
20 Signs Your Girlfriend Is The Biggest Green Flag Ever

20 Signs Your Girlfriend Is The Biggest Green Flag Ever

She's A Keeper!

Good partners are hard to come by. Navigating the dating scene is hard enough and trying to find someone you can really connect with is a growing challenge people are facing. That's why, it's important to know what traits make someone stand out from the rest. Guys, today we're providing you with 20 signs to look for that tell you if your girlfriend is the biggest green flag. In other words, if she shares some of these traits, she's a real keeper and someone worth fighting for. 

woman in white bathrobe covering her face with white towelAlexander Jawfox on Unsplash

1. She Lets You Play Your Video Games

Time and time again, men online constantly complain that once they enter a relationship, they can never enjoy their video games in peace anymore. That's why, if you find a partner that understands gaming is a way for you to relax and enjoy your free time, she's something special. It's even more amazing if she lets you play completely undisturbed!

person holding black game controllerSam Pak on Unsplash

2. She'll Try New Games With You

And if she takes it one step further and is willing to try new games with you? It just means she cares about your hobbies and want to be a part of your interests. Even if she's bad or unskilled at the game, you can definitely appreciate that she's trying her best. Now that's quality time.


two people playing Sony PS4 game consoleJESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

3. She Doesn't Complain About Boys Nights

Finding a partner that lets you breathe and enjoy your own time is harder to find than you might think. Being with a woman who doesn't complain about you spending time with your friends and even encourages it, simply means that she values your own time and individuality. It can be hard finding people who understand not everything you do needs to be done together. 

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4. She Encourages You To Open Up

Sadly, the world still circles around the belief that men have to be "manly" and "can't cry". That's why it's extra special knowing you have a partner that stands for the opposite. If your lady makes you feel comfortable enough to open up, share your emotions, and be vulnerable, that's a deep connection you don't want to overlook. 

JupiluJupilu on Pixabay

5. She Drives

If the role of "passenger princess" is equally shared between the both of you, she's a keeper for sure. It just means she loves taking care of you and knows when you need some pampering too. So go on, sip your Starbucks and play your favorite songs knowing your girl's getting you where you need to be. 

woman in white long sleeve shirt driving carJunior REIS on Unsplash

6. She Gets Along With Your Friends

One thing men love seeing in their partner is the ability to get along with their friends. There's something incredibly fulfilling when you find someone who matches the same energy as the other people in your life that you love.


You'd be surprised by how this small factor can really determine the direction a relationship goes. 

photo of three men jumping on ground near bare trees during daytimeZachary Nelson on Unsplash

7. She Packs Your Lunches

It's one thing if your girlfriend is a good cook, it's another if she goes out of her way to help you prepare your meals, most notably your work lunches. Men find this particularly sweet, seeing it as their partner cares for their well-being and will go the extra mile to make sure they're happy and healthy throughout the day. For some people their love language is food!

cooked food on trayElla Olsson on Unsplash

8. She Doesn't Care If You Take Your Phone

These days, our phones hold many of our secrets, which is why so many people are protective of them. When you're in a relationship, this might only cause reason for suspicion. So if your partner doesn't care if you ever take a peek, it means she's an open book with nothing to hide. 

person holding white Android smartphone in white shirtNordWood Themes on Unsplash

9. Doesn't Mind You Having Female Friends

Jealousy can appear in many ugly ways within relationships. For men, one thing they generally can't stand is having their partner become jealous and clingy over any female relationships they have. At the end of the day, it just means they don't trust you. Finding someone who sees these friendships as harmless is a sign of maturity that should be valued.

girl in blue sleeveless dressObie Fernandez on Unsplash

10. She's Not Afraid To Fart In Your Presence

You may think this point is a joke, but many men actually appreciate the day their women is comfortable enough to let out some gas around them.


At the end of the day, it's almost like a rite of passage. It's as if it's saying your relationship has changed from still testing the waters to fully embracing each other. 

woman giving man piggyback rideVince Fleming on Unsplash

11. She Doesn't Try To Change You

Sometimes, opposites attract and what matters most is that your relationship is healthy and not built around trying to change each other. If your partner lets you be who you are, it means she loves you, accepts you, and is okay with your differences. Having that openness is necessary for a relationship to thrive.

JillWellingtonJillWellington on Pixabay

12. You're The First Person She Reaches Out To

Girls love sharing exciting news or simply talking about events that happened during their day, meaning if you're the first person she contacts, you've officially reached the top of her favorites list. It means your partner enjoys conversations with you, even when they're just about absolutely nothing. Your company is what matters most and that can make you feel really special. 

selective focus photography of man and woman holding there handsandrew welch on Unsplash

13. She Invites You To Spend Time With Her Family

Being invited to spend time with her family means she's already thinking about the future. She's working on building good relationships between you and the people she's closest to so that you two can take the next steps peacefully and happily. It always feels nice knowing your partner is invested and looking at things in the long term.



group of people standing on green grass field during daytimeCDC on Unsplash

14. She Calls You In Emergencies

Whether it's a family emergency or her car is stalled on the road, making you her first call is a clear indicator that she trusts and relies on you. It can feel incredibly satisfying and fulfilling knowing that your partner understands you'll always be there for her at a moment's notice. And in a way, it makes you realize she'll do the same for you too.

Surprising_SnapShotsSurprising_SnapShots on Pixabay

15. She's Not Afraid To Get Messy With Food

We all know how the early stages of dating goes: taking small bites when eating, being afraid to eat too much, and not wanting to make a mess. So when that awkwardness finally breaks and your lady is unafraid of chowing down and getting messy, you know you're with someone who isn't afraid to show you the real her. 

woman eating burgerLouis Hansel on Unsplash

16. She Doesn't Wear Makeup

There's absolutely nothing wrong with wearing makeup and enjoying it, but men do appreciate seeing their woman feeling comfortable enough to be bare-faced around them. It can be a difficult step to jump over for some people, so when that bridge has been crossed, it feels like the two of you can finally enjoy being yourselves with no fear of judgment around each other. 

woman in white crew neck shirtDaniil Lebedev on Unsplash

17. She Says Sorry

Nothing's more frustrating than being with someone who's so stubborn they refuse to apologize, so don't underestimate how amazing it is be with someone who does it effortlessly.


If your girlfriend says sorry when she makes mistakes and acknowledges it whole-heartedly, that's someone worth keeping around.

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18. She Knows Just How To Comfort You

Everyone has their down days and the best feeling is knowing you're with someone who knows how to handle it. From bringing you your favorite snacks to having a fun gaming day in or a movie night with your favorites, if your girlfriend goes out of her way to cheer you up, she's showing she's willing to do what it takes to be by your side. 

Frank_RietschFrank_Rietsch on Pixabay

19. She Knows How To Compromise

Relationships are all about give and take; no side should ever be fully in control at all times. While partners that follow the mentality of "my way or the highway" need to be tossed aside, if your girlfriend treats you with respect and understands the importance of compromising to keep both sides happy, it's clear she values the relationship.

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20. She Knows How To Lead

Society has an unreasonable expectation that men always have to take charge and lead the relationship, but it simply isn't true. Both parties need to put in work for things to work out! That's why women who aren't afraid to take control, make the plans, and take their partner out are so sought after. It's an attractive trait; real men aren't afraid of confident women they appreciate it.

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