
20 Things Boomers & Gen Z Will Never Agree On

20 Things Boomers & Gen Z Will Never Agree On

Boomers, You Can't Say That Anymore!

We've seen drastic lifestyle changes from the mid-twentieth century to the early 2000s that have caused some tension. Baby boomers accuse Gen Z of being lazy, and the zoomers try to cancel Grandpa for his inappropriate jokes. From parenting schedules to Facebook posts, here's what boomers and zoomers will never agree on:     

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1. The "American Dream"

The "American dream" might look more like a nightmare to the kids of newer generations. Boomers often believe a successful life includes marriage, property, children, and a full-time job until they're 65. Zoomers don't believe there's only one way to live. Many of them seek other goals in life that might not involve marriage and other traditional achievements. 

man wearing US flag cape while riding on longboard near body of water during daytimeNathan Dumlao on Unsplash

2. Baby Nap Schedules

There will always be arguments about the best way to parent, especially between the boomers and zoomers. It was more common for boomer parents not to follow any tight schedules when raising a child; the baby napped wherever and whenever. Many boomers roll their eyes at Gen Z parents whose lives revolve around their baby's napping schedules and watch their baby monitors like television.   

photo of baby laying on bedDakota Corbin on Unsplash

3. Inclusive Language

"Why do I have to use the word they instead of she?", says many boomers out there. These two generations will always butt heads about inclusive language. Avoiding words and phrases that could potentially be offensive doesn't phase many boomers, even if they're not trying to be racist or sexist. Gen Zers start learning to be PC at a young age, and adjusting their vocabulary is natural to them.   

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4. Privacy On Social Media

Some folks treat social media differently than others. More than often, boomers turn to Facebook as a personal diary, sharing their personal affairs or what they ate for breakfast with the public. Most of Gen Z would call that over-sharing and tend to set their profiles to private, only allowing trusted people to see their content. 

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5. Mental Health

Mental health wasn't always talked about or prioritized back in the day. Many boomers think going to therapy means you've gone crazy and they grew up internalizing their issues and traumas. For zoomers, prioritizing mental health is number one and it's become normalized to see a therapist and openly talk about mental illnesses.    

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6. The Biased News

Numerous TV channels still broadcast the morning news, sparking debates between the generations. Many baby boomers routinely watch the same news station and digest all of their information from one source. Zoomers tend to get their news from multiple sources and watching it on TV is the last place they turn to.    

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7. Work ethic

Work-life balance was non-existent to many baby boomers. They grew up working hard at jobs they didn't like to support their families. Boomers often think zoomers are lazy because they change jobs like their outfits or they have "careers" online as influencers.   

person walking holding brown leather bagMarten Bjork on Unsplash

8. Cable TV

You'll rarely hear "There's nothing on TV" from the mouth of a Gen Zer. Boomers still tend to flick through cable TV channels and complain about their lack of choices. Zoomers grew up with Netflix and won't put up with that nonsense. Some of them may have never even heard of cable. 

person holding black remote controlErik Mclean on Unsplash

9. The Environment 

Climate change is a touchy subject. Many boomers don't look at the environment the way new generations do and this ignorance has caused a lot of tension with the zoomers. Gen Z often blame the boomers for polluting the planet and think they need to clean up after their mess. 

people gathered outside buildings holding Climate Justice Now signageMarkus Spiske on Unsplash


10. Growing A Family Mentality 

To grow a family was not even a consideration, it was more of an expectancy. Many boomers grew up knowing they would have kids without thinking hard about it. Many will say to zoomers who don't want kids, "but who will take care of you when you're old?". Many zoomers will argue that mentality that they need children for a fulfilled life.   

grayscale photo of family standing near treesAnnie Spratt on Unsplash

11. Landlines

Boomers and zoomers will never agree about landlines. Some Gen Zers don't even know what a landline is. Some boomers have difficulty cutting the cord even though they own cell phones. The only people that call are telemarketers, but a house is not a home without a landline, and zoomers just don't get it.   

black rotary dial phone on white surfaceQuino Al on Unsplash

12. Greeting Cards

Exchanging greeting cards for every occasion is not a time of the past for everyone. Many boomers still send Christmas and birthday cards by mail each year and have a sky-high pile of their own. Paper mail in general is not often a consideration for a zoomer and they'll argue that boomers are wasting paper.   

greetings cardAnnie Spratt on Unsplash

13. Online Shopping

From groceries to surf boards, you can buy everything online these days. While some boomers might get the hang of it, many others can't seem to grasp the idea that you can just click a button instead of heading to the mall. A zoomer will get frustrated teaching their parents how to save time shopping online.    

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14. Buying A House

It's all part of the American dream. To many boomers, it's a life milestone to purchase a home and they'll argue that mentality with their kids. Not all zoomers see buying property as a priority and seek out alternative lifestyles that bring them happiness instead.

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15. Retirement

Many boomers lived their lives preparing for retirement. To many Gen Zers, this lifestyle is absurd. Why would you save traveling and fun all for when you're older and less capable? A boomer might accuse a zoomer as being irresponsible and not thinking enough about their future.   

a woman holding a jar with savings written on itTowfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash


16. Going To The Doctor

Thanks to Google, we often come up with a deadly self-diagnosis when we search the reasons why we have a headache. Back in the day, boomers went to the doctor if they were really sick. Nowadays, Gen Z goes to the doctor for a headache. Zoomers don't think boomers take care of themselves and the boomers will tell them to "suck it up".

man in white thobe standingSasun Bughdaryan on Unsplash


17. Life Coaches

A life coach is a profession and people will pay good money for one. Many baby boomers can't believe zoomers will seek professional advice about how to live their lives. On the other hand, zoomers think that many boomers desperately need a life coach.  

MacBook ProPrateek Katyal on Unsplash

18. Ways To Travel

From house swapping to dog sitting, there are many unique was to see the world these days. Many boomers will still visit their local travel agent to book a trip without considering any other way. Zoomers grew up with advanced travel technology and may never enter a travel agent office. 

airplanes window view of sky during golden hourEva Darron on Unsplash

19. Health Supplements 

From protein to magnesium, there's a supplement for everything. Many boomers weren't brought up with probiotic pills and superfood blends and they think zoomers are wasting their money. The health and wellness industry is booming with health conscious zoomers who want their daily dose to increase their longevity.  

Nataliya VaitkevichNataliya Vaitkevich on Pexels

20. Safety 

When a boomer was growing up, seatbelts were car accessories and helmets weren't a mandatory law. Boomers often don't take safety into consideration as much as zoomers do now. Sometimes new parents won't let the grandparents babysit because they don't trust Grandma with a carseat.    

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