
20 Signs You're Stuck In A Relationship Going Nowhere

20 Signs You're Stuck In A Relationship Going Nowhere

Do You Feel Like You're Stuck In Your Relationship?

Are you ready to take your relationship to the next stage? Unfortunately, not all couples are always on the same page. Even if you're ready to move forward, your partner might not be. So to tell whether you're in a relationship that's moving in the direction you want, here are 20 signs to look out for that tell you if your relationship is going nowhere.

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1. You Only Plan For The Present

Couples in it for the long-term don't just think about the present, they plan for the future too. Because if you're planning to spend the rest of your life with someone, you need to have an idea of what to expect and what to work towards. If you're with someone who only cares about the right now, chances are they aren't thinking of taking the next step with you yet. 

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2. You Don't Share The Same Future Goals

This is a big one. How are you supposed to move forward together if your destination isn't even the same? Having differing goals can put a stop to any relationship. No matter how much you like them, if you don't share the same thoughts about where the relationship is headed, it's not exactly something you can solve with just a hug or kiss. 

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3. You Both Struggle With Commitment

Before you take the big leap to the next stage with your partner, it's incredibly crucial that you both are fully committed to the relationship. No ifs, buts, and ors! Planning things like moving in together or getting married require two people that are fully on board. If one of you isn't, it's impossible to move to the next level. 

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4. You Haven't Met Their Family Yet

It's kind of weird being in a relationship where you haven't met your partner's family yet, right? Family is a big aspect of every persons' life. If you want things to get serious, it's important that the two meet at some point. Hiding you from their family makes it seem as if your partner is unsure of what he wants in the relationship. 

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5. You Both Still Act As If You're Single

If you're in an invested relationship, still acting as if you're single by going out whenever you want and not caring about your partner's needs is unacceptable. Entering a relationship typically comes with minor to major lifestyle changes whether you like it or not. Ignoring these changes or pushing them aside simply means you're not ready to be in a serious relationship. 

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6. Your Relationship Is Lacking Effort

Couples generally don't feel ready taking the next step unless they feel both parties are fully committed and doing their best to make things work. How are you supposed to take this relationship anywhere if no one's trying? Being with someone is hard work, but it's necessary if you want to see the pay-off. 

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7. You're Holding Onto Past Grudges

It doesn't matter if it's a relationship with your partner, family, or friend, all relationships suffer if you hold onto past grudges. Couples can't move forward if they're still looking back at the past. If you or your partner tend to let past grievances affect your relationship, it just means you won't be able to take the next step forward. 

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8. You Struggle To Come To An Agreement

If you can't even decide on things together, how are you going to agree on big decisions regarding marriage, kids, or buying a home together? If the little things aren't clicking, the big ones aren't going to either. If this relationship is going to go anywhere, you both have to make sure you're are aligned in what you want.

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9. You Have No Plans On Moving In Together

For many couples, the next stage of a relationship after being together for a while is moving in together. If it's been 3 years, 4 years, or more and you haven't even broached the subject, something might be off. It doesn't matter if it's not in the cards at the moment, the subject should at least be discussed. 

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10. You Haven't Talked About Marriage

Similar to the last point, for most relationships, the end goal is typically marriage. Whether it's something you and your partner want, that's entirely up to you. But the important thing is that you've at least talked about it. Being too scared to even bring the topic up shows signs that your relationship is struggling to move forward. 

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11. You Prioritize Other Friends And Family Over Your Partner

The moment you enter a serious relationship, your partner should quickly skyrocket to become one of your top priorities. Their wellbeing and happiness should be important to you! And while that's not to say that you should start ignoring your friends and family, it is important that you remember their needs and wants. Repeatedly focusing on your friends and family over your partner will leave them feeling neglected. You can't expect to progress in your relationship with that going on.

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12. You Don't Make Quality Time For Each Other

Sitting down for a quick dinner together once a week is not enough. If you really want to see your relationship going somewhere, it's essential that you both spare some time for each other. Quality time is so important in any relationship. Not only does it show that you care for your partner and want to be with them, it also demonstrates that you're willing to prioritize them even in your busy schedule. 

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13. You Or Your Partner Don't Want To "Define" The Relationship

So...if you're not exactly "together" what are you? Not wanting to put a label on a relationship is the same thing as saying you don't want to be committed. There's no reason why you need to dance around the subject. If you're together, you put in the work. 

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14. You're Not Saving For The Future

While it's okay to splurge every now and then and treat each other, ideally, you and your partner are also saving most of your money to put towards your future together. We'd imagine you both want to live in a shared home one day, and that costs a lot of money! It can be a bit of red flag seeing your partner spend carelessly or not wanting to save with you in mind. 

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15. There's No More Physical Intimacy

While physical intimacy does tend to die down the longer the relationship, it shouldn't completely disappear. You should still want to feel close to your partner and engage in intimate acts every now and then. If that loving touch no longer exists, that's definitely something to be wary of. Sometimes, the physical things can be more telling than the emotional ones. 

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16. You're Never Introduced Properly

It may be surprising to hear, but how you're introduced by your partner to their friends, coworkers, or family can be a big indication of how they view your relationship. If they don't clearly introduce you as their partner, it can feel a little strange. It's even worse if they just call you a friend! Doing so might just demonstrate that you're both on two completely different pages. 

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17. You Aren't Close With Your Partner's Friends/Inner Circle

We're not saying you have to become best buds, but it is a little strange if your partner refuses to invite you to hangouts with their closest friends. It can come across as if they're trying to keep those two worlds separate. But it should go without saying that if you and your partner are going to take this relationship seriously, you both need to be included in different aspects of each other's life. 

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18. You're Not Comfortable Yet

Uh oh. Still not comfortable in your relationship? Either your partner isn't making things work or it's just not clicking for you. The number one thing both parties need to feel before moving forward is comfortable. If you don't feel like you can be yourself around your partner, there's no way you'll be okay navigating the tough terrain ahead with them. 

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19. Your Fights Are Never Resolved

Conflict resolution is so important in any relationship. In romantic ones, letting past unresolved arguments bubble and rise only spells trouble. Not coming up with an appropriate solution will definitely create more problems in the future that you both can only ignore for so long. It sure is one way to put a quick stop on the progression of a relationship. 

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20. The Relationship Doesn't Feel Equal

The best relationships have both partners putting in equal amount of work. While difficult times might require one side to put in more weight for the time being, it should always be reciprocated in the end. If your relationship currently feels like you're doing all the heavylifting with no return, something's wrong. Either your partner just doesn't care anymore or they're simply putting in no effort. Whatever the reason, you can't go on like that. 

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