it meditation, but you are meditating when you focus on your chores. Pay more attention the next time you wash the dishes or brush your teeth. Notice the temperature of the soapy water or the texture of the toothbrush bristles. Turn your daily tasks into stress-reducing, moment-living exercises.      

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7. Mindful Eating

When you take a bite of an apple, notice the flavor, the texture, and the juiciness of your tongue and teeth. When you have a meal, try to observe your senses. How does the food smell? Is it hot or cold? Mindfully eating makes you appreciate food more while bringing you into the present.  

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8. Write It Down

It’s amazing how journaling works like therapy. Just by writing down your thoughts, you can improve your mood, improve focus and memory, and reduce stress or anxiety. You can write a poem if you feel the urge but any words that come to mind will do. Jot down things you’re grateful for for an extra dose of serotonin.    

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9. Coloring

Coloring isn’t just for children’s playtime–– adult coloring books have risen in popularity for a good reason. Coloring forces you to focus on the task at hand in a form of creative therapy. Scribbling pictures has proven to promote relaxation, lengthen attention span, and other positive changes in physical and mental health.  

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10. Music & Sound

Tune in and listen up! Pump up the volume of your favorite tracks or listen to sounds that bring you ease and clarity. With headphones or your speakers on, focus on every element of the music you can hear. Listen for the instruments, voices, and sounds you can hear as you analyze a song. Music can be good for your ears and your entire soul.   

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11. Scrub It Clean

That’s right–– get out the duster it’s time to clean! Cleaning has proven to improve mood and focus and reduce anxiety. You have to clean at some point anyway–– now you know that it does more than polish your house, it cleans your mind too. 

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12. Take A Drive

Hit the road for a therapeutic drive. When you fully focus on your driving, notice everything you see, hear, smell, and feel as you take the wheel. Practicing this whether you’re in traffic or on your regular route. Mindful driving increases your attention, calms you down, and can boost your mood.  

Jessica-Furtney-Sc7N5Xo-W1O-Unsplash (1)Jessica Furtney on Unsplash

13. Have A Bath

We prescribe you to take a bubble bath! A soak in the tub can be a meditative experience that brings you relaxation and comfort. Take deep breaths as you inhale the steamy air and feel the warmth of the water and the soapy bubbles on your skin.  

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14. Gardening 

When you mix manual labor with nature you get the ultimate mindfulness practice without even trying. You unleash all of your senses when you dig up the dirt, training your focus and embracing gratitude for the beauty surrounding you. Gardening is a stress-releasing chore and happiness booster.  

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15. People Watching

Maybe don’t intimidate people with an intense stare, but if you’re at a cafe or on a park bench, observing the people around you is a form of mindfulness. It’s best if you watch without judgment and take yourself out of your head. By noticing the strangers, you’re entering a mindful state that’s bringing you into the present moment. 

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16. Window Gazing

Gaze out the window and acknowledge everything you can see. This form of mindfulness is simple and effective. If it’s a window in your house, try to find something you’ve never seen before or have often overlooked. You’ll be surprised at how this simple window gazing can boost your mood and change your perspective.   

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17. Sky Gazing

Stare at the fluffy clouds as you depict their shapes and watch them float across the sky. If it’s nighttime, go star gazing and look for constellations, satellites, or planets. Observing the sky above is a relaxing activity and a dose of unexpected therapy.

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18. Drumming

You might not picture a drum set as a very calming instrument but in fact, it is. The rhythmic quality of drumming can do wonders for your mental well-being. Drumming lets you blow off steam as you bang on the drums and keeps you focused as you create a catchy beat.  

Julio-Lopez-Zoi-Lqywpao-UnsplashJulio Lopez on Unsplash

19. Day Dreaming

Visualization can be a way to manifest as well as promote therapeutic benefits. One way to daydream is to envision a place where you feel safe and calm. It works best if you describe the mental picture out loud and go over every detail.       

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20. Dancing

Maybe you weren’t aware that shaking your booty was a form of meditation? Have a solo dance party in your living room or treat yourself to a night at the disco. Mindful dancing is a fun way to benefit your physical and mental health.  

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