Give Yourself a Pat on the Back
You're your own worst critic. Yet, even though you know that, you can't help but downplay your successes, feeling like you've lost the plot in this thing called life. But chances are, you're not giving yourself enough credit for everything you've accomplished and how far you've come. You have plenty to be proud of—and we'll prove it. Here are 20 signs you're doing better in life than you think you are.
1. You Got Up
Sometimes, the hardest thing is waking up in the morning, let alone getting up off the bed. You made the conscious decision today to give your brain and body the rest it deserves and climb out from your covers to face the day. That's an accomplishment in and of itself.
2. You Make Time for Self-Care
Physical health is important, but your mental well-being may arguably be even more so. If you regularly take time out of your day to journal, meditate, exercise, or engage in activities that allow you to practice mindfulness, that's a great sign you're taking care of yourself.
3. You've Let Go of Toxic Relationships
Whether it's a toxic ex or friend, you've cut off those ties. You're no longer the person who allowed themselves to be put through the wringer or treated like a doormat. Instead, you've made new relationships and are now surrounded by loving, supportive people who wish just as much happiness for you as you do them.
4. You Constantly Try New Things
Whether it's a new hobby or a cuisine you've never tried, you're constantly broadening your horizon by exploring the world and what it has to offer. You don't restrict yourself to only the things you're familiar with because you stay curious and eager to experiment.
5. You Challenge Yourself
Not only do you try new things, but you challenge yourself. You step outside your comfort zone and engage in activities that your past self never would have dared to do. Maybe you're a homebody, but you push yourself to meet new people. Or maybe you're switching career paths, and you're ready to take on the hurdles you'll face.
6. You're Not the Same Person You Were Before
If you were to write a letter to your past self, what would you include? You might list out your achievements, what career you're in, the great people you've met. The you from 10 years ago might not recognize the person you are now—and that's a good thing. After all, it's a reminder of your growth and how far you've come.
7. You Have Things You're Passionate About
What's your passion? Maybe it's a sport you like or a creative activity. No matter what it is, having something you're passionate about is something to be proud of, too, because it shows that you have vices that keep you happy and intrigue you enough to continue with them.
8. You Put in the Effort
Just like something as simple as getting up in the morning, living requires effort. Working requires effort. Cooking, cleaning, and paying the bills on time all require effort and responsibility. The fact that you push yourself, constantly, to put in the energy is something you should be extremely proud of.
9. You Have Your Essentials
You have a roof over your head, a bed to crawl into at night, food on the table, and enough money to cover your living essentials. You have the time (and an internet connection) to read this article. All of that is a blessing and shouldn't be taken for granted. Instead of frowning over what you don't have, appreciate all the things you do have.
10. You've Learned from Your Mistakes
Remember when we said you're different from who you were 10 years ago? You're now a decade wiser, but that wouldn't have happened if you hadn't gone through hiccups here and there and learned from them. And just allowing yourself to make mistakes and accepting that you've made them, is already a step in the right direction. Why? Because that's how you grow up.
11. You Have Goals
It goes further than learning from your past mistakes. Even after you've hit a milestone, you still know that this isn't where the journey ends. You have more work to do, more ways to improve, and more goals to accomplish. It's not that you're constantly trying to reinvent yourself, but merely evolving, like a character in a video game unlocking more features and abilities along the way.
12. You Can Afford to Treat Yourself
No matter how much you worry about your finances, you're still able to treat yourself to small luxuries. Maybe it's a new restaurant you've wanted to try out, a new pair of sneakers you've wanted to buy, or a healing solo trip overseas you've thought about for a while. Just being able to afford these little delights is something to be proud of.
13. You Question Yourself
You know that you're not always right, so you don't argue yourself hoarse to prove a point. Instead, you question yourself and strive to be better, whether that means informing yourself about different topics, fields, or world events. This is how you get wiser, after all.
14. You Make Your Own Decisions
Put simply, making decisions is hard. What if you make the wrong choice? What if you regret the choice you made? What if you could've waited it out and made a better choice? Yet, despite how challenging it is to pick and choose, you do this for yourself every day, and that shows how much you understand and trust yourself.
15. You Accept What You Can't Change
Sure, you have imperfections. Doesn't everybody? There may be things you'll never be all that great at, or things about yourself that you can't change, and that's okay. You no longer even see these as flaws. They're just traits that make up who you are, and most importantly, they make you unique.
16. You Have People You Love—and Who Love You Back
Whether it's a loving partner, friends, or family, you have a group of people who stand by you through thick and thin—just as you do for them. And that's worth celebrating, because despite love's complexities and how many have come and gone, you've still found the ones worth keeping.
17. You Can Take Rejection
Rejection no longer affects you as much as it did back then. Sure, it's still disappointing when you're turned down, but you don't take it personally. Sometimes, things just aren't meant to be, and more opportunities will come up down the road that may suit you better.
18. You've Survived Through Rough Moments
Have you heard of the phrase, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"? Think back to a recent bad day you had or a particularly difficult time in your life. Despite how tough and unforgiving those moments were and how much you had to endure, you made it through. Now, you're stronger than you ever were.
19. You're Happy
Even if these pockets of happiness are brief, you still have moments where you can smile and laugh out loud. You're surrounded by people and things that lift your spirits and remind you how incredibly fortunate you are, and you truly cherish these joys.
20. You're Breathing
No matter what time you're reading this, you're making it—or have made it—through yet another day. You've survived the week. You've survived another month. You're living, you're breathing, you're here and existing. That in itself is something worth celebrating, so give yourself a pat on the back.