
20 Outrageous Excuses People Use To Get Out Of Dates

20 Outrageous Excuses People Use To Get Out Of Dates

A Little White Lie Can't Hurt, Can It?

The answer is yes, yes it can hurt. For some reason, people like making up excuses to get out of dates instead of just straight-up telling the other person. And it's kind of ironic because all it does is end up hurting the other person more. These lies can get pretty out of hand; we've heard some insane excuses before! Here are just 20 of the most common and crazy excuses people use to escape dates.

ExcuseAndrea Piacquadio on Pexels

1. I'm Not Feeling Too Well...

From catching the flu in the middle of summer to spontaneous stomach aches and random muscle pain, people definitely don't hold back when it comes to using "I'm not feeling too well" as an excuse. While sure, things come up and life can be unexpected, you don't need to blow things out of proportion to get out of a date you're not feeling. 

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2. My Family Member Got Sent To The Hospital

We're not saying it can't happen, but using it as a lie to get out of a date definitely is stretching it. One of your family members happened to have an accident at the exact moment you're supposed to be seeing someone? It also just sounds pretty horrible to lie about - you're probably making your date worried!

Martha-Dominguez-De-Gouveia-Kf-H9Hmxrkg-UnsplashPhoto by Martha Dominguez de Gouveia on Unsplash

3. I've Been Robbed!

Listen, lying about this to your date just sounds plain mean. Not only are you giving them an incredibly stressful and worrisome excuse, it's never a good idea lying about some crime just to get you out of your date. How about just telling them straight up that you're not interested?

Pexels-Olly-3812731Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels


4. My Friend Has An Emergency

Ah yes, one of the oldest tricks in the book. Getting your friend to call you in the middle of the date to help you escape. It's done so often that honestly, we wouldn't be surprised if your date read the signs and guessed what was going on. 

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5. I Have To Take Care Of Something Important At Work

So, you're telling us that you work reception at an orthodonist's place that's closed on Sundays but you have to go in today...on a Sunday? Guys, you can do better than just telling your date something came up at work. Obviously, things happen and this might be true, but most of the time, it's used as an excuse so you can avoid someone.

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6. Sorry, I Forgot

Arguably one of the worst excuses ever, simply telling your date, "Sorry, I just forgot" won't cut it. Not only is it rude, but you're basically telling them you don't care. You're far better off just telling them the truth. It would hurt less as a matter of fact!

Pexels-Polina-Zimmerman-3958792Polina Zimmerman on Pexels

7. I'm Stuck In Traffic

Sure, saying you're stuck in traffic is a plausible reason for why you might be late to a date, but not for skipping out on one. No matter how bad the traffic feels in the moment, you're going to get there eventually. You can push for a later time even! Simply using it to get out of a date just feels a little too obvious.

Pexels-Mikechie-Esparagoza-749296-1600757Mikechie Esparagoza on Pexels

8. I Can't Find The Meeting Spot

Cancelling a date over not being able to find the location is pretty outrageous. In this day and age with Google maps and location sharing available with just the touch of a button, it's nearly impossible to get lost as long as you have connection. 

Pexels-Olly-3800149Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

9. My Pet Is Sick

Don't drag your adorable furry friends into this! Lying that they're sick and need to be taken care of just feels a little dirty. You should just be honest with them instead of bringing your pets into it. After all, we're sure if they had a voice themselves, they would tell you the same thing. 

Pexels-Lum3N-44775-406014 Lum3n on Pexels


10. My Parents Randomly Came To Visit

Here's another classic - blaming it on the parents. Are you sure you can't just meet your parents later or reschedule with them? It seems a little too coincidental that the one time your parents decide to be spontaneous coincides with your date...

Pexels-Longkg2000-1642883 Tristan Le on Pexels

11. I Don't Have A Way To Get There

Even if you don't have a car, there are plenty of other methods of travel to consider. From buses, to trains, bikes, and ubers, there's definitely a way you can get to your date if you really wanted to. If you were excited and really cared, you'd put in the effort to make it there (or at least tell them honestly how you're feeling).

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12. I Forgot I Had A Doctor's Appointment

So you happened to schedule a doctor's appointment the same day you had a date? Seems a little suspicious, doesn't it? And of all things, something as important as checking up on your health typically isn't forgotten about. We'd say this is a pretty bad excuse to use. 

Pexels-Tima-Miroshnichenko-5452255Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels

13. My Car Broke Down

If your car breaks down and your date offers to come help you, what will you do next? Using this kind of excuse just sounds a bit extreme and will make them feel concerned. And when people feel concerned and offer their assistance, you'll quickly realize you just dug yourself into a hole you won't be able to explain.

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14. My Parents Said I Couldn't Go

If you're already over your 20s and your parents are still controlling what you do and who you see, there might be other problems at hand. We're pretty sure your date will be confused if the reason why you're cancelling is because someone else told you to. It's not a very sound argument. 

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15. An Accident Happened At Home 

Whether it's about a pipe suddenly bursting at home or dealing with a break-in, it's kind of shocking how many different fake excuses people can come up with relating to the home. It shows you how far people are willing to go to avoid going on dates sometimes. 

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16. I Have Diarrhea 

You're probably thinking, "Wow, that's TMI," and that's exactly the point. While it's totally disgusting and usually not something you want to share with someone else you've just met, using "I have diarrhea" gets you out of a date with no questions asked. Because really, who wants to know more about it. 

Pexels-Heyho-7040699Max Vakhtbovycn on Pexels

17. I Ran Out Of Money

If you really ran out of money, there'd be a lot of things you wouldn't be able to do anymore, not just this one date. If you ever get caught shopping, going to the movies, or playing at an arcade, you best hope you don't get caught by the same person. It's a pretty outlandish lie to have someone believe.

Pexels-Robert-Bogdan-156165-910122Robert Bogdan on Pexels

18. I've Been Pulled Over

Being pulled over for speeding or something similar is totally possible on a day to day basis, but it shouldn't take you so long that you won't make it to your date. If you're going to lie to get out of it, at least make it convincing. We definitely don't recommend taking it one step further and saying you got arrested, which apparently, some people do. 

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19. I Fell Asleep

Were you so tired throughout the day that you went home and knocked out for 5 hours, completely missing your date? Sure, it can happen. But if it's the truth, it doesn't mean it sounds very kind or considerate, and if it's a lie, it's hard to believe. There's no win-win here.

Pexels-Ketut-Subiyanto-4473864Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels

20. I Changed My Mind

Possibly the meanest excuse on the list, it's funny how this one is also the closest to the truth. But when you're trying to cancel on someone who spent time planning a date, you might want to be kinder with your words. Brushing it off and casually telling them that you "changed your mind" will leave them feeling more rejected and hurt than need be. 

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