20 Reasons Gen Z Aren't Dating

20 Reasons Gen Z Aren't Dating

Ever Wonder Why So Many Youngsters Are Single?

Attitudes about dating are changing. With young people valuing their independence and having more options than ever before, traditional relationships may be on the decline. Whether you're a Gen Z that can relate or a Boomer questioning your grandchild's relationship status, here are 20 reasons Gen Z aren't dating. 

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1. It's Too Expensive

Going out these days is pricey. Gen Zs struggle to find their feet in this economy as each generation declines in prosperity from the last. Going out and spending money on someone they don't even know might seem absurd and unfeasible to them.

person putting magstripe card near black card terminalClay Banks on Unsplash

2. Self-Esteem Issues

The influence of social media, the poor economic landscape, and career pressures have created self-esteem issues in Gen Zs. This may prevent them from dating as they think no one will like them.

a woman holds her hands over her faceAnthony Tran on Unsplash

3. Being Single Is More Fun

With traveling and remote work more feasible than ever before, the new generation values their independence. They might not see giving up some amount of their freedom to be in a relationship as worth the price. 

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4. Financial Independence

Most people no longer need to rely on a partner to support them. They value their financial independence and therefore, see one less reason for seriously dating someone compared to 50 years ago when relationships were very co-dependent. 

Andrea PiacquadioAndrea Piacquadio on Pexels

5. Hookup Culture

The normalization of hookup culture has made real dating obsolete. As more people embrace casual dating, they might not understand the point of getting more seriously committed. 

A man and woman cuddling together in bed.Becca Tapert on Unsplash

6. Paralyzed By Choice

With the internet, people's social circles are larger than ever before. As a result, the amount of choices people have when it comes to choosing a partner is vast, making it hard to commit to one person.

a cell phone sitting next to a keyboardNik on Unsplash

7. High Divorce Rate 

More than half of the parents of Gen Zs are divorced. This gives kids a negative association with marriage and relationships, especially if they witnessed their parents fighting a lot growing up.

Vera ArsicVera Arsic on Pexels

8. Hustle Culture

Gen Zs have been highly affected by hustle culture or the glorification of working longer and harder than others. Having this attitude towards work makes it hard to find time to date.

group of people using laptop computerAnnie Spratt on Unsplash

9. COVID-19 After Effects

Imagine your major coming-of-age events like prom, graduation, and frosh weeks taking place during the pandemic. Living life under lockdown has caused many Gen Zs to have anxiety around in-person socializing, stunting their ability to date.

woman wearing black hijab and black framed eyeglassesGetúlio Moraes on Unsplash


10. Consent Culture

The #MeToo movement has created awkwardness around making the first move. An over-awareness of consent has made young people feel nervous about showing their affection to someone for fear of coming off creepy. 

person in black jacket in selective focus photographyPhilipp Wüthrich on Unsplash

11. Unrealistic Expectations

Hollywood and social media have painted an unrealistic picture of what dating and love looks like. This has shaped Gen Z's expectations and set the bar to an impossible level to where they can never be satisfied.

shallow focus photography of man and woman holding handsBrooke Cagle on Unsplash

12. Fear Of Being Vulnerable

Many Gen Zs have grown up in a gentle world. They're fragile and over-aware of their feelings, causing them to be afraid of being vulnerable with another person.

Juan Pablo SerranoJuan Pablo Serrano on Pexels

13. Mental Health Awareness

With Gen Zs being more affected by mental health issues than any other generation, many of them are more focused on self-care than dating. What's more, they might feel hesitant to get into a relationship before being their best selves.

Madison InouyeMadison Inouye on Pexels

14. Career Focussed

With Gen Zs valuing their careers and education, many prioritize reaching their goals before dating. They may also feel the need to be financially stable before jumping into the dating pool.

woman holding white mug while standingBrooke Lark on Unsplash

15. Reliance On Online Interactions

Gen Zs are the first generation to fully grow up with the internet. They're so reliant on virtual forms of communication that some of them might not be able to handle in-person interactions very well.

man in gray sweater sitting on brown wooden folding tableNathan Dumlao on Unsplash


16. Commitment Issues

Witnessing unhappy relationships coupled with too many options may breed commitment issues in Gen Zs who have developed a certain skepticism towards the traditional relationship model. 

man hugging woman while taking photo of each otherJD Mason on Unsplash

17. Traditional Relationships No Longer The Ideal

With the realization that relationships don't have to follow the well-established model to be healthy, many Gen Zs have turned their backs on traditional relationships. Especially as fewer Gen Zs feel the desire to have children, the classic model may not make sense to them.

groom and bride kneeling in front of priest raising The Holy SacramentJosh Applegate on Unsplash

18. Liberation Of Women

Women are now very much a part of the workforce, filling high-up professional roles. They no longer need to depend on a man to provide for them. As a result, many women prefer to have their independence and freedom as opposed to date.

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19. Social Media

Many Gen Zs spend so much time on social media, they have less time and feel less of a need for in-person interactions like dating. Influencers also create unrealistic relationship standards.

pink and white square illustrationAlexander Shatov on Unsplash

20. Dating Apps Fatigue

Dating apps were introduced to make dating a meeting people easier. However, an overreliance on them has bred cynicality and dating fatigue in Gen Zs who no longer feel excited about matching with people online.

a woman sitting on a bench holding a cell phoneGood Faces Agency on Unsplash