
20 Overused Pick Up Lines Girls Are Tired Of Hearing

20 Overused Pick Up Lines Girls Are Tired Of Hearing

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We know it can be difficult making the first move, but as long as you're friendly, respectful, and sweet, that's all a girl really wants! While guys might think they need to wow them with strong pick up lines that'll get their attention, the opposite might actually happen. Here are 20 overused pick up lines girls are tired of hearing that you should stay away from. 

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1. Are You From Tennessee?

How many times have you waited just to hear this far too overused punchline? Because no, most girls are not from Tennessee unfortunately. So even if you're a ten out of ten (which you probably are!), this is a cheesy pick up line that has been reused to the point of exhaustion. Maybe try something different?

Sammy-SanderSammy-Sander on Pixabay

2. Let's Flip A Coin

Depending on if you're interested in the guy, being told "heads, you're mine; tails, I'm yours," can only go one of two ways. It's either a lose-lose situation because you don't like either outcome, or a win-win. Either way, it's a cheesy pick up line that's been used way too often and it's safe to say girls are tired of it. 

silver and gold round coinEduardo Soares on Unsplash

3. Do You Like Raisins?

There's no winning with this particular pick up line if you aren't interested in the person asking. Because if your answer is no, you don't like raisins, you'll be hit with a quick "How about a date then?" But if you say yes, you'll likely get "What about a date?" Surely there are more interesting pick up lines that don't sound too desperate?

brown datesErda Estremera on Unsplash


4. Are You An Angel?

While being told that being with you feels like they're in heaven is a sweet sentiment, the fact is, this pick up line has been used so many times, it just feels a bit ingenuine. It definitely doesn't work as well when girls already know you did a simple Google search on your phone and grabbed the first entry that popped up.

woman wearing white angel wingsChristophe Van der waals on Unsplash

5. Did It Hurt When You Fell From Heaven?

Whether it's in movies, TV shows, or in real life, we're pretty sure you've likely heard this pick up line a handful of times before. After all, it might just be the most popular one in the book! We can see what it's going for but don't expect great responses if you only have this line in your arsenal - it's easy to see a lack of effort with this one.

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6. Do You Have The Time?

Just as you're about to respond with the actual hour and minute, it might feel like you're being hit from left field when you get cut off with "So I can remember the exact moment I fell for you." Sometimes catching your target off guard isn't the best way to go about things.

person wearing Apple Watch at 14:24Lloyd Dirks on Unsplash

7. If You Were A Vegetable, You'd Be A Cute-Cumber

This one's just plain cheesy. Not only is it a pick up line that makes you cringe down to your bones, it's one that's banking on if your target appreciates puns or not. Because if they don't, you just made your loss all the worse.

two green vegetablesKelly Neil on Unsplash

8. Do You Believe In Love At First Sight?

No, girls don't actually want you to walk by a second time, that's just plain creepy. Used time and time again, this is a pick up line that basically feels outdated at this point; surely there's something a bit more personal, sweet, and creative to really wow someone with!

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9. Are You A Parking Ticket?

We're not too sure the first words you want to utter to your crush is something that everyone universally hates. Talking about parking tickets might just bring out an emotion from the lady that's not what you wanted. Besides, being told it's because you look "fine" is pretty mediocre. 

man in yellow jacket standing beside white carCaspar Rae on Unsplash


10. Do You Have An Extra Heart?

Until you hear the pick up line, "Because mine's been stolen by you!", you might be scratching your head wondering what this means. After all, it's a pretty strange question to be asked. Especially if it's by someone you don't know.

woman in black crew neck shirtOSPAN ALI on Unsplash

11. Do You Play Soccer?

Always be politeful and respectful when trying to use pick up lines on your crush. Using one like this with a punchline that goes, "Because I want to score tonight," definitely won't win her over. It's never a good idea to come on too strong or in a way that might be rude.

three white-and-black soccer balls on fieldVikram TKV on Unsplash

12. Hello, I'm A Thief That's About To Steal Your Heart

We're pretty certain the last thing you want is to scare off the girl you're interested in, but if you approach them with the words, "Hello, I'm a thief...", it won't get the reception you're expecting. It's definitely all about your word choice here - use the wrong ones and you're going to rub people the wrong way. The last thing women want is to feel like they're in danger.

man standing near staircaseAllef Vinicius on Unsplash

13. If You Were A Fruit, You'd Be A Fine-Apple

Did you even try with this one? Arguably one of the cringiest ones on this list, this is a pick up line that definitely won't get you too far. It's cheesy without meaning and simply feels a bit emotionless. 

pineapple fruit on yellow surfaceStephany Williams on Unsplash

14. Let's Commit The Perfect Crime

Again, starting with these words might not be the best choice when trying to pick up a woman. When it's already beginning on a weird note, finishing it off with a cheesy punchline like "I'll steal your heart, you steal mine," really isn't all that effective. 

person showing handcuffniu niu on Unsplash

15. Do You Have A Library Card?

Following up this pick up line with "Because I'm checking you out" is definitely a light-hearted attempt at winning someone over, but sadly, because of how often this one's been used, it won't work to your advantage. We suggest going with something that's a bit more creative, heartfelt, and less cheesy.

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16. If I Could Change The Alphabet

There is something sweet and innocent about being told someone would put 'I' together with 'U' if they could, but given how many times girls have heard this one, it takes away the cuteness factor. After all, this one's an oldie in many people's books. 

brown wooden blocks with numbersSven Brandsma on Unsplash

17. Is Your Name Google?

The moment a girl hears Google, she already knows exactly where you're headed with this pick up line. There's only one direction it can follow after all; it's going to end with something along the lines of "Because you're what I've been searching for." It might work on the rare few who've never heard of it before, but for the most part, it's pretty overused. 

FirmbeeFirmbee on Pixabay

18. You Must Be Made Of Cheese

Being compared to cheese certainly isn't the most romantic thing you could say to your crush, and when combined with a pun that's going to be a hit or miss, this pick up line can really fall flat. Because really, it's up to the lady if she's going to be flattered about looking "Gouda" today.

baked breadAlexander Maasch on Unsplash

19. I Think I Just Dropped Something

The punchline to this one is seriously disappointing. Isn't the follow up, "my jaw," just a little bit anti-climactic and underwhelming? It's a cliche saying that won't easily win the girl over, especially if you're trying to make a good first impression. Try something a bit more outside the box if you really want to get her attention. 

Anna ShvetsAnna Shvets on Pexels

20. Feel My Shirt

Already an incredibly strange request, girls know exactly how you're going to tie up this pick up line. The best answer is that it's "boyfriend material," but sadly, the best has already been used too many times. Maybe it's time to retire this one if it doesn't impress anyone anymore?

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