
20 Things Boomers Were Completely Right About

20 Things Boomers Were Completely Right About

Those Kids and Their Computer Games

Though the “okay, boomer” days are gone, the sentiment remains. Younger generations love to poke fun at days gone by and archaic traditions, but like it or not, boomers got (and did) a lot of things right.

BoomerfPhoto by Alex Green on Pexels

1. Getting Off Your Phone

In the old days, computers were a luxury (if you even had one at all). Free time was spent with friends, at the dinner table, or learning new skills. Nowadays, every face lies buried under blue light, completely untouched by the sun. 

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2. Having Basic Skills

How many times did you rely on your parents for homecooked meals, rides to the mall, or even a simple patch job on your favorite shirt? We may have chuckled at all the “pointless” life skills they had, but they’re more than a little useful.  

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3. Doing it Yourself

Speaking of basic skills, boomers didn’t have the internet at their disposal. Minor fixes around the house had to be done by hand, without tutorials or comprehensive guides. Though our parents tried to drill the importance of DIY into our heads, the lesson was lost on us, and now we’re stranded when anything breaks down.

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4. Handwritten Notes

Whether it’s handwritten school notes or heartfelt snail mail, hardly anyone indulges in physical writing anymore. It’s time to bring them back! Not only do handwritten notes help students better retain information, but everyone deserves a pen pal, too.



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5. Learning to Invest

Money seems infinite when you’re young, spent on the latest fashion and ladies’ night at the bar. However, the older we get, the clearer our parents’ message becomes. Investments and smart saving can make that rainy day a little brighter. 

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6. Not Recording Everything

Believe it or not, everyday tasks aren’t a production. From filming strangers without their consent to documenting absolutely everything, there’s something to be said for living in the moment. 

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7. Having Real Menus

Years ago, QR codes teamed up with Covid to bring digital menus…and we want the real thing back. Apps shouldn’t hide restaurant specials and we certainly don’t need another reason to be on our phones.   

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8. Basic Manners

Say what you like about boomers, they have basic manners. A simple “please” or a genuine “thank you” goes a long way, yet manners are far and few between nowadays. 

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9. No Public Pajamas 

We’re all for comfort but pajamas are for the bedroom, not the classroom. Today’s teens saunter out of the house in plaid, oversized pants—all without a care in the world. We have to admit, it's a little odd to see the entire Old Navy pajama department out and about. 

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10. Tattoo Regret

We’d openly scoff at boomers who reminded us, “Tattoos are forever”! While there’s nothing wrong with tattoos, there’s a nugget of truth in that warning. Far too many people dive into questionable ink only to regret it later.


If you’re going to spend all that money, make sure it’s something you really want.

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11. Tipping Culture

A job well done deserves an appropriate tip—but surely not everything deserves gratuity. Coffee shops, clothing stores, and even self-checkouts all ask for generous tips nowadays. Call us crazy, but we don’t want to tip 25% on a $3.00 cup of coffee.

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12. Conversational Skills

For all its advancements, technology hasn’t exactly helped the art of conversation. Covid only made it worse. But with the bars reopened and restaurant patios at full capacity, we’re still missing something. Sure, boomers can be a little chatty, but at least they know how to hold a conversation!

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13. Loud Music

Complaining about volume is often seen as an “old person grievance,” but we think boomers are onto something. We miss being able to hear each other in pubs—and we definitely miss when bus rides weren’t plagued with soundtracks. 

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14. Saving for Retirement

It’s true, retirement isn’t in the cards for younger generations the same way it was for their parents. However, squireling money away every month helps with surprise bills or any lavish purchases. 

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15. Reading Real Books

Yes, yes, we all know that e-readers carry thousands of books—but it’ll never beat the feel of a real one. Everything from the smell to the texture of physical books beats having to tap yet another screen.



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16. Vinyl Records

Remember how vinyl was once the dinosaur of music? Well, they’re back and cooler than ever! Record collections are all the buzz right now, as are our parents’ and grandparents’ favorite bands. 

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17. Driving an Actual Car

There was a time when driving required hands-on skills. Today’s engines, on the other hand, don’t even require a key. Touchpads, push-starts, and incessant beeping practically do all the driving for us—when the cars aren’t literally driving themselves. 

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18. Customer Service

You may not want to engage in a full-blown conversation, but human employees are still a luxury. Good luck finding anyone, though. Between self-checkouts and online FAQs, customers nowadays are left to their own devices. 

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19. Buttons Over Touchscreen

Believe it or not, we don’t want to connect our coffee maker to the internet. We don’t need a touchpad on our refrigerator either. All we ask is for the good old days when buttons still existed. 

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20. Casual Conversation

Established neighborhoods have a different feel—everyone knows each other, children ride their bikes, and neighbors actually know each other. It’s like a scene from a ‘50s sitcom, but there’s far more camaraderie between boomers. 

Logan-Weaver-Lgnwvr-Ttmcqskf6Xs-UnsplashPhoto by LOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR on Unsplash