
20 Slang Words Only Cool Adults Will Know

20 Slang Words Only Cool Adults Will Know

Time To Update Your Vocabulary

Listening to teens talk today is like trying to decipher a foreign language. What was that word they just used? How about that one? With so much slang making its way into everyday conversation, it can be hard to keep up with these made-up words. So to boost your vocab, we've got 20 of the most common slang words used today.

SlangtAndrea Piacquadio on Pexels

1. Rizz

Short for "charisma," rizz is just popular slang to describe someone who is incredibly charming and attractive. Basically, telling someone they have rizz is the same thing as saying they've got great game. In today's generation, it's one of the highest compliments!

Ernest FlowersErnest Flowers on Pexels

2. Bussin'

The next time you really want to express how good something is, try using the word "bussin'." While you can really use it to describe anything, it's most commonly used for food. Don't be surprised the next time you hear this word at the dinner table - it's a good thing!

man in black tank top standing near white wallAfif Ramdhasuma on Unsplash

3. Mewing

No, we're not talking about the sound cats make. Mewing is more of an action if anything. It's what people do to try and define their jawlines, usually before taking a photo. It's how people try to get their best angles. 

man in black and white adidas crew neck shirtammar sabaa on Unsplash


4. Salty

If you hear someone using the word salty, chances are they're not talking about how something tastes but rather how someone is acting. Being described as this means you seem annoyed, bitter, or even resentful. Did someone steal your idea at work? We wouldn't be surprised if you were salty about that. 

Andrea PiacquadioAndrea Piacquadio on Pexels

5. Rent-Free

While the idea of living rent free sounds absolutely amazing, having someone stuck in your mind rent-free is the complete opposite. It means you can't get them out of your thoughts, almost like you're obsessing over them. It can be anything, from a person to a thing. 

Engin AkyurtEngin Akyurt on Pexels

6. Shook

The next time something jaw-dropping happens that seriously shakes you to your core, just use that feeling to describe it. "Shook" simply means that you're in complete awe or shock over something that just happened to you. 

Dima ValkovDima Valkov on Pexels

7. Drip

This slang word has nothing to do with water at all. "Drip" simply means very cool or stylish; if you know someone who dresses well, you might say their outfit is "drippy" or "drippin'." You might not be a fashion connoisseur, but using this word might make you sound like one (at least to the teens). 

two women in teal romper pantsClem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

8. Pog

Another way to say awesome, amazing, or super cool, pog is probably one of the most used slang words today. More commonly used with gamers, this short three-lettered word is able to express so much meaning. 

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Now here's one you might be familiar with! GOAT, or greatest of all time, is used in so many different ways. Whether you've heard it used in sports to define an unforgettable player or just used casually to describe something believed to be the best, it's woven its way into our everyday language. 

a basketball jersey with the number 24 on itOlivier Collet on Unsplash


10. Skibidi

Funnily enough, if you don't know what "skibidi" is, don't worry - no one else does either. In a weird way, this word essentially means nothing. It's used as an adjective, but it changes depending on how you use it. It could mean cool, bad, or dumb, but you'll never know unless there's context. 

five group of men sitting together with their skateboardsParker Gibbons on Unsplash

11. Let Em Cook

The next time you hear "let em cook," just know they're not talking about actual cooking. This phrase is said to someone when you want to see how their idea plays out, you think they have a good idea brewing, or you just want to let them do things their way. In a way, it simply means, you do you. 

man in gray button up shirtLudovic Migneault on Unsplash

12. Delulu

Not too far off from the original word, "delulu" is just a fun of saying delusional. When you use the slang version, it does makes it feel a bit less harsh and more joking though. 

RyanMcGuireRyanMcGuire on Pixabay

13. Bet

We're not sure when okay became a word that needed to turn into slang, but what the internet came up with was bet. It's just a way to show you agree with something that was said. Try it out next time instead of saying "alright" or "I'm down."

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14. Glow Up

Telling someone they had a "glow up" is a way to compliment their appearance. It means that as they've gotten older, they've become more attractive whether that's through maturing or changing up their style. It's typically seen in a positive light, so don't be afraid to use it as praise. 

man sitting near gray steel roller shutters during daytimeBrooke Cagle on Unsplash

15. Aura

Hearing someone say, "plus 1000 aura" might sound like they're referring to a video game, but in reality, they're talking about someone's cool factor. It's basically a word meant to describe the vibe or energy someone gives off, and using plus or minus dictates if you're using it positively or negatively. 

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16. Cap

If you had to guess what this slang meant, just know it has nothing to do with the article of clothing. "Cap" essentially translates to "lying." The same can be said for the opposite; saying "no cap" mean you're telling the truth. It's often thrown at the end of a sentence to indicate whether what you said was true or false. 

i am a good man i am a good manPawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

17. Face Card

Definitely one of the newer slang words created in 2024, face card simply means beyond attractive. In fact, you might be so beautiful that you can easily get whatever you want. Many use it as a way to compliment a stunning person.

Tuấn Kiệt Jr.Tuấn Kiệt Jr. on Pexels

18. You're Cooked

Don't mix this up with "let em cook!" While that phrase tends to have a more positive connotation, telling someone "you're cooked" means you're out of luck or done for. It can also be used to describe how you're feeling, especially if you're incredibly exhausted. 

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19. NPC

Calling a person an NPC (a non-player character) means they're emotionless and have no personality. If you've ever played video games before, these characters only follow a script and do as they're told. So no, NPC is not a kind slang word to use. 

Matilda WormwoodMatilda Wormwood on Pexels

20. Sigma

For men of the modern generation, there's no compliment better than "sigma." Essentially the same thing as being called alpha, this is used to described someone you think is the best. It's a word generally only used for males. 

four people holding fireworks and forming cool wordCollin on Unsplash