20 Signs You're Unbearably Stubborn

20 Signs You're Unbearably Stubborn

Let's Find Out How Stubborn You Are

It might be hard to even think about it, let alone admit it, but today we're going to explore just how stubborn you might be. As you scroll through these 20 slides, each with a common stubborn trait, see how many sound like you. You may be more stubborn than you realize!

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1. You Refuse to Compromise

To all you stubborn people, compromise isn't even a word in your vocabulary. Instead of trying to find a healthy solution where both sides can benefit, you will endlessly stick to your own opinions and thoughts. This can really affect your resolution skills.

Pexels-Karolina-Grabowska-6957154Karolina Kaboompics on Pexels

2. You Have Trouble Admitting When You're Wrong

Even when the answer is clear as day that you've made a mistake, you still find it hard to accept that you're in the wrong. You might even continue to argue for no reason, just to see if you can work your way out of it. That's because for stubborn people, fighting for your side is more important than admitting you messed up.

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3. You Insist On Things Being Done Your Way

When you're working with others or a partner, you always argue to have things done your way. You have a specific routine or method you like to follow, and you refuse to listen to anyone else. Basically, you're telling everyone "It's my way or the highway."

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4. You Refuse To Adapt And Change

Change is an important part of life; it's how we grow and become better people. One of the biggest struggles stubborn people face is learning to adapt and go with the flow. You likely hate change and always try to find things that feel familiar and comfortable. 

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5. You Hold Grudges

Not everyone is going to agree with you all the time and that's just something you have to learn to accept. People have varying opinions and thoughts - that's just part of life. If you hold on to those grudges just because others don't share the same mindset as you, you're going to ruin a lot of relationships moving forward.

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6. You Ignore Others' Advice

Even when others are trying to help you with the purest of intentions, you tend to toss them aside, completely ignoring their advice. Being stubborn can sometimes come across as just plain disrespectful. Feeling the need to be completely independent will certainly cost you.

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7. You Fight Unwinnable Arguments

Do you struggle to know when enough is enough? Even if you know deep down the other person you're arguing with isn't going to see your side, you just love continuing the fight. Instead of backing off and trying to make amends, you push your point even further, even if it's to your detriment.

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8. You're Terrible At Delegating Tasks

Stubborn people strongly believe that the person best up for the task is always themselves. That's why they suck at delegation - they don't want to let other people take care of things. Being so independent just makes things harder for yourself though.

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9. You Overvalue Own Opinions

While yes, you should always believe in yourself and back yourself up, that doesn't mean you shouldn't be open to other perspectives. Only believing that you're right and that your way of thinking is correct is just fundamentally wrong. This level of stubbornness will definitely make you someone no one wants to work with.

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10. You're Inflexible With Planning

Because you're so set in your ways, once you make a plan, you stick to it. And we mean, you really stick to it. Instead of adjusting or changing things to better suit others, you simply refuse. 

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11. You Suck At Apologizing

We all grew up learning the importance of saying "I'm sorry," but maybe stubborn kids fell asleep during the lesson. Apologizing when you're in the wrong should come naturally, but not for the stubborn. Instead of saying sorry, you might even act more defensive and fight back!

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12. You Rely Only On Your Own Personal Experience

Asking others for advice? No stubborn person would ever stoop that low! Instead of hearing what others have to say and taking in others' experience and knowledge, you always turn to yourself. All you care about is what you've learned personally, dismissing everyone else as being "less valid".

Pexels-Olly-3808008 (1) Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

13. You Take Pride in Being Self-Sufficient

Independence is a great quality to have, but only when you also know how to ask for help. Putting too much burden on yourself doesn't help anyone. Not only will it make you feel overwhelmed and stressed, it can make others feel disrespected when you refuse their help.

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14. You Disregard Authority

Are you so stubborn that you even choose to believe you're better than authority figures? That's taking things to the next level for sure. If you always try to challenge professors, managers, bosses, doctors, and so on, you might be taking things a little too far. 

Pexels-Olly-3812739Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

15. You're A Perfectionist

Being stubborn often ties into being a perfectionist. You expect such a high level from yourself, that's why you feel like you're the only one you can count on. Perfectionism can be dangerous though. It can be very frustrating expecting only the best from yourself all the time. 

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16. You Never Seek Feedback

Most people love constructive criticism - it's how we improve on ourselves and grow. But if you feel the opposite and absolutely hate getting feedback, chances are you're pretty stubborn. It's likely because you can't stand the thought of being corrected by someone else.

Pexels-Olly-3808822Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

17. You're Very Traditional

It's interesting to note that stubborn people tend to gravitate towards more traditional methods or ways of learning. It doesn't matter if it's less effective or even considered old-school, if it's what you like, you always stick to it.

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18. You Tunnel Vision

Do you tend to get so focused on one goal that you start ignoring everything else and only think about yourself? In these moments, stubborn people tend to tunnel vision and believe that their way is the best way. It can prove to be a real struggle though; you might overlook other important details.

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19. You Get Defensive

When stubborn people are getting feedback, hearing anything other than "You did great!" instantly puts them into defense mode. Do you find yourself to be like that? Because taking things a little too seriously and getting offended from criticism is a common trait for many stubborn folk.

Pexels-Keira-Burton-6147230Keira Burton on Pexels

20. Your Prefer The Familiar

Because you hate change, you love to stick to things that feel familiar and are comfortable to you. Stepping outside your comfort zone? What's that! Stubborn people don't want to take risks - they want to excel in what they already know.

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