
20 Signs You're Holding Onto A Relationship That's Already Over

20 Signs You're Holding Onto A Relationship That's Already Over

Is Your Relationship Finished?

It can be pretty difficult to take a hard look at the state of your relationship, but for your own mental health and well-being, it's important that you do. If it's getting harder and harder for you to feel happy with your partner, it's time to evaluate why. Here are 20 signs you might be holding on to a relationship that's already over.

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1. There Isn't The Same Level of Trust As Before

Whether something major happened like your partner cheated on you or little things have built up over time to ruin your trust, you should never have to feel like you can't rely on your partner. If that level of trust isn't there anymore, the entire foundation is gone. It's not a healthy relationship and you might just be trying too hard to make things work. 

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2. You Can't Go A Day Without Arguing

The idea of fighting every day with your partner just sounds incredibly exhausting. Stop hurting your mental health and wellbeing by staying in a relationship that just isn't working anymore. If you find yourself fighting way too frequently with your loved one, take it as a sign.

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3. You Don't Miss Each Other When You're Apart

It doesn't matter how long it's been - whether you've been dating your partner for 1 year or 10 years, you should always want to be around them. Missing their presence and company is a sign of a healthy, functioning relationship. If you and your partner spend time apart and you don't miss them, uh oh, that's quite telling about your feelings.

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4. There's No More Effort Involved

Even if you've been together for a long time, there's no excuse for slacking off in a relationship. It takes two and a whole lot of effort to make things work. Getting lazy isn't something you should just let slide. 

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5. Your Priorities & Goals Have Changed

People change as they grow older. Sometimes, life just throws a curveball at you and the things that you once wanted aren't the same anymore. There's nothing wrong with that, but it is important to evaluate the new changes with your partner. If your goals and priorities as a couple aren't aligned anymore, chances are things won't work out as well as they used to.

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6. There's No More Intimacy

Physical touch isn't all there is to a relationship, but it certainly is an important aspect of it. If you and your partner never get intimate anymore, you might want to take a look at why. Wanting to be close is a sign of a healthy relationship, so if you're not feeling it anymore, it's time to discuss. 

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7. You Struggle To Find Common Ground

Why does it always feel like you and your partner struggle so much to agree on things? Finding it difficult to reach common ground is definitely a problem you and your partner should examine more closely. Don't ignore it - it reflects the state of your relationship.

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8. You Don't Know What To Talk About Anymore

Being with your partner should feel effortless and natural. You shouldn't have to struggle to come up with topics of conversation or sit in uncomfortable silence. If it gets to that point, something is definitely wrong.

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9. You Think About Life Without Them

Whereas you used to daydream about a future with your partner, do you find yourself imagining a life without them now? That's a major red flag you can't ignore. If you're starting to picture a world where you're not together, that just means that might be your true inner feelings.

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10. The Relationship Doesn't Feel Equal

Relationships require two people to work - that means both parties need to put in equal effort. If you're starting to feel like you're carrying all the weight and your partner just isn't reciprocating, take a moment to reflect on the state of your relationship. Are you really happy being with someone who isn't giving you their all?

Pexels-Vera-Arsic-304265-984946Vera Arsic on Pexels

11. Your Relationship Tires You

You should never have to feel exhausted just spending time with your loved one. It should be something you look forward to not dread. If being together is just making you feel tired, something's not clicking and you both need to talk about it. Get to the source of the problem or things likely won't end well. 

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12. No One Plans Dates Anymore

Never underestimate the importance of planning dates, even if you've been together for an exceptionally long time. It's what keeps the romance and excitement alive! It's also how to tell whether or not your partner is invested - are they taking time out of their day to plan something fun for the two of you to do together?

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13. You Don't Get Along With Each Other's Friends & Family

This is a big one. Not getting along with your partner's friends or family is a lot more concerning than you might think. While it might be something you both initially ignore, it's not something you can easily run away from. It will continue to loom over your relationship and may cause even more conflict in the future.

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14. There's No More Passion

Where's the love? Being in a relationship is more than about being good friends. It's about the passion. You should want to be near your partner, to be loved by them, and to love them right back. It's definitely a point of concern if you're starting to feel like the passion is lacking. Because with that, can you still say you're in love?

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15. There's Nothing To Look Forward To

It's an important step for couples to take to set agreed upon goals to work together towards. It's what keeps relationships moving in a healthy direction. If you no longer care for the same things or don't feel excitement about reaching those goals anymore, you likely don't feel the same way as you used to.

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16. You Don't Find Them Funny Anymore

You might think this point is ridiculous, but it can actually be really telling! Humor is crucial to any relationship; being able to laugh with your partner is what makes the moments special. If you struggle to enjoy their jokes or laugh about the same things, it could just be that you've both changed and are headed in different directions.

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17. You Don't Rely On Each Other

Your partner should be the number one person you turn to when you need help. If they're not the first person to come to mind when you want advice or need comfort, what's the point? It just shows that you think they're unreliable or you can't count on them to be there for you.

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18. You'd Rather Spend Your Day With A Friend

During your time off, if you feel that you'd rather spend it with a friend instead of your partner, maybe take a moment to think why that is. It's normal if it's every once in a while, but if you do this more and more frequently, it might just be a sign that you no longer enjoy their company as much as you once did.

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19. You're Starting To Feel Trapped

Does being with your partner make you feel like you have no more opportunities? Feeling trapped is a terrible feeling, especially if it's directed toward your relationship. If you feel that you're being held back because of it, it's time to weigh the pros and cons of your relationship. Is it worth the sacrifices you're making to stay with your partner?

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20. The Relationship Feels Empty

The worst feeling you could have while being in a relationship is nothing. If you don't feel any sparks, don't feel joy, or don't feel love towards your partner, what's the meaning of your relationship anyway? Feeling empty is a sign that you two need to review whether being together is what's best for you both.

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